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Spring 2

Spring 2 Week 4


Well done to our award winners this week! They are: Mira (Golden Citizen), Ronnie (Whizzy Worker) and Ned (Behaviour Superstar). 


It's been another busy week as we've been wrapping up our 'People who have changed the world', in preparation for our exciting new theme next term! This has involved finishing off our collages of significant people and we're nearly there! Just a little bit more work around the facial features is needed, but here is a sneak peek of two of them. 

In my Literacy group we've been planning a story based on our 'Yeti and the Bird' story. Children thought of their own contrasting characters and planned out the events on a story mountain. I was very impressed with the imagination that went into their plans and the children's enthusiasm for creative writing. 
The children have enjoyed more dancing with Amy, this week acting out Ruby Bridges walking through an angry mob to her school. The children really got into role and our Ruby Bridges (Mira) was very brave! 
Finally, the children have been learning how to use atlases. They have been locating various countries and created posters about a country using the information from the atlas. 

Spring 2 Week 3


Well done to our award winners this week! They are: Subhaan (Golden Citizen), Beth (Whizzy Worker) and Isla (Behaviour). 


In Maths this week we started off with time, looking at o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. If you would like to continue this at home, you could practice looking at these times, talk about how many minutes in an hour and practice counting in 5s around the clock, in preparation for reading the time at other intervals.


Later in the week we moved on to fractions of numbers (half and a quarter). The children started off using cubes to work out half and a quarter of various numbers, but some moved on to written methods once bigger numbers were introduced. The method we use for finding a quarter is half and half again. 

In Literacy, the children have finished off their golden writes, which were letters to a storybook character, giving advice on making friends. They were all fantastic, clearly written letters with great advice. 


On Thursday we had our dance session with Amy, this was based around the Civil Rights movement and included some acting. The children acted out Martin Luther King's speech, followed by a victory dance. They then acted out Rosa parks as a child, followed by creating a bus and her famous refusal to give up her seat. 

Spring 2 Week 2


Well done to our award winners this week! They are: Lily J (Golden Citizen), Imogen (Whizzy Worker) and Mira (Behaviour). 


It's been another fun week here in Storm whale class! On Tuesday the children made their own pancakes in Maths. They practised their measuring skills when following a pancake recipe. The children also worked really well in their groups, making sure everyone had a turn to measure or stir. 

On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day with a special assembly to show off everyone's costumes. The children also took part in a 'Jackanory' session, and were read to by Miss Baron while I read our new book 'The Yeti and the Bird' to Giants class, dressed as the Yeti (or a polar bear as many children thought I was!)


Today the children took part in their sponsored activities for the NSPCC. This included dancing, yoga, a penalty shoot out, skipping, an obstacle course and basketball. 

Pop over to Gruffalo's blog to see some Whirlow photos from last week! Next week we are hoping to get back to normal in our usual classroom, fingers crossed!

Spring 2 Week 1


Well done to our award winners this week! They are: Mahdi (Golden Citizen), Lucy (Whizzy Worker) and Ishak (behaviour). 


This week has been extremely exciting, both at Walkley and beyond! I have heard about some of the wonderful things children have been doing at Whirlow, like horse riding, hide and seek in the woods and making pizzas. I look forward to hearing more about it next week, when everyone is back at school.


Here at school we've had a fun Chinese New Year themed week, filled with engaging activities. The children have created lots of amazing art work, including Chinese lanterns, model pigs and pig pictures decorated with pastels and paint. 

The children have also produced some lovely music with Miss Hill. 
They also had the chance to try some special Chinese food and some Stormwhales were requested as helpers during the Reception children's turn. They were extremely sensible and helpful. I was also impressed to hear that everyone tried the food, even if they didn't think they would like it. 
Finally, a big well done to the children for being so flexible and staying so calm despite a very different week and the loss of our classroom! From Monday we will be back in the pod, but in Aslan's class, so please continue to bring and collect your children from the usual place.