The theme for Summer term's PSHE / online safety learning is all about supervision and support. What do the pupils at Walkley do when they're online? Which devices do our pupils use? How often and for what purpose? Are pupils maintaining a healthy balance to support their desire for screen time? During Toy Story 3, the toys are taken to a nursery day care centre, and incredibly, they are allowed to play with the toys unsupervised. Many of the children are unkind to the toys and play with them disrespectfully and inappropriately. Walkley pupils were left asking: Where are the grown ups? Where is the supervision?
When children go online, who supervises what they do? Can parents and teachers always be there? Do children need to be able to supervise themselves? Does it matter what children are doing online and do children feel safe and know what to do to keep themselves safe whilst enjoying the digital world?
In our launch assembly for this theme, pupils were asked to complete a questionnaire to help us understand their habits and needs. Moreover, pupils were also asked to help the grown ups to support them by producing digital content to educate and inform parents on the issues arising from the questionnaires.
View the pupil questionnaires, findings reports and educational parent guidance videos created by the Walkley pupils below: