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Spring 2

Week 1

The Hodgehegs have ventured into the forest school this week. The first activity was to make arrays of different multiplication facts. For example 2 x 5 = 10 or 3 x 2 = 6. The children really enjoyed forgaging for sticks and leaves to make their arrays.

In PE this term we are looking at invasion games and skills. We will be working on our passing, moving into space and defensive and offensive tactics. Here are the class doing 4 vs 2 games.

Here is a great BBC clip on passing into space and using the right tactics in invasion games.

In forest school today we used our photgraphy skills to take pictures of nature and our fabulous school building. We used filters and cropping tools.

In English we read the fabulous "The Day the Crayons Quit" and did freeze frames about some of the crayon characters.

We celebrated Chinese New Year today with Amy from Dazzle Dance. Happy year of the dragon everyone!

Rachel from HSBC bank came to teach us all about using money, understanding what our needs and wants are and how to save. The children enjoyed adding up different amounts and asking Rachel what it is like to work at a bank.

In forest school we sketched the landscape using a variety of sketching pencils. We used a dark shade for the foreground, a mid shade for the middle ground and a light shade for the background.

Week 2

In maths today, the children used their rekenreks to subtract numbers. Well done for using the phrase,"______ minus _____ equals ______." The children also shared counters to divide by 2.

In PE, we were learning how to attack and score in different sports such as hockey, football, bowls and handball. We also tried invasion games where there were 4 attackers and one defender. The children became much better at finding space and communicating with their team mates!

In computing, we were learning how to make a set of instructions (algorithms) to direct characters to do a sequence of tasks using Scratch Junior coding. Well done all for showing great coding skills, resilience and predicting what might happen next.

The children had a ball watching "The Rhyming Bible" show by the Saltmine productions. It was such an innovative, fast-paced and superb show which told us some of the main stories found in the Bible!

The children are really enjoying their recorder lessons with Nigel from Music Hub. Well done to all for listening carefully and holding the instrument correctly.

The children had a great time during our Sports festival. Some children went to Concorde school to do activtiies and some children stayed at Walkley and did rounders, king ball, skipping and rob the nest.. All had a super time! Thank you Mr Drew and Mr Selwood for organising this great event.

In RE we learnt about what Holy Week is for Christians and why it is important to them. We looked at the first day of Holy Week which is Palm Sunday when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey and was greeted as a king by people holding palm leafs. We made our own leafs and re enacted the bible story.

In Design and Technology (DT) we were introduced to our project which is to design and make a glove puppet for a 7 year old. We looked at different puppets and talked about what materials they were made from. Finally the children designed a prototype of the puppet they plan to make.

Week 3

The children had a great world book day where they read to year 5s, listened to stories, wrote graphic novels and discussed the books they would like to read in the future.

In star group the children did freeze frames and a conscience alley to empathise with the character "Something Else" in the book called "Something Else"! The children had a really good discussion about what feelings the main character had in the story such as "being lonely", "miserable", "confused" and by the end of the story, "full of joy!"

Here is a fun educational game to play at home by the BBC. It is the Worst Witch game and it's a brilliant mystery reading challenge!

Week 4

What is a fraction? | Primary Maths - Super Movers - Live Lesson

The Hodgehegs have been getting stuck into fractions at the moment. Here is a great clip which explains what fractions are and examples of equivalent fractions.

In history we have been studying about significant historical people such as Martin Luther King and Mohandas Gandhi. Here are some great clips which have helped the children understand these people who have made a positive change to the world.

Martin Luther King: Dream on | BBC Teach

A woman remembers how, as a girl, she was taken by her father in 1963 to Washington to hear a man talk. At first she couldn't understand why her father would drag her along to hear a man giving a speech that seemed to go on and on.

Week 5

The Hodgehegs are making good progress with learning the recorders with Nigel. Well done for using the notes E, D and F sharp!

In computing we have been planning and designing our quizes. Here are the class showing good teamwork and communication skills.

In PE, we continued our invasion games with an adapted netball game. Great communication, running into space and passing were witnessed.

Week 6

This term the children have been learning various dance moves and choreography to the song, "Under the sea". It has been great to see the children increasing in confidence, improving balance and further developing teamwork skills.

Under the Sea Dance!

The children really enjoyed visiting St Barts to take part in an interactive performance of the Easter story. We learnt about why holy week is so important to Christians and what happened on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Thank you to all at St Barts who made us so welcome and gave us lovely snacks too!

The children enjoyed making, baking and eating their puff pastry delights as part of their class wide reward of reaching 100 points. Well done to all for giving something new a try and behaving so well.

The children did a great job making a timeline of Gandhi's life in History today.

The children were excellent Walkley ambassadors at the Madina Mosque. The children saw where people clean before prayer (Wudhu), visited the mosque library and some children recited some of the Koran in the beautiful prayer hall which they had learnt in their mosques and arabic school. We had an excellent time and were made very welcome by our host Zahid. Thank you Madina Mosque and happy Eid on the 10th of April.

The Hodgehegs did a great job of beginning to make their puppet designs come to life. Great use of templates and use of a running stich were present. Next term we will complete their designs and be able to take them home.
