Having revised the grid method for multiplying 2-digit numbers, it's time to adapt that method into column methods, on the road to using efficient column methods in due course.
So, there's a video showing how to multiply 2d x 2d and 2d x 3d numbers using the expanded column method, and a set of tasks for you to complete.
Please don't forget to share your work with us using the Google Form, and remember that you can also get in touch using the enquiries@walkley email address.
Have fun!
Hello, Varjak Paws!
We're starting this week with some revision - multiplying 1-digit numbers by 2-digit and 3-digit numbers on Monday, then 1-digit by 4-digit numbers on Tuesday, followed by some Reasoning and Problem Solving, based on these, on Wednesday.
There are two short videos using manipulatives and the expanded column method...
Okay, Wednesday's task is to put your learning from Monday and Tuesday to use, demonstrating your understanding of multiplying by a single-digit number.
Look again at the videos from Monday and Tuesday and then have a look at the tasks. You'll need to be able to spot other peoples' mistakes, or explain why you think what you do. Some of the tasks might need you to use 'trial and improvement' methods - i.e. have a go and see what happens, and have another go if you need to. Look out for exchanges!
Remember to ask questions via the enquiries@walkley email address if you're unsure and need more help. Please send us your work via the Google Form.