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Autumn 2

Week 1

This term we will be studying the wonderful country of Japan and making comparisons with the U.K. Here are the Hodgehegs using satellite images, maps, atlases and globes to locate countries and continents.

Seven Continents Song (Oceania Version)

This term we will make stop motion animation in computing. Here is a great quiz to test your skills on using multi-media in computing.

The Hodgehegs are designing a car with wheels and axles this term in Design and Technology (DT). Here we are looking at different vehicles which have an axle and wheels. We also went to look at Miss Edge's trusty car!

Design and Technology (D&T) | KS2 | Axles | BBC Teach

Week 2

This term we are focusing on fitness skills. This week we looked at skipping. Here are the hodgehegs doing the "helicopter" and jumping the rope!

In English we are reading and writing about the fantastic book, "Leaf" by Sandra Dieckmann who lives in Sheffield! Here are the children playing the part of different animals to debate if they should let a lonely polar bear called "Leaf" be allowed to stay in the forest.

In design and technology we did a focused task where we built vehicles with axles and wheels. We looked at fixed and free axles and how to make an axle holder. Well done designers!

In computing, we had a first go at making stop motion films. The children were excellent at working in pairs to make short films. Next week we will plan a 2 minute film which will include pictures, titles and music.

The children got to briefly play with the bears they won last week for excellent class attendance. Well done Hedgehogs and let's keep up our attendance!

Geography | KS1 | KS2 | The world | BBC Teach

The Hodgehegs are continuing to learn about the UK, the world's continents and the country of Japan in geography. Here is a great clip on key geographical knowledge.

Living in a big city - London and Tokyo | Geography - Your World

The children looked at this short film to make a table about similarities and differences between Tokyo and London. We all agreed it was really interesting to see two children's everyday lives in different countries.

Week 3

The Hodgehegs battled the weather and learnt how to skip and hop in their fitness PE lesson this week!

The Y2s were lucky to have an "Animals and Habitats" VR workshop where they explored the world of reptiles, mammals, birds and fish. Great enthusiasm and behaviour were on display! Lewis said, "I really liked it when we saw a golden eagle and dropped into a portal and into space!", Misha said, "I loved being in the VR museum because you could decide to go where you wanted."Riley commented that, "I really liked seeing a chameleon because I had never seen one before." Sol explained, "I liked seeing the Bengal Tiger up close because it is deadly!" and Bella said, "I loved the tree frog because even at night it can see." The Hodgehegs voted and gave the VR experience an average score of 5 out of 5.

Happy Children in Need day everyone. Well done to all for doing the daily "Bearpees" challenge and for raising lots of money for this super charity.

Week 4

In forest school, we did stop motion films of leaves and twigs. Great creativity was on display!

In our PE lesson, which focuses on fitness, we practised changing direction when running by bending low and pushing off the inside of your foot. We also practised our jumping and skipping skills. Well done for a really energetic lesson!

In forest school, the Y2s walked around the school site and then drew a map of the forest school and grounds. Great observations and drawing were witnessed in the beautiful autumn sunlight!

In Design and Technology we did another forcused task where we looked at how to attach wheels to axles and chassis. We also explored the size of different wheels and how to keep the wheels on the chassis. Next week we will sketch our designs and the following week we will build our prototypes!

In forest school we performed part of our show and went for a walk in the sunshine!

Week 5

In Geography, we have carried on the skills learnt in forest school to solve compass direction tasks. Here is a great video which revisits the key skills we need to learn when it comes to knowing the 4 points of the compass.

Using a compass and reading maps |

Polar Bears 101 | Nat Geo Wild

In English, we are writing a non-chronological information poster on the mighty polar bear. Here is a great video from the National Geographic which explains some key facts about the world's largest land mammal!

In Star Group, we have used the BBC's wonderful Karate Cats game to practise reading and SPaG. Here is the link below to enjoy this fun game at home!

Week 6

How to Make a Stop-Motion Animation | Tate Kids

In computing, we are finishing off our fantastic stop motion films which have been planned, filmed and include added sound effects. Here are children in the Tate Modern Gallery doing a similar activity.

We have been lucky to receive 5 big crates of Year 2 recommended reads. The children have loved looking at them and reading some of them already. Please ask your child about their favourites!

The King Of All Polar Bears

Here is a preview of our epic show, "The King of All Polar Bears!" where you can learn a bit more of the message of the story and learn some of the songs!

The class have made their wonderful stop motion movies with titles and sound effects. Well done all for your enthusiasm, creativity and sense of humour!

Week 7

Geography | KS1 | KS2 | The seasons | BBC Teach

In Geography we have been looking at the similarities and differences between the UK and Japan. We have looked at physical and human features and different cultures such as food and the monarchy. We have also looked at seasons and climate. Here is a great video explaining what these mean.

In maths, we have been looking at the symmetry of shapes. Please have a go at these fun games to swat up your symmetry skills!

Finding lines of symmetry | Maths - Let's do Maths

BBC Year 2

The Hodgehegs did fitness bingo today in PE. Even though the weather was atrocious, the children were full of energy and enthusiasm!

Week 8

The children finally finished their toy car prototype designs. Great care was taken alining the wheels and axels and all the cars could move in a straight line on a flat surface. Well done all!

Here are some snaps of our show, "King of all polar bears!" The children were brilliant throughout the whole experience from rehearsals to the two barn-storming performances!

Santa paid a visit today and was very generous. We were given a huge globe and some super pens and pencils. Merry Christmas everyone!

Here are some great games to play during the holiday. The worst witch reading adventure game is particularly brilliant!
