Design & Technology
Year 5 have been very busy in D&T this half term, where most of the class have learnt a new skill, being able to sew! We had some focused tasks where we learnt to sew certain stitches. Children then created a design brief to make their own bag for either themselves, friends or family. We had many great ideas such as designing and making a bag to hold art pencils, glasses, toys, money and even cat treats! Here we are busy working and some examples of final designs!
In Literacy we’ve been reading Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling. His stories have a fictional element to how certain animals have got their characteristics. Such as How the Elephant got his Trunk and How the Camel got his Hump. For our writing we retold part of one-story using speech to add character. We decided to act out parts from the story before we planned our ideas. Here we are acting out scenes using characters from the story.
Home Learning
As part of our home learning, children had to select a county in The Commonwealth and create a model of it using whatever media they like. A child in Hiccups made theirs out of cake!! I just had to share this on our blog! Yumm!
Physical Education
Over the past half term, Year 5 have been working hard with Dazzle Dance Amy to put together a Bollywood dance routine. Over the past six weeks children have choreographed their own sequences, used actions and dynamics to create space, followed set choreography and confidently performed their final piece.
Myself, all the teaching assistants who work in Y5 and Amy would like to say another huge well done to your effort, enthusiasm and engagement during this unit.
Take a look at your final performances!