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Week Beginning 18th January 2021

After the drama of last week's text where the Elder Paw and the Gentleman's black cats fought, and Varjak was able to escape up the wall to Outside, our next extract from the story sees a change in Vajak's personality as he begins to discover the secrets of the Way...

Task one is to read the text and share your experience of that with someone - talk about Varjak's experience in escaping from the Contessa's garden and how he changes as decides what to do next.

There will be four more tasks through the week, with Google Form links for you to share your work with us.

Friday 22nd January 2021

Task 5 is a quick look at the next chapter...something strange happens!

Year 5 Varjak Paw Chapter 7

Year 5 Varjak Paw Guided Read 2

Thursday 21st January 2021
On Wednesday, we are going to continue thinking about Varjak as a character, specifically looking at how he doubts himself by asking questions, but then moves on. These questions are a tool the author uses throughout the chapter.
Tuesday's task asks you to think about how Varjak's thoughts, feelings and behaviours change over the chapter - it's an emotional roller-coaster!

Year 5 Varjak Paw Guided Reading 2 Task 2

Some great analysis of the character of Varjak Paw, here.
