Week 6
What a busy term we have had! We reached 40 rewards on our CWR chart this week so we had a dressing up party on Monday. We enjoyed playing a listening game called 'Master of the treasure' and then we had a Superhero disco.
For our final week we have been learning more about Chinese New Year. We listened to the story of the Chinese Zodiac and found out which animal represents the year that we were born. We made Chinese Dragons with paper, tissue and card. We carefully folded the card to create a concertina to put between the head and tail which we had carefully coloured in. Then we added straws.
Later in the week we are going to do some Chinese dancing with Amy.
Week 5
The Chameleons have been very busy this week. We watched a video about Chinese New Year and have enjoyed dressing up and acting in our Chinese themed home corner. In the investigation corner we have carefully explored the rice using cultural utensils like chopsticks and soup spoons. We also acted out the race from the story of Chinese New Year and looked at some Chinese writing.
In maths, we have been ordering numbers in lots of different ways. We worked together in our groups to put the number lanterns in order. Some of us wrote numbers in order on the big screen and we ordered magnetic numbers too.
Keep practising by having a go at ordering non-consecutive numbers in this Chinese Dragon game.
In Topic we have been using our Fred Fingers to write simple sentences about our Super Veggies. We also learned how to use a word mat to find words that are more difficult to spell like cape.
Week 4
This week the Chameleons have been working with Mr Rist as I have been working in Elmers. Mr Rist has told me how impressed he was by their behaviour and eagerness for learning. Well done Everyone!
So what have they been up to????
Well, they have been very busy learning about capacity in maths. They have even made up their own spells and then recorded them on whiteboards.
In topic, the Super Veggies have had one final mission ... to help the plants and flowers grow by becoming compost. The children watched a video from Miss Baron's garden to find out what compost looks like and how it is made. Then they set about making compost bags with some of the leftover veggies, soil, leaves and paper. We will check on the progress of the compost over the next few weeks.
Then we learned about recycling and sorted a big bag of rubbish into the correct colour bin.
Week 3
In maths this week we have been learning all about heavy and light. We looked at lots of different types of scale and talked about what they were used for. Then we played human scales where we worked in pairs. One person was the scale and closed their eyes as their partner put one object in each hand. The scale then had to move to indicate which item if any was heavier. Then we swapped over. We also had a go at ordering objects from heaviest to lightest.
Super Veggies Unite!
Our classroom is safe from Evil Pea, thanks to the help of the amazing Super Veggies!
We have been using our creative skills to make these brilliant super heroes out of vegetables. We thought carefully about how to attach the materials together because glue doesn't work very well on a vegetable! The children came up with some great solutions especially for Mr Broccoli who was having a few problems keeping his cape on. (A needle and thread worked wonders). They also made sure that their Super Veggies had all the features that every super hero needs including a cape, a mask and a belt. Well done everyone!
Week 2
WOW Chameleons, what can I say. You have been super this week.
This week we have been continuing our work around the story - Supertato!
We have begun designing our own Super Veggies to help us defeat the Evil Pea. The children have worked so hard forming their letters and using their Fred Fingers to write labels for the characters they have designed.
Here are some of the fantastic pieces of work the children have done so far.
That pesky Evil Pea was at it again though later in the week causing chaos in kitchens and classrooms everywhere so we were given the task to build some traps to try and finally catch him and put a stop to it once and for all!
The children had some great ideas for resources they could use to build their traps and with some trial and error we ended up with some super creations.
Take a look at some of traps here.
Week 1
Welcome back everyone! We hope you all had a fantastic break and are ready for another term of fun and learning. This term we are continuing with Read Write Inc but some pupils will be moving to a new ditty group, where they will work in partners to read a short story then write about it. We will also consolidate our learning of set 1 sounds.
5 Frames in Maths
Do you know what a 5 frame is? Well by the end of this week you will. We are using these tools to help us count accurately and to compare different amounts.
We started off by drawing our own 5 frame on a whiteboard. We then had to work with a partner to fill the frame with objects from around the classroom. Remember to put one item in each box and when all the boxes are full you will have 5. We found all sorts of different objects. Later this week we will use more 5 frames to compare different amounts.
A special visit
This afternoon we visited the discovery zone library which is on the top floor of our new school building. There were so many books displayed on the bright furniture. We had great fun searching through and looking at them. We found books about dinosaurs, pirates, avengers, trees, princesses, animals, adventures and lots of other things. There were comfy stools too. Our Golden Citizen chose a book called 'Fleabag' for our story which we took back to the classroom. We can't wait to come back again!