Super Spellings
Hello and welcome to week 3 of super spellings.
Get your brains and bodies warmed up with this GoNoodle dance all about prefixes and suffixes!
Have a look at your word list for this week and use a dictionary to look up the meaning of any unknown words. If you have a dictionary at home you can use that or you could use this online dictionary.
Try to spend 10 minutes a day using the activities to learn your spelling and then ask someone in your household to test you on Friday. You don't need to print the activities out - you can look at them on a screen and use paper or a pad to complete the tasks. If you find these words too tricky or would like to challenge yourself with some additional spelling words, you can find age-appropriate lists on the lockdown learning log.
You can use this form to give your feedback.
You can use this form to upload any spelling work you would like to share.
Spelling focus: adding suffixes to a number of different root words.
The activities include a word search, a handwriting sheet and a spelling maze.
Butterflies Spelling Focus: common exception words
There are some activities to try in the images below and then there is a wordsearch and handwriting practice.