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Time to fly...

George Saves the World by lunchtime


To start off our half term, we have read a story about looking after out planet. We have learnt some ways we can help for example, turning out the lights when not in use and hanging out the washing to reduce electricy, recycling paper and plastics in the correct bins to save our oceans and donating unused items to charity or the school fayre. We have also been exploring Forest School and our local environment, identifying the different types of plants and trees. The children have enjoyed spraying leaf patterns with water, nest building, potion making and den building. 

Saving the planet!

Tens frames in maths 


We have been hiding and finding minibeasts then recording how many we found on tens frames. The children could work out who had more / fewer by presenting it in a '5 and a bit' way. One group even had to draw a double tens frame as they found 14 minibeasts!

Doubling in maths


We have been learning doubles to 10. The children have been learning about the concept of doubling. They have found out that doubles are also even numbers as they can be shared equally between two people. 



Oh no! The Evil Pea has invaded our super veggies at school! The children have been coming up with ideas for how to capture the Evil Pea. They have been making traps, writing wanted posters and writing letters to the Evil Pea. They have loved the Supertato stories and have even been making up their own stories in Drawing Club. They have also enjoyed printing with potatoes to create their own Supertatos. 

Oliver's Fruit Salad


After reading the story, we have been looking at where fruit comes from around the world and discussing which fruits can be grown in England. The children really enjoyed looking at the world maps and finding out about new places. 


We have also been learning about how to keep healthy and how to make a balenced meal using common lunch items. The children decided they could have one treat, one main and one piece of fruit. 

Healthy Packed Lunches

DT - Making a fruit salad


We decided to make our own fruit salads just like the story, 'Oliver's fruit salad'. We started off, taking lots of different fruits and picking our favourites. Next, the children learnt how to chop a banana safely. They did a great job learning how to correctly hold and use the knife. They also enjoyed eating the finished result! The following week, the children designed their fruit salad before making and enjoying it!

Fruit Salad Designs

Making fruits using clay

PE - Balls Skills


In PE, we have been practising how to bounce pass, dribble and catch the ball. The children have worked really well with their partner, making sure they are looking at them before they pass and talking about where they will go to make their next move. 

Maths - Money


We have been learning about money including; how to pay with pennies in our role play shop and sorting UK coins. 

Maths - Time


We have been learning about time including; how to order events of our school day, the difference between day and night and how to tell the time to o'clock on an analogue clock. 

Once there were giants


We have been thinking about how we have changed since we were a baby and how we will be growing and changing in the coming weeks. The children had great fun guessing who's baby photo was who's, including the teachers! We also thought about the changes that will be happening as we leave Reception and start Year 1. 
