As of Monday 22nd June our blog will be updated here:
Dear Varjak Paws,
I just wanted to let you know that all of your Varjak Paw adults are thinking about you and will continue to over the coming weeks. We will miss you greatly - from light bulb moments in class, your funny stories you share with us and even the things you do to irritate us from time to time - so far our recycling bin at home has not been used for basketball practice! These are very different times for all of us but we know that we have the spirit to tackle these tricky times head on.
Even though most of us won't see each other, we're still here for you. There are activities available for you on the Lockdown Learning Log, and other things will appear each school day on our class Homework section of the blog - look under the 'Home Learning' area.
If you really get stuck with an activity, then please ask your adult to contact us via the school email address; We are still here to help! If you read a really good book, send an email to tell us about it - we can let the other Varjak Paws know about it. Draw a picture or write a poem and send us a photograph of it.
Try to stay in touch with the news - there will be some things you hear or see that might be a worry (talk to someone you trust, if you are worried), but there will also be something good out there!
Keep in touch with your friends and family on line or by phone if you're unable to see them face to face. Try to stick to a routine if you can - plan what you're going to achieve in the day just like our daily timetable at school. Remember, there are lots of things you can do in your day. I'm sure your family would appreciate your help at home and, alongside this, you can develop some new life skills (how to change your bed, gardening, washing the dishes etc.) Maybe there is something you have always wanted to be able to do - now is the time to dedicate some time to achieving it. We look forward to sharing your new skills and talents!
As Mrs. Sian said on Friday - be the Golden Citizen in your household. Be patient, helpful and supportive. Be kind.
Take care, Varjak Paws - we'll see you soon.
Love from Mrs Goff, Mrs Leverton and Ms Solinger.