18.01.21 Monday
Happy Monday Year 6! Hope everyone had a restful weekend! We are continuing our World War II topic.
Today we will be learning about D- Day!
Ask yourself: What is it? Why is it important?
We will be reading some information and watching a BBC bitesize video about D-Day. You will need to take notes about them. There is a notetaking document attached below to help you organise your notes.
Additionally, there are other documents attached for further reading if you would really like to find more out!
19.01.21 - Tuesday
Hello my fellow historians! After learning a lot about D- Day and making excellent notes we will now be writing a report all about it!
Write a report about D- Day.
Thanks to one of our families for sharing this fabulous find. Below is a link to a programme on BBC Iplayer which you might find interesting to watch. It doesn't link to our current topic but it does link in to our learning in Year 5. The first episode is all about climate change. I've watched this episode tonight and found it really interesting and they explain and show processes in a really clear way. There are two other episodes in the series that you might also find interesting.
Wednesday 20.1.21
Hello! Mrs. Leverton here today. It is a special day in the Leverton household as Annie is 5 today! So, in between helping my children with their home learning and my own blogging, I will mainly be eating cake and dancing to Hannah Montana (I know you would all love to listen along!!).
You’ve got a bit of a choice of tasks today. I would like you all to choose at least one of the tasks but some of you might want to do all three. UPDATE! We're currently still waiting for the Music Hub to email the link for the music for the third but if it comes in good time I will blog it for today, if not we will blog it on another day. Update 2 - we've got it now! I've uploaded it.
This is a really simple activity that you can easily have a try at. All you need is a piece of paper, either colouring pens or pencils and some shapes to draw around. I did this activity with both of my daughters and I found it really relaxing.
Firstly, draw around some shapes onto your piece of paper. Try to get a range of different shapes. We used objects we could find in the house to draw around like bowls, glasses and boxes. Straight sided shapes are easy to draw if you’ve got a ruler. Make your shapes overlap so that you create many different smaller areas.
The task is then to fill in each section with a different pattern. I used some zentangle patterns – some ideas are given below. Zentangle is a calming art form involving using patterns in art as a way of de-stressing and reducing anxiety – I’m sure something we would all befit from at the moment!
The video below may give you some inspiration of the type of patterns you could use too.
Zentangle is usually made up of black and white patterns, but as you can see below, I have used coloured pens to create my design. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Mr Rist has provided a French lesson for you to have a go at.
Play the video to practice your French conversation.
Now that you have practiced the conversation, look at the list of animal names. Can you match them up with their pictures? Some of them are fairly easily, as the words are quite similar. Once you've matched them up, click on the video link to see if your answers are correct.
Also, on the video you get to practice the question:
'Qu'est ce que c'est? ( kess ker seh) - What is it?
The answer is C'est un _____! It's a ________!
Music can have such a positive effect on our mood. I’m sure if you join in with today’s lesson you will feel that too.
You can upload any work you have completed this afternoon on the google form below. Please use the quiz to tell us how you have found the tasks.
Thursday 21st January
Hello Year 6! Hope you enjoyed re-capping the major organs in our body last week. Today, we will be looking at one of these organs in greater detail – the heart. Can you remember what the function of the heart is?
The video below give us some information about the function of the heart. Watch it and then answer the questions in the Google Quiz.
Click on the yellow picture to access the quiz – you will find out if you are right straight away! If you have any more questions about the heart, let me know and I will answer - leave the tab open on your computer and you will be able to reply!
Let’s take a closer look at exactly what happens in the heart. Watch this video below:-
FUN FACT: - You may notice that the left side of the heart is actually shown on the right hand side of the page (and vice versa). This is because if you stand in front of the diagram (with your back touching it), the diagram will be correct. Try it!
Use the information in the video to fill in the missing blanks below. There are words at the bottom to help you:
1) The right ________ receives _________ blood from the body and pumps it to the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve.
2) The _________ ventricle pumps the __________ blood to the _________ through the pulmonary valve and into the pulmonary artery.
3) The __________ atrium receives ___________ blood from the ________ and pumps it to the left ventricle through the mitral valve.
4) The ________ ventricle pumps the oxygen-rich blood through the aortic valve out to the rest of the _________.
You may use these words more than once!
atrium |
deoxygenated |
right |
lungs |
left |
body |
left |
oxygenated |
22.01.21 - Friday
Happy Friday Year 6s! We will be learning about how World War II came to an end.
Watch the video below:
Task 1
Once you have watched the video, I would like you to compare VE day and VJ day. You can do this with a Venn diagram. Remember what is similar goes in the middle.
Think about:
What is VE day?
When did VE day happen?
What is VJ day?
When did VJ day happen?
What is similar?
What are the differences between the 2 days?
** If you are having difficulty with drawing a Venn diagram or printing it off you can just create a table or write the similarities and differences in sentences. **
Task 2
Imagine you are Alan from the BBC Bitesize video. Write a diary entry about how you would be feeling on VE day. In the video it talks about “bittersweet reactions.” Explain these in your writing.
Key dates and information
time adverbials
rhetorical questions
a range of punctuation
For a closer look at what VE Day in London was like in 1945...
Musical Moments
Here's a link to this weeks Musical Moments created by the Sheffield Music Hub. It which includes a percussion activity that you can do with items that can be found at home!