Friday 19th June
Happy Friday folks! It’s time for the weekly CLIC tests again. I was so impressed with the number of responses we had last week. It’s the same format as last week just with different questions. I’m hoping there are no problems but please do let me know if you encounter any issues. Have a go at the level you usually work on and if you’re very confident why not give the next one a go too? Remember to keep using TT Rockstars to practice your times tables.
I’ve also added a link to a you tube video about the number 6174 - have a watch and give it a go – it was something I didn’t know but it really works! One of the reasons I love maths is because of these type of things!
Thursday 18th June
We are continuing to look at area today but we are moving on to looking at the area of compound shapes. These are shapes that are made up of more than one rectangle. The process is the same as yesterday, just that today you need to work out the area of more than one rectangle and add them together to get the total area. Watch my video (yes I held the phone the wrong way again…but if you listen very carefully, half way through you’ll hear Mr. Evans and Miss. Morecroft as they knocked on my door!) for some examples. Then, have a go at the tasks I have set. There are 3 different levels. The hardest level involves decimals so if you’re not confident with multiplying decimals then chose a level below. As usual, let me know how you get on using the google form below.
Wednesday 17th June
Hello Year 5s! It’s Mrs. Leverton back with you to finish the week off. We’re going to move on from perimeter this week and focus on finding the area of shapes. We’re going to start today by looking at finding the area of rectangles. Watch my video below (I’m sorry, I’ve got a new phone and held it the wrong way!) as a reminder of how we can do this. Then, select your level of challenge and have a go at the tasks I have set. There is a problem solving activity for you to try as well as an extension and there are many different solutions – see if you can find them all – think about working systematically! Let me know how you get on using the Google form below.
I’ve also added a link to Bitesize as well as there is a good, simple interactive activity to have a go at – just click on ‘play’.
Friday 12th June
Happy Friday folks! With it being Friday we thought we’d have another go at the weekly CLIC tests. We were impressed with the number of responses we had last week. It’s the same format as last week just with different questions so should be easy to navigate. I’ve spent a while making sure each form is set up correctly and I’ve even completed a google form myself for each clic level as a test so hopefully I’ve ironed out any problems from last week but please do let me know if you encounter any issues. Have a go at the level you usually work on and if you’re very confident why not give the next one a go too? Remember to keep using TT Rockstars to practice your times tables.
I’ve also added a perimeter problem solving activity for those of you who want more, more, more maths! The instructions are on the top of the sheet.
Thursday 11th June
We are continuing with our work on perimeter today but we are moving on to calculating the perimeter of shapes using given measurements. Sometimes not all the measurements are given but you can always work out the missing measurements by using the information you have got. Watch my video for some examples of this. I’ve also attached a sheet of some worded problems for people what want to challenge themselves even more. Some are a bit tricky but are all based on what we have covered this week. I will work through an example in the video.
When you’ve watched the video, have a go at the tasks below then let me know how you get on using the google forms.
Wednesday 10th June
Hi Year 5s! It’s Mrs. Leverton back with you until the end of the week. We’re going to start a two-day focus on perimeter. Today is a practical task which involves you doing some of your own measuring around the house by measuring the perimeter of your rooms. I wonder which room will have the greatest perimeter and which will have the least? Watch the video to find out how I would like you to measure and present your work. Don’t worry if you don’t have a tape measure – I’ve given you an alternative in the video! The differentiation today is only in the ‘do me first’ as, how complicated you make the task is up to you as I will explain in the video. I have also attached a sheet for those of you who want to have some more practice at measuring perimeters.
Please let us know how you get one by completing the google forms.
Tuesday 9th June 2020
Moving on from lines, we're now looking at angles around a point - all 360 degrees of them!
Monday 8th June 2020
Here we go with this week's maths learning - geometry and specifically angles on a straight line. Watch the video, read the teaching and have a go at the tasks! Please remember to try and share your work with us, if you can, using the Google Form. Have fun!
Friday June 5th 2020
Well done for completing all of your tasks on converting units of measure. For your Friday lesson, I have converted all of the 'Beat That' CLIC tests into Google Forms.
Please find your CLIC level, complete the test using the Google Form and then check it over with an adult in your house. Have fun!
