Welcome to Skywalkers!
The 27 members of the Skywalkers crew hit the ground running two weeks ago, and we're making rapid progress towards achieving our mission's goals!
Mr Gamage, Miss Edge and Mr Rist are on hand to help with navigation.
In maths, we have been using our new resources to help us understand place value (just what are those squiggles worth?) and rounding.
Our literacy, guided reading and science curricula are intertwined presently as we discover the historic events of July 1969's moon landing. For our first writing task, we have already researched, taken notes, planned, drafted and edited, and will soon be publishing newspaper reports about the moon landing. Furthermore, our maths learning will be expanding to include data handling using information about changing amounts of daylight in Sheffield through the year.
To help us with our recall of multiplication and division facts, we have all had a go at the Times Tables Rockstars programme - already there are Rock Stars and Rock Legends amongst us!
Caring, sharing Year 5s
This lunchtime, the first group of Year 5 students from both Skywalkers and Varjak Paw made their first regular visit to our Burnaby children in infants and nursery. The children have received training and spend half an hour or so leading younger children in play. In previous years, this has proved hugely successful for all concerned and is greatly appreciated by the staff and children in Burnaby.
Reading, spelling and homework races
It is very pleasing to see that the vast majority of the Skywalkers have made progress in the reading, spelling and homework races. Homework is set on a Friday, for return before the next Thursday. Tasks reflect learning from Literacy and Numeracy lessons, as well as consolidating spelling skills.
Daily reading at home and at school is essential for children; firstly, being able to read is a key life skill, opening opportunities; secondly reading a range of texts will always benefit a child's own writing ability; thirdly, being able to read more easily opens up the rest of the school curriculum; and finally, reading appropriate texts at the correct level is just plain fun, taking readers to different real and imaginary times and places. Our reading records are a key element of the carer/school communication process. Every entry in the reading record also gains a tick in the reading race - you need to be in it to win it!
Getting hands on
We have been lucky enough to be able to handle a range of 'Tudor' artefacts, trying to work out what they are made out of, what they were used for and who might have used them.
Democracy in action!
On Friday, the Skywalkers carried out their democratic duty and elected Class Representatives to the School Council. In free and fair, one person, one vote, elections, Arijus and Paighton were selected to represent our community.
The Heat is On!
Loosen up your vocal chords, warm up your fingers and practice your scales - the first two Skywalkers vs Upper Key Stage 2 Times Tables Rock Stars battles are due to commence tomorrow, Thursday 3rd October, at 0800. Test your times tables knowledge against the Varjak Paws and the Kensukes!
The peace treaty will be signed at 1700 on Saturday. Who will emerge victorious?
Living like a Tudor!
Both Y5 classes spent an amazing day today at Sheffield Manor Lodge, learning about Tudor health and hygiene (or lack of!) and the differences between rich and poor Tudor lifestyles.
The Skywalkers and Varjak Paws behaved impeccably throughout, and were great ambassadors for the school - well done to you all!
We did a lot and had a very busy day - I'll let the pictures speak for themselves...
"Boys' toys" and "Girls' toys"?
A fascinating discussion this afternoon, exploring how we can achieve our goals and what obstacles might need to be overcome along the way - if we work hard enough and have the skills and aptitude needed, what difference will our gender or skin colour make? Should it make a difference? How early are stereotypes established? Do we stereotype people without realising that we're doing it?
Does this make a difference at our age?
If it does, what do we do about it?
Following your work on palm oil last year, we have received two letters from Ferrero UK Ltd (who produce all kinds of exciting chocolate products) to tell us about why they use palm oil and what they are doing to source ethical and sustainable ingredients.
One letter is addressed to you, the other to your grown-ups. What similarities or differences can you spot between the two letters? Which is longest? Which one includes the most information? Do they both 'say the same thing'? Why do you think the have decided to write two letters?
It's great to know that the concerns you raised have been responded to - well done for making the effort to make your voices heard!
Architects and house builders
After studying Tudor house styles, the Skywalkers have had a go at designing timber framed houses, which we will then construct as models to display. Here we can see some of the excellent technical drawings, showing different elements of the houses, along with measuring and cutting the timber into the required lengths, using saws and bench-hooks.