We are sorry to advise that the trip to the City Hall on Friday 10th March (tomorrow) has been postponed due to the adverse weather. This is a postponement of the trip only - please watch out for information about school opening!
Manor Lodge
Our Y5's were lucky enough to have the opportunity to experience some local history while visiting Manor Lodge. Throughout the day, we explored the grounds, met Bess of Hardwick, learnt all about Tudor medicine, food, clothing, Mary Queen of Scots, and even got to complete some inventories with a quill and ink pen along with making their own herb bag! Y5 made Walkley proud with their superb behaviour showing amazing engagement and asking inquisitive questions! Well Done Year 5.
The Halle Orchestra at the City Hall - STOP PRESS!
Here are the resources for the other song...Hans Zimmer's 'Earth'. It's a slightly more complex song than Life Is A Wonderful Thing, but we'll rise to the challenge!
We are all really looking forward to our trip to the City Hall on Friday 10th March. In preparation, we have been asked to rehearse two songs that we will be performing along with everyone else in the audience. The first is a really upbeat, lively, positive, happy song called 'Life Is A Wonderful Thing'. Below you will find a PDF with the lyrics and a link to a website so that you can hear and join in with it!
Details of the second song will be with you very soon...watch this space...
Literacy - Just So Stories
Last half term Year 5, wrote their own 'Just So Stories' inspired by Rudyard Kipling. This week Y5 proudly shared their stories with KS1 and FS children. There were so many positive comments and the younger children really enjoyed listening to them. Well Done to Y5 for writing such exciting and interesting stories as well as publishing them so nicely.
Y5 have immersed themselves in classical poetry; in particular, Robert Frost’s infamous poems ‘The Road Not Taken’ and ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’. We have been discussing our views on the poems through class discussions to help us articulate and justify our opinions. After analysing the poems, we used the two poems as models in order to plan our own poem with a specific focus on the theme of decisions and opportunities. We made sure our poems included modal verbs. After writing our poems we edited in partners.
We finally performed our poems on the Tennyson Stage.