CLIC 10:
CLIC 11:
CLIC 12:
CLIC 13:
CLIC 14:
CLIC 15:
CLIC 16:
CLIC 17:
CLIC 18:
CLIC 19:
Thursday 4th June 2020
LO: to solve problems using units of measure
I can remember to:
Key vocabulary:
Convert – change from one unit of measure to another
millimetre (mm)
metre (m)
millilitre (ml)
litre (l)
Today we are continuing with converting units of measure, focusing on the prefix ‘milli-‘ which means 1/1000.
Now that you have watched the video, have a go exploring capacity. The weather is still nice enough to get some measuring jugs out in the garden and have fun measuring and converting amounts of water.
Use a ruler to measure different objects and check the measurement in millimetres, then converting to metres. Would it be a good idea to measure your height in millimetres?
Wednesday 3rd June 2020
Today we are continuing with converting units of measure, focusing on kilometres to metres to measure distance
LO: to use multiplication and division to convert units of measure
I can remember to:
convert from metres to kilometres by dividing by 1000
convert from kilometres to metres by multiplying by 1000
compare distances using < > =
solve problems by converting and comparing distances
key vocabulary:
convert – change from one unit of measure to another
kilometre (km)
metre (m)
Now that you have watched the video, have a go at your activities. If you are in Cubes and Cuboids or Verne and De Gaulle please read on for a bit more help with your problem solving activity.Now that you have watched the video, have a go at your activities. If you are in Cubes and Cuboids or Verne and De Gaulle please read on for a bit more help with your problem solving activity.
Ms. Solinger travelled the same distance on the bus as she did in the car
The clue tells you that Ms. Solinger travelled the same distance on the bus as she did in the car so if we focus on the first picture you can use this as a jumping off point.
8km divided equally between bus and car must be 4km each so we know that bus is 4km or 4000m and car is also 4km or 4000m. Use these facts to help you figure out the other modes of transport.
Tuesday 2nd June
LO: to apply a method to convert units of measure
I can remember to:
key vocabulary:
systematically – step by step
convert – change from one unit of measure to another
kilogram (kg)
gram (g)
Today you will have further practice converting units of measure that are used to measure mass.
I have made the calculations more difficult today so make sure that you draw a place value chart and use it to work systematically through each conversion.
Baking is a great way to understand the difference between grams and kilograms to use some of these conversions in a practical way. I have been baking with my daughter lots at home recently.
Here is a video of us having a go at converting and then measuring.
After you have completed your converting activity, why not have a go at baking bread or a sweet treat. See if you can convert the recipe before you start. Here are some links to some recipes you might like to try.
Use the google form to send in any pictures of your baking creations and your conversions.
Monday 1st June 2020
This week we are beginning a unit looking at converting units of measure. Units of measure are what we use to categorise the distance, mass or capacity of an amount.
LO: to use multiplication and division to convert units of measure
I can remember to:
key vocabulary:
convert – change from one unit of measure to another
kilogram (kg)
gram (g)
I will be using a place value chart to help me with the calculations but if you are confident multiplying and diving by 1000 using an alternative method that is also fine.
We will be focusing on kilometres to metres to measure distance. Watch the video to learn what you need to do today.
Friday 22nd May
Happy Friday Year 5s and today marks the end of the half term so you’ve got a special Leverton family video for your maths today to mark the occasion! We’re still using the column multiplication method but we are working in a context today. The video will explain more and model the method once again for you. Watch the video below then have a go at the tasks I have set. The tasks are levelled but please feel free to change your level of challenge. The last level (cubes and cuboids, De Gaulle and Verne) have an extension task which other groups may wish to try at least some of. Please let me know how you get on using the google forms below. To make access easier there is one just to let me know how you got on and a separate one for uploading work to share. Enjoy year 5s!
** DISCLAIMER – ingredient quantities may have been altered to suit this task – if you wish to make any of the food items in today’s work then find a proper recipe! **
Thursday 21st May
Hello! It’s Mrs Leverton back in the maths seat and have I got a treat for you! Yes, more column multiplication! We’re moving on to multiplying numbers with 3 digits by 2 digit numbers. The method doesn’t change from last week; we just have one extra digit to deal with so it isn’t actually any harder. Have a watch of the video below and the you will see how there is no difference at all. The remember tos will help you break down the steps involved. Then have a go at the tasks I have set. Once again, feel free to try a different level depending on your confidence in this area. I’ve set some challenges for you to move on to if you feel you have a really good grasp of the method. Please let me know how you get on using the google form below.
