Weekly Spellings
Hello Year 6! Here are your spellings for this week. Have a look at the word list and use a dictionary to look up the meaning of any unknown words. If you have a dictionary at home you can use that or you could use this online dictionary. Try to spend 10 minutes a day using the activities to learn your spelling and then ask someone in your household to test you on Friday. You don't need to print the activities out - you can look at them on a screen and use paper to complete the tasks. If you would like to challenge yourself with some additional spelling words you can find age-appropriate lists on the lockdown learning log.
Year 6 A
Spelling focus: words with a long /e/ sound spelt ‘ie’ or ‘ei’ after ‘c’ and exceptions.
Year 6 B
Spelling focus: homophones and near homophones. Here is a PowerPoint presentation about the words and some activities to complete.
Remember you can also complete activities from your spelling contract which are shown below.