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Week Beginning 11th January 2021



Today you will have a go at starting your first draft. Please watch the following video to find out more. I seem to have missed off the introduction to the video, apologies! I start with retelling the story using my plan. Then it's your turn to do the same.

Y2 Literacy first draft

Once you have added any extras to your plan and retold it, it's your turn to have a go at writing. Here are your remember to's:


-Use my plan

-Use different openers

-Use capital letters and full stops

*Use adjectives



If you need a bit of help you could use these sentence frames

Please use this form to upload any work from today:


Friday Literacy work

Well done for these well laid out VCOP plans. Now you are nearly ready for writing your first draft on Friday!

Love these fantastic characters for your stories! Very imaginative.



Today, first please watch the first few minutes of yesterday's video again, to join in with the talk for writing. This will help you when planning your own story today. Then watch today's video and have a go at your task.

Y2 Yeti day 3

Y2 Literacy Day 4 brainstorm

Or you could do your VCOP on one side and a more detailed story map on the other.

Thanks for all the brilliant story maps! Click through to have a look....



Today you will be starting to plan your own story, based on 'Gorilla and Pigeon'. Please watch the following video to find out more, then have a go at your task.

Y2 Yeti day 3

So, decide on your setting, then:


Mild - draw your two characters and write some adjectives to describe them

Spicy -draw your two characters and write some adjectives to describe them. Use at least one -est adjective for each

Extra hot -draw your two characters and write some adjectives to describe them. Use at least two -est adjectives for each


Don't forget to take off the y and replace it with an i if you are using est adjectives!




Draw a detailed picture of your setting


Write some sentences to describe your setting.


E.g. Deep in the forest there are knarled tree trunks and bright bluebells. High up in the trees there are noisy birds making their nests. All the trees have fresh green leaves because it is spring.  

Wow! You have made such a fantastic start to your home learning, we are very proud of you. Please take a look through the many responses to see each other's work!



Today we will carry on with 'Yeti and the Bird'. Please watch the following videos in order, then complete the tasks below.



Y2: Yeti

Y2: Yeti part 2

Y2 Yeti part 3

First two paragraphs

Mild: Please use this version. Try to think of actions and pictures for the last 3 parts (or all 5 if you like)

Spicy and Extra hot version

Spicy - please draw pictures for the last three paragraphs.


Extra hot! - please come up with your own pictures for all five paragraphs!

Please upload any photos of your wonderful work here:


Literacy work



Hello lovely Y2s! This week we will be looking at a story called 'Yeti and the Bird'. Please watch the videos below to hear the story and find out about your writing tasks for today. 

Yeti and the Bird

Literacy - Yeti day 1



After watching both videos, please:


-Make your before and after notes about the yeti (you may want to pause the video at the appropriate time to do this.)


-Write a character description of the yeti, with two paragraphs for before and after.


Mild: Write 1-2 sentences for both before and after


Spicy: Write 3 sentences for both before and after. Try to use some conjunctions.


Extra hot!: Write at least 3 sentences per paragraph, using conjunctions and est suffixes

Openers and conjunctions

Please upload your work to this form: Yeti and the bird