By the way - apologies for the muffled video to begin with - thought I was getting the hang of filming but I obviously had my hand over the microphone for the first minute - luckily I moved my hand so please bear with me past the first minute! Tomorrow's will be better ... if a little crazy!
Wednesday 20th May 2020
Percentages as fractions and decimals.
Tuesday 19th May 2020
Understanding percentages.
Monday 18th May 2020
Comparing and ordering decimals and fractions
Friday 15th May
Wow, it’s Friday again! It’s time to finish off the week with a bang – yes that’s right – time for some column multiplication fun, fun, fun!! We’re just dealing with two digits multiplied by two digits today and then we will progress further next week. Have a watch of the video below and try to follow each step – the remember tos will help you break down the steps involved. Then have a go at the tasks I have set – I have aimed these at certain groups but go with your confidence level and chose the one which best suits you for this topic – remember, we all have our own strengths in maths. I’ve set some challenges for you at the end but these come with a warning – they are tricky today!! I would really appreciate your feedback on this lesson before I plan for next week to make sure I get the pitch right – it’s so hard not seeing your books each day to make this judgement! Please use the google form below to show me how you’ve got on. Enjoy!
Thursday 14th May
It seems to have been a while since I’ve been in the maths corner but I’m pleased to be back with you. A couple of weeks ago, we were looking at column multiplication where we multiply by a single digit number. We will be moving this on to multiplying by a 2 digit number but I know this is one of the last lessons we had together as Varjak Paws, and one you found a little tricky, so I’m going to break it down first and spend a lesson reminding you about Smile Multiplication – a key step in the column method. Have a watch of the video below then have a go at the tasks I have set you. There is a mix here of fluency questions. If you find these OK, I’ve added some challenges as well. Once you’ve had a go, please leave me some feedback on how you’ve got on using the link to the google form.
Wednesday 13th May 2020
Rounding decimals - today we will spend a session on learning to round decimals (to a whole number and to a tenth). This follows very closely the rounding work that you will have done in previous years, so don't panic!
The instructions and tasks are below, and again there's a Google Form for you to share your work and make comments. Please stay in touch!
Tomorrow and Friday, Mrs. Leverton is taking over the helm and will be guiding you through some multiplication tasks. We've saved percentages for next week...
Tuesday 12th May 2020
Understanding thousandths - we have talked about tenths and hundredths, so the next obvious step is to move on to thousandths (but no further at the moment!) Here are the teaching and tasks documents for you to get to grips with. There's also a Google Form to help you to engage with the teaching and learning. In the longer response box on the form, you can ask a brief question if you need to, or use the enquiries@walkley email address. Please also send us in PDFs or images of your finished work - we love to see them!
Monday 11th May 2020
What an amazing response to last week's maths teaching and learning - great stuff, really well done!
This week, Monday to Wednesday, we're continuing to learn about decimals and fractions and will move on to percentages (high excitement!) Here's the guidance and tasks for Monday. There's also a Google Form to help you feed back to us. Please have a go - if you're unsure, leave a note on the Google Form or on the enquiries@walkley email address and we'll get back to you. Have fun!
Wednesday 6th May 2020
LO: to solve problems using timetables
I can remember to –
Timetables are used to find out when things are scheduled so that you can plan what you need to do, and when. Since there is not much need for bus or train timetables at the moment, I have focused our tasks on learning timetables. The vertical columns track the hour of the day and the horizontal columns track each day.
This is the last day of our statistics recap so I thought that it might be fun for you to fill in your own 'lockdown learning timetables' using the clues provided. Follow the video for an explanation of what to do.
Remember that for a lot of the clues, you need to convert from minutes to hours. Use what you have learned in CLIC, using 'It's Nothing New' to help you simplify the calculations.
When you have finished your activity please use the Google form below to complete your remember tos and share your work.
Wednesday 6th May 2020
LO: to solve problems using two-way tables
I can remember to –
Key vocabulary:
Horizontal - left to right
Vertical - up and down
Row - the horizontal information
Column - the vertical information
Systematically - step by step
data - the information
total - values added together
Today you will be looking at two-way tables, that is tables that can be read vertically or horizontally to find out two different sets of information. Please watch the video to learn more.
