Week 1
The children have begun their history topic, "People who have made a positive change over the last 150 years". Here is a great interactive BBC game which looks at Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and Emmeline Pankhurst. (Please ignore the Guy Fawkes game!)
Week 2
In English we are currently planning our diary write which is from the point of view of "Little Red Riding Hood." Here are two great clips of this traditional tale!
Week 3
Hi Hodgehegs! Britain's birds need you! The Big Garden Birdwatch weekend is here! From Friday 26th to Sunday 28th January, you can join in by setting aside one hour to count the birds in your area. There are plenty of resources available online, to make sure you and your families can take part no matter what space you have available. Click here to find out more: https://www.rspb.org.uk/whats-happening/big-garden-birdwatch/submission
Week 4
Week 5