At Walkley Primary School, we see assessment as an integral part of teaching and learning which it is inextricably linked to our curriculum. We aim to ensure that:
- Quality first teaching is supported and informed by high quality formative assessment. (ongoing assessment)
- the school ethos promotes and emphasises the opportunity for all children to succeed.
- there is always a clear purpose for assessing.
- assessment is used to focus on monitoring and supporting children’s progress, attainment and wider outcomes.
- assessment provides information which is clear, reliable and informs teaching and learning.
- assessment supports informative and productive conversations with pupils and parents
- children take responsibility for achievements and are encouraged to reflect on their own progress, understand their strengths and identify what they need to do to improve.
- assessment is inclusive of all abilities.
- assessment is used well to help pupils embed and use knowledge fluently or to check understanding and to inform teaching.
We use 3 broad overarching forms of assessment:
- day-to-day in-school formative assessment
- in-school summative assessment
- nationally standardised summative assessment.
Assessing the Curriculum
The Assessment Policy below outlines the aims of assessment at Walkley Primary as well as the approaches taken in different subjects.
Within the policy, we refer to assessment of the Core Curriculum:
- Early Reading
- Reading
- Writing
- Maths
and the Wider Curriculum:
- Science
- History
- Geography
- Design and Technology
- Art and Design
- Music
- Physical Education
- Computing
- Religious Education
- Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish)
- Citizenship (RSHE, PRSHE and Online Safety)