Please now complete your activity:
Cylinders/ Pasteur - deep level
Pyramids and Spheres/ Curie and Descartes - deeper level
Cubes and Cuboids/ Verne and De Gaulle - deepest level
I have included the answers for your or a grown up to check after you have finished.
When you have finished your activity please use the Google form below to complete your remember tos and share your work.
Tuesday 5th May 2020
LO: to read and interpret tables
I can remember to –
Key vocab:
interpret - to explain to the information
greatest - the most or the largest amount
fewer - the least or the smallest amount
combined - adding values together
compare - to find similarities and differences
column - the vertical section of a table
row - the horizontal section of a table
if twice as many people chose custard pie as blueberry pie than blueberry pie must be 2 x 7, which equals 14, so the amount for blueberry pie is 14.
14 is the greatest amount so it must be the most popular. To find the second most popular, you just need to look for the second greatest number, which is 11 so that must mean that Lime is added next to the value of 11.
Finally, there is a completely blank row at the bottom, which must be where the data for cherry pie should be recorded. Cherry pie is three more than pumpkin pie and pumpkin pie is 5. Therefore, to find the total for cherry pie it is 5 + 3, which equals 8.
When you have finished your activity, please use the 'google form' below to complete your remember tos and share the work you have done.
Happy Monday everyone! This week, we're going to do a review of Statistics, starting with reading and interpreting line graphs:
LO: to read and interpret line graphs
I can remember to -
Key vocabulary -
data - information read on a graph
increase - to get more or become a larger amount in value
decrease - to get less or become a lesser amount in value
compare - to measure the similarity and difference between data points
difference - the amount between two or more data points
Please send me some photos and let me know how you found the activity by sending me your feedback using the Google Form link below.
Friday 1st May
Wow, May is upon us already, how did that happen?!
Anyway, I thought we would have a break from calculation methods to have a go at one of my favourite games from my childhood. Yes, it’s Funtime Friday! We used to play this on caravan holidays and I remember winning a lot. Now, I’m usually beaten in games by my daughter Esme!
The game is called ‘Shut the Box’ but I have created my own version called ‘Splat’. I will show you how to play in the videos below but you need to do a bit of preparation first. It’s worth it, trust me, we’ve played lots since we made it. I have created two versions of the game – an easier version which you may want to play with younger family members and a harder version which is at a Year 5 level.
For the easier version, you will need:
For the harder version, you will need:
In both versions of the game, the winner is the person who gets the lowest score. You can play a game as just being one round or add up your scores from a set number of rounds e.g. 3 rounds. Oh, and if you manage to get all your numbers down in a round (or splatted!) then you have to shout out something – decide what this is before you play e.g. ‘mega splat’
Please send me some photos and let me know if you enjoy the game by sending me your feedback using the Google Form link below.
Thursday 30th April
Thanks so much to those people who sent feedback via the Google Form – it’s great to know how you’re getting on with the tasks as obviously we can’t see how you’re doing like we can in class. Today we are going to move on to some problem solving. The method we will use is exactly the same as the method we used yesterday, you just have to work out what the problem is actually asking you to do. Watch my video below for a demonstration of this problem solving. Once you have watched it, have a go at solving the problems given in the tasks. There is an extra sheet of more challenging problems to have a go at if you manage to solve the ones I’ve set you.
Wednesday 29th April
Morning! Mrs. Leverton here. We’ve got two days of fun filled multiplication ahead of us and a maths game lined up for Friday. We’re going to look today at the use of column multiplication for multiplying by a single digit number. I’m using another lovely Amber video again today as she demonstrates exactly how we moved our methods forward in Year 5, from Year 4 grid method to using the column method. She mentions going back and watching her videos on the grid method but I don’t think you need to do that. Her explanation is very clear and uses place value counters just as we did in class. Have a watch then check out my screen shots below as a reminder, then have a go at the tasks. Tomorrow we will use the method to problem solve (I know some people requested more problem solving last week!) Use the Google Form link below to share feedback with us.
Tuesday 28th April 2020
So, our journey into the world of decimal numbers continues as we consider equivalent decimals and fraction. Read the instructions text and then have a go at the tasks. We're looking forward to seeing your work!
