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Summer 2

Week 1

We have continued programming Bee Bot robots in computing. This week we made our own tracks for the robots to navigate using programmed algorithms!

In maths we are measuring mass. We first tried to find objects which weighed the same and then used cubes, grams(g) and kilograms (kg) to weigh different objects in the classroom including our good selves!

In Science we have planted seeds and will experiment how they grow if they are given water and sunlight, not given water, not given sunlight and kept in a fridge! We will update you all on our results.

Week 2

In PE we were looking at volleyball skills by using our fists to launch a ball and to keep our hands out to receive a ball. Well done to the Hodgehegs for showing determination to improve their ball handling skills.

In RE, we have been learning about the Hajj which is the 5th pillar of Islam. This is a great short film which shows us about the incredible pilrimage nearly 3 million muslims make a year to Mecca, Saudi Arabia to visit special religious sites such as the Kabah. We have talked about what you would need to bring for this religious journey and how it would make you feel.

The class were investigating volume and capacity in maths this week. Here they are making "potions"

Week 3

In Geography today we studied the fascinating country of Trinidad and Tobago which is linked to our ocean topic. We looked at human and physical aspects of this country as well as discussing and learning about its climate and population.

In forest school we listened to and read the Sheffield Children's Book Award 2024 nominee books and scored them. We also went searching for mini beasts and found flowers which are now in full bloom.

Week 4

In computing we made pictograms and block charts from data collected as a tally chart. Well done all for accurately presenting the information!

In RE we were looking at the 12 different steps of the Hajj. We focused on the act of Tawaf (circling the Kabah 7 times) and Saee (going to and from Mt Safa and Marwa 7 times). Here are the Hodgehegs putting the different stages in order.

The class have worked very hard in groups to produce these super collages of people who positvely changed the world. We have looked at famous artists for inspiration such as Kurt Schwitters and Derek Gore.

Week 5

The Bag Song | Nick Cope's Popcast | CBeebies

The class have been learning about the devastating effects of plastic pollution on our oceans. Here is a powerful song which breaks down where the plastic ends up.

In geography we did some field work by doing a litter pick on the types of plastic pollution found in our school. We managed to pick up 144 pieces of litter in 10 minutes. Impressively, we found no plastic bottles but sadly we found 32 sweet wrappers, 26 clear plastic wrappers, 18 milk cartons, 49 other types of plastic and 19 plastic straws. We will present this data using block charts and then think about how geographers would use this information.

Here are some snaps of the fantastic recoders concert. Nigel our teacher has said we are the best Year 2s he has ever taught!

Week 6

The Hodgehegs did a great job in computing by presenting the data from our litter pick. Here they are creating block charts and pie charts.

The Hodgehegs enjoyed their well deserved reward for reaching 100 points. We voted for a board game and puzzles party. The children were great at sharing, taking turns and enjoyed learning new non digital games!

Here are some snaps of our dance with Amy from Dazzle Dance! A video will be posted soon of their awesome performances and free style moments!

Week 7

The hodgehegs have been working on their tennis skills this term. We have looked at how to grip a racket, follow the ball with our eyes, move with a racket and try to make contact with the ball in the middle of the racket. We have watched some clips by Judy Murray who shows really great activites you can do in small spaces. Our favourite has been making the "sandwich trap". We also developed rallies where one child threw a ball and the other returns with a racket.

Tennis With Judy Murray | BBC Scotland Learning

Judy Murray shows us some fun exercises to develop the skills you need to play tennis.
