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Week Beginning 1st February 2021

Look at this short story from EF. You should be really proud of yourself!

I love the use of ellipsis - cliffhangers endings are my favourite.

Some great - ly openers! I love the way you have used short sentences to build up the tension. Well done HP! Some fantastic vocabulary all the way through HM ! Well done WM, I love your style of writing - I enjoyed reading it so much! 

 Friday, 5th February


We are now on the last step of our adventure story – the Golden Write.  So, put on some relaxing music if you can, sharpen your pencil and prepare to be amazed at your fantastic writing.


Just remember to look at your corrections in the editing stage and include them in your Golden Writing. Good luck everybody!

Click on link here

Thursday, 4th February


Hi everyone, we are now at the editing stage. To edit means to make our work even better than it is. This is such an important part of the writing process. Even famous authors like J K Rowling will have had an editor check their writing  for mistakes. 


Tips for editing


  • use a different colour pen, so you can clearly see your corrections
  • read your work out loud ; it is much easier to spot any mistakes
  • use the checklist below to help you - tick off the checklist as you go along
Please watch the video below, as I talk you through how to edit a text.

Y5: Editing our narrative text

Click on link here

Tuesday, 2nd February


I hope you enjoyed performing the introduction and creating your own picture map.


For the next 2 days, you are going to be writing the 1st draft of  your adventure story.


Things to remember:


  • Please use your plan as a guide. However, the plan needs to be turned into a story, which means you need to add more detail.
  • Tick each point off your plan, when you have included it in your story
  • Use the vocabulary word mat to help you improve your word choices
  • Write a line, miss a line. This will give you space to write your corrections.
  • Read each sentence out loud to see if it makes sense
  • Make sure your story is organised into paragraphs
  • Use a range of punctuation in your writing


You will have 2 DAYS TO complete your first draft - Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.


Finally, please watch the videos on writing the 2nd and final paragraph. It is really important that you watch me Talking through the writing. It will help you become a much better writer.

Y5 Talk for writing: paragraph 2 narrative text

Y5 Friday. Modelling final paragraph of narrative writing

Click on link here
Wonderful narrative writing from HM, FA, OH and LR!
Amazing text map from ZJ and HM. Well done!

Y5 Performing the introduction to a a narrative write

Monday, February 1st

It's the start of another month! This is my favourite month, as it is my birthday soon: I will be 21 very soon!

I hope you had a good weekend and managed to get a bit of fresh air.


Our Literacy now moves onto Talk for Writing, which is my favourite part. I am sad to tell you that I do get very excited about this!


This lesson will be broken down into:

1. Myself modelling the introduction for the writing.

2. My turn to act it out , followed by yourself having a go.

3. Creating your own text map for the introduction


Watch both videos before you get onto the task.

Y5 Modelling the Introduction for a narrative text

With the video, my action for French is a handlebar moustache. For some reason, it's how we imagine French people to look, but it is not neccesarily the truth! 

Y5 Narrative text Talk for Writing

Task 1

Perform the introduction using the pdf below


Task 2

Create your own text map for the introduction with illustrations. You have done this many times before.

I would like it be a text map for your introduction. Remember to get ideas from your plan! 

Please DO NOT write the introduction.


I would love to see videos of yourself acting out the introduction! Good luck!

Click on link here