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Summer Term 2

Week 1

The Gruffalos have done an exceptional job planning, writing and publishing their diaries based on Ruby Bridges' first day at Franz Elementary school in 1960. Please have a look at these super efforts.

The Gruffalos did an excellent job making more collages of inspirational people. After a class discussion and watching a newsround article on him, we decided to make one of Marcus Rashford for his recent brilliant work on school meals and books for children. Mrs Sian has asked us to make a special display of our work in the main corridor. We are very excited!

Congratulations to this week's award winners!

Now you have got your packs, talk to your adults about veggies and watch this video to find out how to get healthier and stronger!

ITV and Veg Power's Eat Them To Defeat Them campaign is back for its third year. Supported by a multi-million media alliance between ITV, STV, Channel 4 and ...

Next week you will get your fobs and maps but be on the look out for check points being put up all over the city this weekend!

Learn how to play Beat the Street in Sheffield!

Week 2

This week we are lucky to have 30 ipads to use. We have been doing coding and some photography. Please ask your child about filters and cropping!

This week in maths we have been voting on who we think is the most inspirational person. We collected the data using a tally chart and then presented our findings as bar charts. Please have a look at the Gruffalos in action using X and Y axis.

This week in science we observed what would happen if we soaked the stems of flowers in coloured water. The Gruffalos could see how the stems sucked up water all the way to the petals!

Congratulations award winners!

Week 3

This week in RE we have been learning about non-violence and how important religion was in guiding Gandhi. Please ask your child about the salt march, tolerance for others and Hinduism.

Please have a look at this great clip which looks at the great life of Gandhi.

This week we have also looked at how important religion and the use of non-violence was, and is, for Dr Martin Luther King and Malala Yousafzai.

Here is the display on our topic which hangs outside Mrs Sian's office. It is a combination of different Y2 classes' work and shows all the geography, history, writing, maths, RE and art we have done. Bravo Stormwhales and Gruffalos!

Well done award winners!

Week 4

In the forest school, the Gruffalos did a great job working in teams to make the symbols of four religions: Islam, Christianity, Judasim and Hindusim. We then looked at what are the special places for these faiths and who are the people who lead prayer.

The Gruffalos did a great job working in teams to build either a "lean to" or an "A frame" shelter for a creature from the Gruffalo story (A Wild Thing crept in too!).

Hi adults! Today in forest school we made "Happy Summer!" cards using double sided tape, flower petals, leaves and firs. We hope you like them. From the Gruffalos!

Just a reminder that you can get your adult to log into the Oxford Owl website for free. On the website are 100s of Oxford reading tree books such as Biff, Chip and Kipper and the Project X series. Please click on the link below to get started!

Congratulations to this week's award winners!

Week 5

The first day of "Sports Week" was a triumph! Everyone cheered on each other and excellent running and ball skills were on display. From the Gruffalos!

Sports week day 2: Today the weather was not so good but that did not stop us! We all managed to complete the speed bounce challenge with flying colours.

Day 3 of sports week involved target throw and clap catching. Good work Gruffalos!

The Gruffalos "Go West!"

The class did a great job following the correct notes to this Pet Shop Boys classic!

In science this week we looked at seed dispersal and made our own sycamore tree helicopter seeds. We then tested them outside in the glorious sunshine!

Congratulations this week's award winners!

Week 6

Today in maths we looked at capacity and measuring liquids in ml (millilitres) and litres. The Gruffalos did a fine job measuring 2l, 50 ml, 200ml, 1l and 80ml. They also did a great job tidying up afterwards!

Please have a go at this capacity and volume game. Remember 1000ml = 1l !

Congratulations award winners!
