This week we will be writing our own space poems. First of all, watch the BBC Bitesize video that explains what a poem is.
Our next job is to understand what rhyming words are. Watch this short video from BBC Bitesize and then we can work together to find some rhyming words.
Today we will be understanding how to use adjectives (describing words). We will be finding 'spacey' sounding adjectives by looking through science fiction or using the internet. Then we will add them to our nouns from yesterday to make our alien shopping list items. First watch the video about adjectives and then my lesson to find out what you need to do.
Now it's time to write your space poem. Follow the 'Remember to's and you can't go wrong. My video explains and models how to write your poem in the same style as 'An Alien Shopping List'. Have lots of fun being a poet and you didn't even know it!