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At Walkley Primary, we aim to develop lively, enquiring minds encouraging pupils to become self- motivated, confident and capable in order to solve problems that will become an integral part of their future.


We teach Maths for Mastery with high expectations for all children. This means that we are teaching children to have a deep conceptual understanding with pupils being able to explain how an answer is calculated; why that answer is correct and what might happen if a particular variable was changed. we believe these are all the hallmarks of a good mathematician.


At Walkley, we believe that all children are able to succeed mathematically, and that one of our primary tasks as maths teachers is to find ways of presenting, scaffolding, and teaching concepts in such a way that everyone will achieve.


Our maths teaching at Walkley is delivered through a blended approach of Big Maths to develop, rehearse and implement core maths skills; Mastering Number in EYFS and KS1 to provide our children with the automaticity, rapid recollection and confidence with basic number facts alongside White Rose to deliver all aspects of the maths curriculum.
