"Just keep chunking"...
We are going to bring our learning on division to a conclusion this week, beginning with a look at using 'chunking' and repeated subtraction to divide by 2-digit numbers. We'll be practicing with Varied Fluency on Monday and then using our knowledge (along with the other four operations) on Tuesday and Wednesday, before moving on to begin learning about fractions for the rest of the half term.
Have a look at Mr. Gamage's video and then have a go at the calculations.
Tuesday 2nd February 2021
Here we go today, with some further practice of dividing by two-digits, along with some of your addition, subtraction and multiplication skills.
Wednesday 3rd February
Following yesterday's investigations, here's a chance to really show off your skills in all four operations - you'll need to read the questions carefully and check that your answers are 'reasonable'. The video shows a couple of worked examples. Remember to take notes and organise your work - try to avoid short cuts...
Thursday 4th February 2021
All that dividing leads us neatly on to...fractions! Fractions are all about dividing into equal parts - four equal pieces ('quarters') of pizza, 'half' a biscuit (two equal pieces). Have a look at Mr. Gamage's pizza-based video, then have a go at the tasks. Don't forget to send them in when you're done! Good luck!
Friday 5th February 2021
Let's think about EQUIVALENT fractions - fractions that are THE SAME, starting with a little reminder to get our brains around this concept again.