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Autumn 1

Welcome to the Aeronauts 

Class Wide Reward Celebration 

After reaching 100 class wide rewards we earnt our first celebration. We made a list at the start of the year of all the celebrations we might want to have. Last week, we voted on the celebration we wanted to do first and the pizza making celebration was the winner. It was a fantastic afternoon. The pizza were absolutely delicious!

Forest School

In the forest, we made numbers using sticks for tens and leaves for ones.

We had some great fun playing with the parachute. 

We used our building skills to make a house for a hedgehog.



We learnt about place value. We looked at tens and ones and worked out how many tens and ones are in certain numbers. After, we played place value basketball on the big screen, if we selected the right ball with the correct amount of tens and ones it would score a basket.


We learnt about Christianity and how Christians believe that God wants to spread the good news. We talked about kindness and how we should be kind to everyone. We discussed how it is tricky to be kind all of the time. We watched a puppet show where one puppet would not let another play in their game. After, we thought about what we should say to the puppet who was been unkind. Then we made a conscience alley and told the puppet how they should act next time. 


We started our topic on the unit fundamentals. We learnt about how we could sprint more effectively. We tested different running styles and then decided running on the balls of our feet while pumping our arms was the most effective way to sprint.

After learning all our skills in fundamentals, such as jumping, hopping, and jogging, we had a carousel of activities. We had a skipping challenge, a agility jogging challenge and a jumping challenge. After, we had a race to put all our skills into practise.    

After finishing our target games unit, we played a dodgeball tournament to practise our target skills. We each had a team and every team played each other. It was a really fun way to finish off our P.E unit. 


We have been learning about past and present tense and how to use pronouns when talking about the hedgehog Max. We cut up sentences which were jumbled and but them back in the correct order.  

We went on a hedgehog hunt. When we found one we used lots of fantastic adjectives to describe it. 

We wrote some amazing poems about a magic box. Everyone had some really interesting ideas about what to put in their box. After, we performed our poem to the class. Take a listen. 

The Magic Box 2

Uploaded by WPS Video on 2024-10-11.

The Magic Box 8

Uploaded by WPS Video on 2024-10-11.


We discussed who we are. We talked about things we like to do in our spare time and what things we are good at.

We learnt about bullying and what it is. We discussed all the different types of bullying and that it is not a kind things to do. We all made anti-bullying posters.  


This term we are learning all about inventions. We looked at the telephone and how it has changed since it was first invented in 1876.

Below is a link to a video which all of us enjoyed. It is all about Alexander Graham Bell trying to sell his phone.


We have been so impressed with all the amazing aeroplanes which have been made. We had chance to tell the class all about our aeroplane models. All of the planes are now hanging up from the celling or hanging in the window.

Star Group 

We read the story Three by the Sea. We loved this story. In the book, the animals have an argument so we made a script and had a pretend argument in our groups of three.   

We learnt about the poem called The Sneetchers. The poem is made to perform so in groups we performed a section of the poem. 


This half term, we are learning about word processing. We had a go at highlighting the text, changing the font, colour and size of the writing.

After learning all the skills of word processing, such as writing text, changing the size of the text, changing the colour of the text, changing the font and adding pictures, we put all of skills into practise by making a poster.   


We have been learning about the Japanese Yayoi Kusama. We learnt that she made sculptures and put them in infinity rooms. We practised making our own sculpture, which we will then put in our infinity room. 

After drawing our sculptures, today we made them. We were all super excited and had a great time creating sculptures which have been inspired by Yayoi Kusama. 

We started to make our infinity rooms. We used lots of Polka dots and tin foil for mirrors.

Here are our finished infinity rooms, with our sculpture inside. They all look absolutely amazing!


We looked at habitats and worked out which animals live in certain ones.