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Summer Term 2

Week 7


Thank you parents for your support and kindness over the last difficult year. We are so pleased in Y2 to have been lucky enough not to have to isolate at all and to have made it to the end, enabling us to say goodbye to the children. They have been absolute super stars, adapting so well to all the changes and giving their enthusiasm to everything we do. We hope they enjoy their very well deserved summer break! 

Here are some photos from last week's capacity lesson. Children were measuring out various amounts of liquids and reading scales.

Disney day fun! We've had a relaxed morning, doing some drawing, then we had a boogie to a Disney playlist!

Week 5 

Storm whale music - cheesecake song

Check out this amazing rendition of the 'cheesecake' song (I like....... I like, I like, cheese-cake!) by our talented musicians!

Storm whale music - Go West song

'Go West', performed by the wonderful Storm whales.

The children have had a very active week. Take a look at some of our Sports week activities... the children showed great sportsmanship as usual and were very supportive of each other.

More Sports Week fun!

Week 3



The children have been getting creative and technical with the ipads this week. They experimented with taking portraits of each other, both close up and full length. They thought carefully about the composition, then edited them, changing colours and using the crop function. The children have selected their favourites to show on the blog.

We have been exploring the forest, seeing how many different plants we could find. The children then made their own picture out of leaves, flowers and petals. We discussed all the colours and textures.

In RE the children have been learning about the symbols of the six major religions. They created the symbols out of natural materials and played a game to help remember which religion each symbol belonged to!

Here is the display on our topic which hangs outside Mrs Sian's office. It is a combination of different Y2 classes' work and shows all the geography, history, writing, maths, RE and art we have done. Bravo Stormwhales and Gruffalos!

Week 2

This week the children have been thinking back over the past year and making posters to share what they have most enjoyed.

We've been playing lots of fun throwing and catching games in PE, along with some relay races

The children are getting much more confident in playing the glockenspeils. This week their music teacher was so impressed and said the Storm whales were as good as the Y4s! Bravo!
