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Week beginning 1st March 2021

01.03.21 -  Monday 1st March 

Happy Monday Year 6! Last week of online learning! Huge well done to all children and adults or siblings for helping them at home! 


By popular request, we are going to be reading about pirates!


Take today and Tuesday as reading days.  Read over the text and underline any words or phrases you are unsure about and use dictionaries or online ones to help!


Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will be when you do the three activities.  

There are three levels for you to choose with "remember tos".  All of these are attached for you. 


KP- WOW! Great work on this week's reading!! Very impressive!

AG- Super reading comprehension!

AT - Great reading work! Some of those questions can be tricky! Great poem too!

RW- Great use of the text to explain your reasoning!

XS- WOW! Great reading work!!

EW- Good understanding of the narrator in the story!

RW - Lovely ending to the pirate story! The pirates are quite mean to one another!

EW- What a great continuation!! I love it! You have used the pirates vocabulary well and great speech used! Blackbeard is clever!
