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Spring 2

Week 6

Congratulations to our latest Golden Book winners. You are all amazing and we are super proud of you!

We have made it to the end of the Spring term! The Anansi class have worked so hard and learned so much this term. We are amazed by their enthusiasm and resilience and we are all incredibly proud of them! 


This week we finished off our Space songs and then performed them to an audience. The children were amazingly brave and extremely professional. The audience was supportive and enthusiastic and everyone had a great time. We hope you enjoy what we have put together!

Y1 Anansi Far Out in Space Song

More painting in the creative zone where we made our Mother's Day cards. We hope that all of the amazing Anansi mums, Grandmas and carers enjoyed your special day! 

Our First Walkley School Trip. Today we went to Concord to take part in the Arches Archie Party. We learnt lots of new skills and had lots of fun!

Week 5

Congratulations to our latest Golden Book winners. You are all amazing and we are super proud of you!

This week we have been rewriting the song that we learned to fit to our space theme. We used cards to draw our own ideas and put them over the old song to help us with the pattern and rhythm. There were some fantastic ideas and I think the songs are going to be amazing!

In guided reading we got into role and thought about why the Bear from 'Have you seen my Hat' might feel guilty about eating the rabbit. We wrote sorry letters to show the characters remorse and regret. 

In maths we have been continuing our work on measurement. We used cubes to measure objects around the classroom and then today we moved on to using a ruler for a more accurate measurement.

Week 4

Congratulations to our latest Golden Book winners. You are all amazing and we are super proud of you!

It's been forest school this week and so in maths we investigated length and height in the forest. On Monday we found things that were longer or shorter than our pencil and on Tuesday we found things that were taller or shorter than ourselves! The children were fantastic at finding lots of examples and using plenty of maths vocabulary

We have been using our forest school time as a perfect excuse to explore and investigate the signs of spring. In science we predicted signs of spring that we might find and then investigated the area to find examples to prove our predictions. We drew labelled diagrams to show our learning. 

This afternoon the forest had magically come alive with a glade of daffodils! We collected some and then took our time observing each part and stage of the flowers before drawing beautiful still life pictures.

Week 3

Congratulations to our latest Golden Book winners. You are all amazing and we are super proud of you!

Over the next few weeks we are going to be writing space songs. This week we learned a well known song and performed it with actions. We will then work on adapting and changing the existing song to fit with our space theme.

Y1 Anansi - Down in the Jungle Song

We then worked in teams to think about all the things we might find in space. This was a great way to share ideas and think about what we might want to include in our own songs. 

Week 2

Congratulations to our latest Golden Book winners. You are all amazing and we are super proud of you!

Another congratulations for an award winner from Anansi class! We were proud that the winner of the Chinese New Year art competition for all of KS1 was in our class! What a fantastic achievement!

This week has been busy as always! We have been doing some amazing mixed media art work this week using toothbrushes, coffee filters and spray bottles! The children learned lots of new techniques and were able to make their pictures look individual by adding their own flair!

In science, we have concluded our learning about materials by researching our own books (it is world book day this week after all).

We took the well known, this is not my... book series and investigated different materials to create our own versions. We used lots of scientific vocabulary to describe how different materials felt and explored all over the school! 

Week 1



Well done to this week's Golden Book award winners. You are all superstars and we are very proud of you!

This week in maths we have been learning different ways to count and represent numbers. We looked at coutning in tens and how we could represent tens in different ways. We also looked at using hundred squares and Base10 to help us count and make amounts. 

We have been busy modelling this week using designs for rockets that we created before the holidays. We made a simple rocket structure and then used our creativity to add detail and essential equipment. It's lovely to see the individul touches to all of the rockets!

In guided reading we have been looking at the lovely book, Anna Hibiscus' Song and thinking about what makes us happy. We acted out parts of the story and played guessing games to see which character was being portrayed. 

