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Week Beginning 8th February 2021

Hello Year 6! It’s Miss Stephens who will be planning your maths for this week!

We are going to be learning about measures!

Monday   08/02/21

First warm up! Try the flashback 4!


(Note we haven't covered algebra yet so don't worry if you are unsure about the questions with the letters in them)


As well you can always warm up with TT Rockstars!

Units of measurement

Remember tos:

I can explain what measures are.

I can explain that cm, mm, mm and km are used to measure length.

I can explain that kg, g and tonnes are used to measure mass.

I can explain that ml and l are used to measure liquids.

I can understand and explain when to use an appropriate measure.

I can reason and problem solve with measures.





Centimetres (cm)

Milometres (mm)

Kilometres (km)

Millilitres (ml)

Litres (l)

Kilograms (kg)

Grams (g)

Watch the video below:

Units of Measurement For Kids | Measuring Time, Length, Weight, Liquids, Temprature | Periwinkle

MeasurementWe use the words like taller and shorter to compare the heights and words like heavier and lighter to compare the weights.0:35 Units of Measuremen...

Task 1 – fluency

 There are three different levels for you to have a go!

FLUENCY WORK - 3 levels - Level 1 (D), Level 2 (E), Level 3(GD)

Task 2- reasoning and problem solving 

Now that you have mastered measures, let’s try to really challenge you mathematicians.

Your turn: Pick a level that works for you. Try to challenge yourselves at home.

REASONING AND PROBLEM SOLVING - Level 1 (D), Level 2 (E), Level 3 (GD)

Maths quiz


Thank you RB, AT, AG, IS, PS, DB, EL, EW, KB, OS, EV, JB, JA, KP, HC, HH, AS and JS for completing the quiz! I gave feedback so hopefully you're tabs are still open to see it. Or, you can always do another. 

EW- Fantastic job at understanding measures!! Also huge well done for completing all levels!!

Great maths from Year 6 yet again!!

SA- WOW! Great work at understanding different types of measures and estimating them!! Well done for completing all levels too!!

Tuesday  - 09/02/21 

First warm up! Try the flashback 4!



(Note we haven't covered algebra yet so don't worry if you are unsure about the questions with the letters in them)


As well you can always warm up with TT Rockstars!

Converting metric measures

Remember tos:

I can understand when to convert measures.  

I can use my knowledge of multiplying and dividing by powers of 10.  ( 10, 100 and 1000)

I can understand that when converting from a smaller unit to a larger unit to multiply.

I can understand that when converting from a larger unit to a smaller unit to divide.

 I can reason and problem solve with converting measures.





Centimetres (cm)

Milometres (mm)

Kilometres (km)

Millilitres (ml)

Litres (l)

Kilograms (kg)

Grams (g)


Watch the video below for an introduction to the metric system. A little recap for some!


Math Antics - Intro to the Metric System

Learn More at mathantics.comVisit for more Free math videos and additional subscription based content!

The following three videos will show you how to convert lengths, mass and capacity (liquids).

Converting Metric Units for Length

Corbettmaths - A video that explains how to convert between millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres.

Converting Metric Units for Mass

Corbettmaths - This video explains how to convert between grams, kilograms and tonnes.

Converting Metric Units for Capacity

Corbettmaths - This video explains how to convert between metric units for capacity/volume. For instance millilitres, centilitres and litres.

USE THESE TO HELP WITH CONVERSIONS. In the fluency work I have already pasted them for you to help. (CLICK TO ENLARGE) (I don't know why they're so small?)

Task 1 – fluency

Your turn! There are three different levels for you to have a go!

Task 2- reasoning and problem solving 

Now that you have mastered converting metric measures, let’s try to really challenge you mathematicians.

Your turn: Pick a level that works for you. Try to challenge yourselves at home.

Tuesday maths quiz


Thank you PS, AT, RB,RW, EW, DB, JS, EM, AS and  KP for completing the quiz so far! I have responded with feedback for you all! But glad to see most of you are finding it easy!



