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Spring 2

The Chayas produced some very impressive models during their class-wide reward time!

The Chayas had a fantastic World Book Day. During the book cafe, they were able to "taste" a wide variety of books and identify books they would like to read in future. Following our graphic novels focus, the children had the opportunity to improvise a scene from Dog Man and perform in front of their peers.

It was a funny sight in Forest School this afternoon, as the Chayas worked on their communication and maths skills. They practised clockwise and anticlockwise turns and then had to lead their partner around forest school: one person had their eyes closed or a hood over their face and their partner had to safely lead them using precise mathematical language.

The Chayas loved their Chinese New Year dance session, in which they had the opportunity to try fan, ribbon and dragon dancing!

The Chayas have now started work on their final piece in Design Technology. They cut out their own template from a master template and used this to cut out the two pieces of their birds body. They then used the skills that they had developed during their focus tasks to sew on button eyes.
