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Autumn 2

Autumn 2 

Christmas Performance 

After lots of hard work, it was show time. We all enjoyed performing on the stage and showing off our fantastic acting skills!


We had a visit for Father Christmas, he gave us some fantastic presents.

We have also been making some fantastic calendars.

We all had a fabulous time making our Christmas dinner hats. Christmas dinner was also delicious!

We all had so much fun playing party games at the Christmas party!

Class Wide Reward Party 

After achieving 100 class wide rewards we all decided to have a biscuit decorating party. We had a great time on the last day of term!

Trip to St Barts Church 

We went to St Barts this week, to learn about the Christmas story. As we arrived, we were met by all the characters from the nativity story. We then got to met each character individually and ask them some questions. Finally, we all got a juice and a biscuit before we went back to school. 

Christmas Activities 

In the build up to Christmas, we have all been making Christmas cards. 

Children in Need 

There was lots of fun activities which happen in school. One of them was the 100 mile cycle challenge. We al took part and managed the reach the target as a school.

Forest School

In the forest, we were set the task for finding a stick which measured between 15 and 30cm. Then we turned the sticks into wands by painting them back in the classroom. We also had a great timing playing in the snow.


We have started our new topic. We are learning all about stop motion animation. We have started to learn about the programme and see how it works. Each pair created a small animation so we could get the hang of it.

We used our story board, which we made last week, to make the first part of our stop motion animation film. We will be adding sound and finishing them before the end of the half term.


We have been learning how to hold the recorder correctly and how to play different notes. We have learnt how to play A and B so far.

P.E - Fitness

We started our unit on fitness. We learnt all about how to pace ourselves when running and how to turn and skipping rope, for others to jump over. It was tricky at first but we all improved by the end of the lesson. 


We have been practising our dance for the Year 2 performance.  


Virtual Reality 

We all really enjoyed our VR experience. We watched lots of great videos through the headsets. We watched information videos and snakes, frogs, eagles and many other animals. 


We have started reading the book Leaf. Leaf is a polar bear who is lost and some of the animals want him to leave and some want to help him. In the class, we had a debate and explained why we wanted him to stay or leave.