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Spring Term Spellings

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Friday 26th March - Remember you must earn 40 points to get a tick on the spelling contract.

FOXES 26-3-21 - Excellent spelling this week!


       A realistic telephone scam!!!


Once I was scammed by a man in black overalls over the phone.  He said he needed my credit card to put some money into my bank account. I gave him my number but stopped in the middle of telling him, he grunted impatiently and started to get really nasty, i dropped the phone and ran to the nearest bank (Homophone Hills realisation bank, where you go if you get scammed!) I told the man at the counter and he obediently asked for my card number... I hesitated as he was wearing a policeman suit over some black overalls. I screamed as an unreal alien tentacle burst through his creased skin. I sprinted for the exit and I caught the guard’s attention. I questioned myself and wondered if all this was a reality or a dream so I smacked myself and sure enough it wasn't real as i woke up in bed shivering under my duvet I tried to remember everything i had in real life, phonics, microphones and technology and everything came whizzing back to me. I drew the curtains only to find 5 men in black overalls patrolling the streets!!!!!


- 40 points - Very creative!

Foxes Spelling 19-3-21

