- Autumn 1 -
Week 1
Spelling focus - /a/ sound 'eigh' eight weights
Week 2
Spelling focus - /a/ sound ey' they obey
Week 3
Spelling focus - /a/ sound 'ai' snail in the rain
Week 4
Spelling focus - /ur/ sound 'ear' learn and earn
Week 5
Spelling focus - Homophones and near homophones (1)
Week 6
Spelling focus - Homophones and near homophones (2)
- Autumn 2 -
Week 1
Spelling focus - creating adverbs using the suffix -ly Butterflies spelling focus - /j/ sound spelt using 'dge' or 'ge'
Week 2
Spelling focus - creating adverbs using the suffix -ly Butterflies spelling focus - /j/ sound spelt using 'g'
Week 3
Spelling focus - creating an adverb when the root word ends in 'le' Butterflies spelling focus - common exception words
Week 4
Spelling focus - creating adverbs when the root word ends in 'ic' or 'al' Butterflies spelling focus - /l/ sound using le
- Spring 2 -
Week 4
Welcome back Aslans!! This week's spelling focus is....you've guessed it - more homophones!
Try to spend a little bit of time each day practising your spellings ready for our test next Friday (26.3.21).
While we're not able to see your super spelling work in person, we would love to see a photograph of your whizzy work!
You can upload your photos HERE.
Week 5
This week's spelling focus is adding the prefixes bi- and re- to a root word.
Try to spend a little bit of time each day practising your spellings ready for our test next Thursday (1.4.21).
While we're not able to see your super spelling work in person, we would love to see a photograph of your whizzy work!
You can upload your photos HERE.
Week 1
This week's spelling focus is the /g/ sound spelt -gue and the /k/ sound spelt -que.
Try to spend a little bit of time each day practising your spellings ready for our test next Friday (30.4.21).
While we're not able to see your super spelling work in person, we would love to see a photograph of your whizzy work!
You can upload your photos HERE.