Week 5
This week we are having a 'Brilliant Boxes' project week in DT. We are intending to make a trinket box for ourselves to keep all of our most precious objects.
We started off by learning about 3D shapes and how to construct them. We made nets and experiemented building with different contrction sets. We then tested 3D shapes to see how strong they were. Have a go trying the experiement at home!
Week 4
We have had a lovely time exploring the second chapter of 'The Explorer'. We listened to the story and shared ideas to visualise what the setting of the book would look like.
Our trip to the library gave us a lovely opportunity to explore books and develop our love of books! We had a wonderful time and hope that all of the children will continue to visit the library and take out books to read at home.
In computing we have started learning about databases and how to organise information. We worked together to create branching diagrams about animals.
Week 3
This week in reading, we are looking at the Lorax and learning about reading with expression. We have looked at the rhythm of the poem and how to read with an entertaining voice. We read out loud with our partners and read with fluency and emphasis. Have a dnace along with 'Don't read like a robot' for some extra practice.
We have also been working really hard at finishing our computing projects this week. We composed pieces of music that we thought would fit the mood of Mariokart and then changed the tempo to suit the different clips that we used. I have compiled all of the projects into one clip and I'm sure you will agree that they fit to the clip very well! Some amazing compositions!
Week 2
We have loved celebrating our acheivements in art this week through hosting a Frida Kahlo inspired exhibition! We got all dressed up and then invited Year 1,4 and 3 to come and marvel and the most fantastic art exhibition the world has ever seen! I hope you also enjoy the photos. The children have worked very hard on them.