Hello, Varjak Paws/Year 5 Bubble!
We hope you managed to have a go at last week's spelling and grammar tasks, and are now adept at using the -ity suffix and the 1st/2nd/3rd person perspectives in writing.
This week, our spellings focus on the -ness suffix, and our grammar focus is on using 'conjunctions'.
There's a Google Forms link below for you to share your work with us.
Have fun!
Spagtastic – conjunctions
This weeks SPAG is all about conjunctions ; these are basically the glue that holds the sentence together. Rather than writing one short sentence, a conjunction helps us create longer sentences. There are many types of conjunctions and they can be grouped according to what they do. Have a look at the word mat and work your way through the powerpoint.
With the SPAG tasks, they start off easy and get gradually more challenging. See if you can push yourself to complete all the activities!