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Spring 2

Sharing, Turn Taking and SNOW!!!!

In Elmers we love playing games. We have been playing games that help us practise our turn taking, rule following and sharing with others. We do this lots within our play every day but it was really nice to sit together and learn new games and spend some quality time together really practicing these skills.


One of the most fun things about being in Elmers id that if something fun happens we can quickly put down our toys, pop on our coats and head off to enjoy it. 

Here we are doing just that when the snow arrived today!

One of our Elmers had so much fun she decided to draw a picture of herself enjoying the snow. What a great picture. 

And now back to minibeasts...

This week we have looked at Slugs and Snails. 

We have read a great book called 'Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell'

Click here to enjoy it again and then enjoy looking at some of the Snails we have mad in the playdough having fun strengthening our finger muscles.  


Tori's Stories - Norman the slug with the very silly shell.

Norman is a slug who longs to be a snail - if only he could find a shell! Kids will laugh out loud at Norman's crazy antics as he goes to hilarious lengths to find a shell of his own. But will he be satisfied once he finds one, or will his dreams get bigger and bigger and bigger?

Forest School

This week we continued our topic of 'Minibeasts' by heading on an adventure to Forest School. We read the book 'Mad About Minibeasts' before we went and talked about which minibeasts we thought we might find. We thought that it might be a bit too cold yet to see some of the minibeasts but when we got there we were lucky enough to find a few. 


Mad About Minibeasts! Children's read-aloud (audiobook), with illustrations.

While in Forest School we explored using different tools to help us handle the minibeasts carefully and talked about respecting the environment as the homes of these tiny creatures. The children explored very carefully and considerately and here are some of the minibeasts that we found. 