Monday 27th April 2020
Aaaaaaaand, it's a new week, so it's new maths! Monday and Tuesday, we're looking as decimals (a different way of looking at fractions of a whole). Have a read through the teaching and then have a go at the tasks. There are three different sets of tasks, depending on which maths group you're a part of, but the extension at the end is for everyone to have a go at. Good luck, and remember that you can always get in touch for further help, or to show us what you've done - it's always great to hear from you!
Friday 24th April
I’m back for the last day of the week. I’m wondering how you mark the difference between weekdays and weekends at the moment? For my family we don’t do any home learning at the weekends, spend longer in our pyjamas, play more board games and garden when it’s nice weather. Anyway, in typical Mrs. Leverton style I’ve gone off task so back to the maths. We’re going to focus on chunking again today but we will find out what to do when a number doesn’t divide exactly by the divisor, or in chunking terms, we can’t take any more lots of the divisor away but there is still some left over. We record this as the remainder. Have a watch of today’s video and hopefully this will all become clear! Then have a go at the tasks I have set. There are a few problems to solve if you want to challenge yourself as well but think back to before the holidays when we looked at problem solving with remainders when thinking about the final answer (a re-watch of the video from 27.3.20 may help).
Click on the link below to feed back to us on today's lesson.
Maths Feedback
Wow! Thank you so much for your feedback on the maths. I've really enjoyed seeing what some of you have produced. It's tricky for us as, when we teach you in class, we can tell from your whiteboards (and often your faces!) if you're 'getting it' but we don't know in this new way of teaching - we're learning along with you really. Please do let us know if there are any problems - I love hearing the positives but negatives are really useful for us to and we can always make changes if things aren't working for you.
I've heard today how fantastically Esther is getting on with her maths and really getting to grips with chunking, Xanthe found the work entertaining and fun and it was all good for Ethan!
Here is some of the work produced today.
Keep it up year 5s - we're all so proud of you.
Thursday 23rd April
Hi Year 5s! It’s Mrs. Leverton back with some maths teaching for the last two days of the week. Following on from our work on division before the holidays, we are going to progress to dividing by two digit numbers. For this, we need a different method which is the chunking method. I know you looked at this in Year 4 but I also know, from our work in CLIC this year, that it is the method that most of you have forgotten or find the trickiest. Hopefully today’s video and tasks will help you develop your use of this method. Have a watch of the video (You’ll see I’ve tried to replicate my class although they’re a bit quiet!) then have a go at the tasks I’ve set below.
Once you've had a go, we're trialling using Google Forms so you can let us know how you're getting on and share work with us. We will not do this with every piece of work but, so we can see how it works then please follow the link below to share your thoughts. Thanks Year 5s!
Write a worded problem using one of the calculations below then ask an adult to solve it! Teach them how they could use the chunking method.
Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Today is 'Reasoning and Problem Solving' day, using your addition and subtraction skills. Read the information carefully and decide where the maths is!
Tuesday 21st April 2020
As promised, here's the second exciting instalment of this week's maths - subtraction by decomposition (and that doesn't mean leaving it until it rots away!) Look and listen to the instructions in the video and then have a go at the calculations in the document. Tomorrow - problem solving...
If you have any questions, please get in touch on the enquiries@walkley email address and we'll help you out as soon as we can.
Monday 20th April 2020
Well, well, here we go with this week's maths learning - revising subtraction! In the document below, you will find a set of 'Varied Frequency' calculations for each group, as well as step by step instructions for subtraction using the column method. For today, there will be no need to 'steal/borrow/decompose' - we'll come on to that tomorrow! Then, on Wednesday, you'll be set some problem solving activities.
Hope it makes sense to you - if you have any questions, ask your grown up to contact us using the enquiries@walkley email address.
Friday 17th April
LO: to be able to find fractions of amounts
I can remember to:
For our last lesson of fractions this week we are going to be looking at finding fractions of amounts, which means using numbers as the whole we are dividing into equal parts.
watch the Maths is Fun video to learn more...
using the bar model you can see that one quarter of 20 is 5, 2/4 would be 5+5 or 5x2 so it would be 10, 3/4 of 20 would be 5+5+5 or 5x3 so it would be 15.
Try to use these bar models in your own working out.
