I will be updating this page once a week with a new Guided Reading text for you to read through.
Read the text out loud to yourself or to an adult and try to use expression in your voice.
Adults: Below are examples of questions you can ask your children as they are reading, focusing on key skills (see below).
Under each text are tasks focusing on one of the key reading skills.
Key Reading Skills
- Understanding the words that they have read (vocabulary);
- Inferring meaning from what they have read and to explain and justify using evidence;
- Summarising effectively including retelling and understanding the text in the correct sequence;
- Retrieving information from the text;
- Predicting what will happen later in the story;
-Explanation of themes and patterns across the text and understanding that the author has made choices for effect;
- Commenting on their own opinion and where they notice similarities and differences between texts.
Zeke Meeks vs the super stressful talent show
Read CHAPTER 1 ONLY of the interactive book below.
You can read the rest of the book if you want to AFTER you've completed the Guided Reading tasks.
The Legend of King Arthur
Myths and Legends are stories which have been told from people to people for generations.
As they are retold details are added to make them more exciting and interesting leading to lots of different versions of a story.
Here is one legend of King Arthur take a read and at the end complete the 3 tasks.
The International Space Station
On the 30th May 2020, a rocket was sent up the the International Space Station with two astronauts for the first time in 9 years from the USA. But what is the International Space Station? Watch the videos, checkout the websites and then read the Guided Reading text to learn more.
The 3 Guided Reading tasks are attached below.
The Vikings
This weeks Guided Reading is all about the Vikings. By reading this text you will get an introduction about Viking values, where they came from, their beliefs and their lifestyle.
The Iron Man
This week we have an extract for you to read from the book 'The Iron Man' by the author Ted Hughes. Once you have read the extract, you can have a go at the tasks. Please spend a minute to complete the google form to give your feedback and share your work - we'd love to see what you get up to!
Sun Safety
Its extremely important to keep safe in the sun!
Read this text and complete the tasks about how to stay safe in the sun!
Last week we saw the start of Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection and community.
Read the text below (Click the image to make it bigger) to find out more then complete the three tasks.
This weeks reading is another recipe for you to follow at home.
Read and follow the instructions to make perfect pancakes at home then have a go at the tasks below about the recipe.
Not only are you practising your reading but your also making some scrumptious food!
Hot Cross Buns
Why don't you try following this recipe to make your own Hot cross buns then complete the 3 tasks below just like we do in Guided Reading