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Summer 1

Week 1

This term in PE we will focus on athletics. In our first lesson we looked at sprinting over short distances and the need for long strides and moving your hands from pocket to mouth. Here are the Hodgehegs playing beat the cone with a partner and then being part of a 4 person relay team!

In Citizenship, we have looked at having a healthy attitude to screen time and we followed the 5 a day principle of being active, connecting with others, mindfulness, giving to others and doing something creativite.

The class did a magnificent job of designing, sewing and decorating their glove puppets made to fit 7 year olds. Well done all for your creativitiy and for not giving up when learning to sew a running stich!

Week 2

In PE we learnt how to do the long jump from a standing start. We bent our legs and used our arms for momentum and power. Here are the Hodgehegs doing a jumping course relay!

The children were programming Bee Bot robots in Computing this week. We learnt how important it is to sequence commands in the correct order to make a successful algorithm. We also programmed virtual bee bots on the ipads too.

Activity 1 of forest school was all about measuring and wand making! The "Ministry of Magic" had tasked the children with finding sticks which could be longer that 15cm but not greater than 30cm. The children did a great job of measuring and finding a stick with just the correct shape. We then painted them in the forest school and will add "spells" to them tomorrow using colourful wool. Well done all for being so sensible in the forest school and getting so involved in the activity!

In forest school today we did a traffic survey near Whitehouse Rd and then made a block diagram using leaves, small sticks and even a snail's shell! Great maths and forgaing skills were on display by the children!

In PE, we have continued our yoga sessions. Today we tried positions such as the boat, the seal and the iceberg.

In forest school we made arrays with sticks, leaves and stones. We also worked in groups to take pictures of nature. Unfortunately, no one managed to get a picture of two magnificent magpie birds that we have seen all week!

Week 3

3 Top Tips For Battle Of The Bands

This week we are having a TT battle with the Seawigs. Come on you Hodgehegs!

In Athletics we focused on high jump skills. We bent our legs and used our arms for power. Well done all for hurdling and jumping over obstacles.

In computing we put together a sequence of commands (algorithms) and made predictions on where our robots would go on a "woodland" course. We then programmed the robot to see if our predictions were sound. The hodgehegs showed really good computing and sharing skills today!

In Geography we are going to be exploring the world's oceans but first we recapped our knowledge of continents and had a good explore of our globes, atlases and maps! We managed to identify the 7 continents, the 5 oceans, the Equator and the North and South Poles.

Seven Continents Song (Oceania Version)

Geography | KS1 | KS2 | The world | BBC Teach

In Citizenship, we looked at different tasks to decide which of the recommended 5 a day digital activities it fitted. Well done all for completing your pie charts and having a good discussion about whether video games can be classed as active and if drawing on an ipad is as creative as writing on paper.

The children have worked hard studying the book Malala's Magic Pencil and then planning and writing their own speeches about what good they would do if they had a magic pencil. Here are a few examples of their work where conjunctions, accurate full stops and great imagination can be seen. Finally, some of the children performed their incredible speeches in front of the class with a "magic pencil"!

In maths this week we have looked at o'clock and half past when reading analogue clocks. Please practise at home if you can!

Time - BBC Bitesize Foundation Maths and numeracy

BBC Bitesize how to tell the time

This week in Yoga we went on a "Safari" where we performed poses such as "The Cobra", "The Lion" and "The Giraffe". The children are becoming much better at holding positions which shows improved balance and core strength.

Week 4

The children have really been enjoying our current class book "The Sheep-Pig" by Dick King-Smith who also wrote the "Hodgeheg". Please ask your child about this wonderful story!

Should You Be Afraid of the Octopus? | BBC Earth Kids

The children are about to plan and write an information text on the mighty Octopus! Please ask your child about all the facts they have researched.

In Geography, we are beginning to learn about the world's 5 oceans. This week we have looked at how to describe many aspects of our coastline like "beach", "port", "harbour" and "cliffs". We have looked at satellite images of some of the UK's coastal towns and cities, described what we saw and matched pictures with words and descriptions.


Here is a great BBC film about our oceans.

Five Oceans Song

Well done geographers for matching pictures and descriptions with key vocabulary about the oceans!

In Art this term we will be making a collage of inspirational people. So far we have looked at great examples of collage art and today we had a go at making a collage of a butterfly in pairs. We used cereal boxes, magazines, scrap paper, card and crepe paper to make our pieces.

Week 6

In Citizenship, the children have been learning about what private information is and why it is important to protect it online. Here are some great short films to remember how to enjoy the internet but stay safe.

Congratulations to the Hodgehegs! We won a best of three battles with the Seawigs on TT Rockstars! Great multiplication skills everyone.

In maths we have been learning about symmetry and position and direction. Here is a funny clip to watch at home!

Well done to all the children for their brilliant attitude during their assessment week. They were enthusiastic and took on tricky questions with resilience and a cool head. Great work secret agents!

Week 7

In Athletics we combined our sprinting, jumping and throwing skills to complete an 8 station carousel! Well done all for moving your arms pocket to mouth when running and bending your knees when jumping.

In computing we built our own tracks with obstacles for our Bee Bots. We then worked in teams to programme the correct algorithm to reach the correct end point. The children showed resilience, debugging skills and great team work.

We had a fabulous classwide reward treat on Wednesday! The children voted for a "Banana Split Reward" and so we skilfully cut our bananas in half and added a variety of toppings such as 100s and 1000s, choc chips and whipped cream! From the photos I think we enjoyed it!
