National Emergency Services Museum
What an amazing day! The children all had an amazing time and displayed incredible knowledge about the Great Fire of London! The staff at the museum were really impressed with the behaviour and enthusiasm of our Walkley children.
Chinese Dancing
Today Amy led a Chinese dancing session with the Year 1. Take a look at the link below.
At Walkley we are committed to fostering Maths mastery. A longer concentration of each area of Maths will encourage a deeper understanding and confidence in each child, meaning that progress will be secure with no gaps in understanding.
Year 1 are looking at place value up to 50 for the next few weeks. This week we have had an investigation to try to discover how many ways you can make 10 using 3 numbers. Each table had a pack of Numicon and white boards. They used the Numicon to make 10 and then recorded their number sentences:
This week we have been consolidating counting in tens. This is going to lay the groundwork for the children being able to add 10 or multiples of ten to any 2 digit number.
There are lots of ways to support your child in this. There are lots of songs on Youtube that can help this skill. If you want 'in your face' rap then I have found:
If you want groovy then there is the Singing Walrus:
Online games are a fun way to practise Maths. we have tried this counting in 5s and 10s dot-to-dot game in our lesson:
Have an explore of online maths games. It is a good way to sate their desire for screen time with good solid learning!