Thursday 16th April
LO: to be able to find common denominators to compare and add fractions
I can remember to:
Key Vocabulary:
Fraction - an equal part of a whole
numerator - how many parts you have
denominator - how many equal parts the whole is divided into
common - the same
compare - to find the difference between two amounts
> greater
< less
= equal (same)
Today let's try the challenge of comparing and adding fractions that have different denominators. The way to do this is to find a common denominator.
We will use the same methods that we used to find equivalent fractions yesterday. You are finding equivalent fractions to make the two denominators the same.
Let's try a problem:
Mrs Leverton walks for 3/4 of a mile on her lockdown walk and Mrs Goff walks for 5/8 of a mile for her daily exercise.
Who walks the furthest? How far do they walk altogether?
This is a two step problem, you have to compare the fractions to find out who walked the furthest and then add them to calculate the total.
but first you have to find a common denominator
Now that you have found a common denominator, it is easy to compare or add the fractions. The problem would now be:
Mrs Leverton walks for 6/8 of a mile on her lockdown walk and Mrs Goff walks for 5/8 of a mile for her daily exercise.
Who walks the furthest? How far do they walk altogether?
Remember that this is a two step problem so let's start by comparing the fractions to find out who walked the furthest:
We can see that 6/8 is greater than 5/8 so Mrs Leverton walked the furthest.
the second step is to add the two numerators to find out how far they walked altogether. You might need to convert from an improper fraction to a mixed number just like we did on Tuesday (scroll back to Tuesday's lesson if you have forgotten how to do this or use the fractions guide)
By adding the numerators, we found the total of 11/8, which is an improper fraction.
11/8 is one whole with 3/8 left over so it is 1 3/8.
Now have a go at your own activities. These are in three stages today, comparing, adding and finally some worded problems. Remember that the learning objective is to find common denominators so that should always be your first step. Use the remember tos as a guide and work systematically (step by step) through them.
Wednesday 15th April
Before we start comparing and adding fractions, we need to remember how to find equivalent fractions. Equivalent means that the value is the same, however, the denominator and numerator look different.
LO: to find equivalent fractions
I can remember to -
find equivalent fractions using models
use multiplication to find equivalent fractions
make sure that whatever I do to the numerator, I also do to the denominator
Key Vocabulary:
Fraction - an equal part of a whole
numerator - how many parts you have
denominator - how many equal parts the whole is divided into
equivalent - equal in value
Let's look at how we can use bar models to show equivalent fractions. When we use a bar model, we must make sure that the whole model stays the same size. it is only the parts or fractions that the model is divided into that change.
If you look at the first example, you can see that the bar model or whole is the same size but the first example is split into two equal parts, or halves, and the second is split into 4 equal parts or quarters. In order for the value to be the same, you need to shade more pieces of the second bar model, so 1/2 is equivalent to 2/4 as they are the same in size and value, but not the same numerator or denominator.
You can see from the second example that as I split my whole bar into eight equal pieces (eighths), I need to shade more to make the model equivalent. This means that both the numerator and denominator are changed to make my fractions equivalent. The numerator becomes 4 and the denominator becomes 8 because I have split it into eighths. I wonder if you're starting to see a pattern?
Let's look at how to find equivalents using multiplication...
You can see that as we continue to split the whole into smaller pieces, we continue to multiply both the denominator and the numerator by 2, so 2x2=4 and 4x2=8 meaning that 2/4 is equivalent to 4/8
Using this pattern, what would 4/8 be if we split the whole into sixteen pieces (sixteenths)?
You can also figure out the sixteenths from halves or quarters just by looking for the connection or relationship between the denominators. 16 is eight times bigger than 2 so you need to multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 8.
E.g. 1x8=8 and 2x8=16 so 1/2 is equivalent to 8/16.
Tuesday 14th April 2020
Welcome back everybody! I hope you had a lovely Easter break and that you are making the best of our new normal. You might not know this about me, but I love teaching fractions so we have a week of recap on multiplying fractions, comparing and adding fractions and finally, finding fractions of amounts. I know that you will give it your best and make everyone proud!
