Multiply by 7 in Minutes More at, Sgt Seven Music Video -New and Improved.
Check out this link for more Powerdot Math songs, streaming, downolads and materials. The new and improved Powerdot Math videos help students learn multiplication and division at incredible speed and ease. This program uses special skip-counting songs, mnemonic devices, subitizing, number lines, multiplication charts, kinesthetic movement and more, to allow students to learn rapidly and have fun while doing it.
Congratulations to Chloe and Isobel for being our swimmers of the week!
Maths- the Charlies have been working hard at their column addition and subtraction methods in class! Keep up the good work!
Congratulations to Lillian!! She is our swimmer of the week!
Maths- we are learning our 9 times tables now! Use the song to help at home! As well, continue to do TT Rockstars at home! 
Count by 9s Song
A skip counting/nine times tables song for kids. Watch out, it speeds up! Subscribe! ➜ Visit the Hopscotch Shop! ➜ More Hopscotch math songs!
Congratulations to Brodey and Blossom for being the swimmers of the week!!
Count by 12s Song
A song to teach kids how to skip count and multiply by twelves. Careful! It speeds up... Subscribe! ➜ Visit the Hopscotch Shop! ➜ More Hopscotch math songs! ➜ THANK YOU to our Patreon family, including Mikolay! Download the song!