- Monday -
Please click here to complete your feedback on the lesson today.
You can share your work from this week's lesson on the google form by clicking here.
LO: To be able to explain the religious beliefs of the Maya people
Remember to:
Understand how the Maya people worshipped
Name some of the main gods
Explain the importance of these gods to the Maya people
Vocabulary - here are some of the special words that will be used in the presentation today.
Sacrifice: the act of giving up something that is valuable to you in order to help someone else
Ritual: a series of things done in a special order.
Ceremonies: a formal event or act that involves rituals
Task You can print this as a worksheet to complete by downloading the file below, draw your own pictures of the gods and write out the information or just use the file to talk to someone at home about the work. If you feel like getting creative you could choose to display the information about the gods in a fun way, perhaps like these interactive fact files we did in class about Mexico.
Working sharing from today's lesson
EG chose Ixchel as her favourite god because she is the 'Mother of gods'. Good choice!
TB chose Kimi as her favourite god because he looks interesting and ruled the underworld. Another good choice!
BL chose the sun god as her favourite because he is the least weird! The Maya did have some very unusual gods!
- Tuesday -
I loved seeing your self portraits last week, they were extremely impressive! This week we are going to look at some very famous self portraits and become art critics!
L/O: to evaluate self portraits of famous artists
I can remember to -
First watch the video to help you start to think about discussing the self portraits and then start on the task. I haven't included all of the pictures in the video as it wasn't as much fun to discuss them by myself but I have put all of the self portraits on the blog as a screen show so that you can browse through and choose your three favourites before starting on the task.
Please send in any work that you complete to the google form.
The worksheet for today's task can be found under the self portraits. Have fun and get critical!
- Wednesday -
Welcome to Wednesday Workout Year 3 & 4.
To start our PE off this week its time to get WARMED UP. Join Miss Kendall to get our bodies ready for this week’s exercise.
For this weeks PE you will need some SOCKS that’s right SOCKS!
But why do we need socks I hear you ask?
To help us get active, moving and have fun of course!!
Follow these videos for three fun activities for you to complete using your SOCKS.
These games will test your speed, accuracy and strength.
Don’t forget to submit any photos from PE using this GOOGLE FORM.
- Thursday -
LO: To be able to compare different types of rocks
I can:
- name the three different types of rocks
- explain the difference between natural and human-made rocks
- use to appearance of rocks to group and compare them
Hello Aslans!
Thank you for all the fantastic work you completed last week looking at the layers of the Earth!
For this week's lesson, I would like you to start of by watching the animation below to learn about the three different types of natural rock and how they form.
TASK: Have a close look at the photos of different rocks below (click on the photos to enlarge them).
Can you group them into natural and human-made rocks?
Challenge: Can you group the natural rocks into the three rock types?
You could draw or print a table like the ones below to sort the rocks.
Draw a picture of each rock with its name in the correct part of the table.
- Friday -
mi estuche - my pencil case
This week, we are going to learn the vocabulary to describe what we have in our pencil cases.
I would like you to watch the video below. Listen carefully to the pronunciation of each new word and have a go at saying it yourself. Remember, it doesn't matter if you don't quite get it right the first time, just listen again and give it another go!
Note: Please skip the video to 1:40 - this is where the lesson begins
Here is this week's Musical Moments resource. This is an interactive video filmed by Music Hub's instrumental staff.