LO: to multiply fractions:
I can remember to
Key vocabulary:
Fraction - an equal part of a whole
numerator - how many parts you have
denominator - how many equal parts the whole is divided into
improper fraction - a fraction where the numerator is greater than the denominator
mixed number - a mix of whole number and fractions to show fractions that are greater than 1
Let's start off simple to get your brains back into fractions mode:
Duggee is having a pizza party (well he does have his pizza badge after all). He has invited myself and the Gruffalo and he cuts his pizza into four equal pieces. We each get one slice. How many pieces will he use?
Remember that you are only multiplying the numerator because the pizzas are cut into quarters and that doesn't change, so the answer is 3/4, not 3/12.
What about if Duggee gives us two slices each?
Uh oh, Duggee is going to need more pizza!
Don't forget that 6/4 is an improper fraction because the numerator is more than the denominator. 6/4 is 1 whole and 2/4 as a mixed number.
If you are in Verne and De Gaulle, for that extra challenge, don't forget to simplify your fractions to the lowest possible denominator,using your knowledge of equivalent fractions. For example, 2/4 is equivalent to 1/2
Try this one on your own (don't forget to draw the pizzas or bar models, or just use your multiplication facts to help you):
Duggee cuts his pizza into six equal pieces (sixths) and gives himself and three other friends 3 slices each (so four people altogether). How many slices is that altogether?
Don't forget to convert the improper fraction into a mixed number by thinking about how many whole pizzas he uses and how many left over slices he will need.
Have a go before checking the answer underneath. Use the remember tos as a guide:
4 x 3/6 = 12/6 = 2 whole pizzas
Now that you've gone through my worded problems, can you have a go at writing and solving your own? Make sure that you use the remember tos to help you.
Why don't you have a real pizza party and invite whatever characters you can find at home (you can tell the age of my kids from my choice of characters), or even real family members. email any work that you have done or pictures of your pizza party to
Finally, relax and enjoy The Pizza Badge with a younger sibling, or just by yourself because you're never really too old for Hey Duggee, A-Woof!
Friday 27th March
Hi Year 5s. Welcome to your last maths lesson before the Easter holidays. Today we will be working once again on short division involving remainders. For a recap on division with remainders watch yesterday’s video. Today we will focus on the problem solving side of division with remainders to consolidate our fluency skills from yesterday.
After watching today’s video, follow the remember tos to solve the questions. You will have a few fluency questions first of all to practice your skills then we will move on to problem solving where you will need to think about what needs to happen with the remainder in order to fully answer the question. Tackle the questions aimed at your group. Any problems, email enquiries.
Enjoy and happy holidays! Keep checking the other areas of the blog as when we come across a good idea, a link to a good website or just something we think you will enjoy watching we will post this in the home learning and ‘other curriculum areas’ section. We will also share some of the work you send in to us – it’s great to see how you’re getting on with the tasks.
Stay home and stay safe.
Team Year 5
Thursday 26th March
Hi Year 5s. Me again – Mrs. Leverton. Today we will be working on short division involving remainders. It’s just like yesterday really but when you divide you may end up with some left over. We record these are a remainder. Watch my video below for more information and a model for your work today. Hope you like my video and does my voice always sound that bad?! Sorry about my filming skills - I'll work on them for tomorrow!
After watching the video, follow the remember tos to solve the varied fluency questions. Tackle the questions aimed at your group. Any problems, email enquiries.
No problem solving today – that’s the focus of tomorrows lesson.
Team Year 5
Wednesday 25th March
Happy Wednesday Year 5s! Mrs Leverton here. Today we will be looking at the method of short division or 'bus stop' method as some people call it. For the Varjak Paws this is very recent learning so hopefully it is fresh in your minds. For the Skywalkers, this was a little longer ago so let's see what you can remember.
Firstly, watch the video link below - it's the lovely Amber again! It's my turn tomorrow so you'll be hearing from me then!
Then, follow the remember tos - I have taken photos so you can see each step (I wish I'd chosen a cleaner white board!)
There is a document under the photos with fluency questions for you to have a go at - choose the right level for your maths group. At the bottom are a couple of problems to have a go at solving.
If you have any problems please ask an adult to contact us at the enquiries email. Enjoy year 5s and stay safe.
Team Year 5
Home learning; Numeracy for Monday 23rd March 2020
Please look at the video and then have a go at the tasks on the PDF. Remember we're here to help - contact us by email at if you get really stuck.
Please let us know what you think about the video, as this will be the main way that we will be teaching whilst we are away from school.