Monday 22nd February
Bonjour! It’s Mrs. Leverton here to start off your week of wider curriculum learning and we’re sticking to the same timetable so today is time for French and PE. Please have a go at both tasks.
TASK 1 – French
Mr. Rist is going to get you warmed up with some revision of the months of the year. Make sure you join in with him!
Before half term, we learned how to say when our birthdays are. Today, we are going to put this together with the day, which is the new vocabulary, to be able to say any date in French. Please work through the powerpoint below – remember there are sound buttons to click which pronounce the words for you. Join in and practice your pronunciation. Maybe you could get someone at home to practice with you? One of you ask the question then the other person answer and see if you can work out the date that is being said in French.
Now have a go at the worksheet – there is no need to print it off but have a go at the activities. Remember, in French they don’t use capital letters for the first letter of the month or the days of the week!
If you want to learn more, click on the BBC Bitesize link below which will tell you all about The Festival of the Kings and about other French celebrations.
I posted this on the last day of half term - earlier than planned, as Amy Burton did a special dance workshop for Chinese New Year. Here's another opportunity to dance along with Amy if you missed it before the holidays. If you have already had a go at this, follow the link to have a go at the Joe Wicks workout instead!
Let us know how you got on with today’s tasks and share any work you have produced using the google form below.
Tuesday 23rd February
Greetings Year 6 Scientists! Now, have you ever wondered why we eat food? What happens to the food after we swallow it? Well, we will be finding out as our new topic is learning about the digestive system! We will learning more about which organs are in the digestive system and their functions today.
So what exactly is the digestive system? Watch the video on the website below and then complete the fill-in-the-gaps activity and the quiz at the bottom of the page.
Now we know a bit more about what the digestive system actually does, let’s learn more about the organs involved in the process. Go through the PowerPoint below to find out some more information about the function of the organs in the digestive system. You may come across the word enzymes – these are proteins in the body which speed up a reaction. This is secondary school learning however, so don’t worry too much about enzymes!
Now you must be digestive system experts! Use the PowerPoint to fill in the sheet below. Write down the function of each organ. Remember, you don’t need to print off the sheet – you can simply write down the organ and the letter. See my example below.
Wednesday 25th February
Hello Year 6! Mrs. Leverton here with you again today and another Wednesday brings another creative afternoon! I’ve got some more art and music coming your way.
Today, we are going to learn about another style of art which is Happy Art! I love the sound of that! It’s basically a mix between Pop Art and Cubism.
Look through the pictures below to learn about the founder of the Happy Art movement Romero Britto.
Now have a read through the PowerPoint below which gives a bit more information about the artist. If you click on the arrow links, there are a couple of videos linked in which will show you more examples of his work.
Warm up
Romero Britto fills his paintings with lots of bold colours and patterns. As a warm up, have a go at copying some of the patterns he used. You don’t need to print this off but I have shown some of the pattern types Britto uses for you to have a go at.
Main Task
For the main task today, you will need to watch the video below. The first few minutes tells you some more information about Britto. Then, there is a step by step video of how to create a Britto style piece of art work of two faces. Just follow the instructions given in the video, drawing as you go. Pause the video if you need to at any point. All you will need is a piece of paper and something to colour with – ideally some vibrantly coloured pens but pencil crayons would be fine too.
I can’t wait to see what you have created! Share your work on the google form at the bottom of this page.
Wednesday also means it’s the time of the week to be led through another fantastic lesson by the Sheffield Music Hub! I really hope you’re joining in at home, these lessons definitely raise my spirits!
Please share any work produced today using the link below.
Thursday 25th February
Hello Year 6! Miss Stephens here! Pack your suitcases! We are off to the Caribbean! What is the Caribbean? Well it is a group of islands part of North America!
Task 1:
Map of the Caribbean. Label the countries. You can use a key so it may be easier to label them that way. They are tiny islands!
Task 2:
Write facts about ONE country to complete the fact file. You can choose: Jamaica, Barbados or St. Lucia! Or you can research another Caribbean island of your choosing.
First stop: Jamaica!
As we can see there are many wonderful countries in the Caribbean! We will be learning about some today! First up is Jamaica!
There is a video below about Jamaica.
Second Stop!
Onto the next country! Where to next? Barbados!
Watch the video below to find out more!
Third stop!
Lastly, let’s look at St. Lucia! '
Watch the video below for more information.
Friday 26th January 2021
Hello Year 6! Miss Stephens here!
Now that we have some facts about the Caribbean islands, you are now going to create a travel brochure about one!
For example, if I choose Jamaica, I will make a travel brochure about all the great reasons someone should travel to Jamaica! Include facts and pictures to encourage people to go there! You can choose ones we learnt about yesterday or you can choose another Caribbean island that is in North America.
Remember to:
I can include a list of activities to do there. (Swimming, fishing, boating, etc.)
I can include a list of tourist attractions (museums, statues, etc.)
I can include a picture of the flag.
I can include pictures of the country in my leaflet.
Challenge: I can include popular foods from the country.
You can set up this travel brochure in any way you like! You can also fold it however you like! Or if you’d like to make a digital travel brochure that is great too! (digital = on the computer or tablet)
Below I will attach templates for you if you want to print them out.