Note: You do not have to print the work out. If it is easier at home you can just do the calculations on a piece of paper or on the word document and send them back to me! No worries!

More great work from Year 6! Excellent use of the conversion charts to get your answers! Super work!

EW- Great fluency work! It's all correct!! As well super reasoning! You got this!

10.02.21   - Wednesday


Great work Year 6! Keep up the good work!! 


First warm up! Try the flashback 4!


(Note we haven't covered algebra yet so don't worry if you are unsure about question 2)


(You can also warm up with TT Rockstars)

Calculate with measures

Remember tos:

I can understand when to convert measures.  

I can use my knowledge of multiplying and dividing by powers of 10.  (10, 100 and 1000)

I can understand that when converting from a smaller unit to a larger unit to multiply.

I can understand that when converting from a larger unit to a smaller unit to divide.

I can use written methods to solve problems involving measures.

 I can reason and problem solve with converting measures.






Centimetres (cm)

Milometres (mm)

Kilometres (km)

Millilitres (ml)

Litres (L)

Kilograms (kg)

Grams (g)




Watch the video below of Miss Stephens.  



Year 6 calculate with measures

Task 1 – fluency

Your turn! There are three different levels for you to have a go!

Task 2- reasoning and problem solving 

Now that you have done some calculations, let’s try to really challenge you mathematicians.

Your turn: Pick a level that works for you. Try to challenge yourselves at home.

NOTE: If anyone is struggling with multiplying and dividing by 10 ,100 or 1000 or just needs a recap look at the first week on the blog and I have made some videos. 


I will put them below for you too.

Year 6 multiply by 10, 100 and 1000

Miss Stephens showing how to multiply 10, 100 and 1000 with a place value chart and counters.

Year 6 divide by 10

Year 6 divide by 100

Year 6 divide by 1000

Wednesday maths quiz


Thank you AT, PS, KP, IS, HC and EW for completing the quiz. I have replied back.

EW- Great fluency work and reasoning! 228 cm = 2.28m

Great maths work again from year 6! Great reasoning and problem solving too! (Wednesday work)

11.02.21   - Thursday


Great work Year 6! Keep up the good work!! 


First warm up! Try the flashback 4!


(Note we haven't covered algebra yet so don't worry if you are unsure about question 2)


(You can also warm up with TT Rockstars)

Converting miles and kilometres


Remember tos:

I can understand that miles are larger than kilometres.

I can explain that there is 5 miles to approximately equal to 8 kilometres.

I can explain that there is 10 miles approximately equal to 16 kilometres.

I can use multiplication and division to convert between the two.

I can reason and problem solve with converting miles and kilometres.






Approximately equal to

Kilometres (km)

Miles (m)



Watch the video below of Miss Stephens:

Y6 miles to km

Worked examples - Using key facts to work out other conversions.

Task 1 – fluency

Your turn! There are three different levels for you to have a go!

Task 2- reasoning and problem solving 

Now that you have mastered converting backwards and forwards with miles to kilometres, let’s try to really challenge you mathematicians.


Your turn: Pick a level that works for you. Try to challenge yourselves at home.

Thursday quiz 


Thanks AT, PS, RB, DB, JS, SA, HH, RW, IS, HC and EW for completing the quiz so far. I'm glad to see some of you finding it easy! Great answers on the quiz too!

More great work from Year 6! Great fluency calculations and awesome reasoning and problem solving! (Thursday work)

EW- Super fluency work! It's all correct!! Fabulous reasoning too! You've used the known facts to help you! Great job!

12.02.21   - Friday


Happy Friday!! One more day until a well deserved half term break!


First warm up! Try the flashback 4!


(Note we haven't covered algebra yet so don't worry if you are unsure about question 2)


(You can also warm up with TT Rockstars)

Imperial measures

Remember tos:

I can multiply and divide by 12 when converting feet and inches.

I can multiply and divide by 8 when converting gallons and pints.

I can multiply and divide by 16 when converting pounds and ounces.

I can multiply and divide by 14 when converting between stones and pounds. 

I can multiply and divide by 2.5 when converting between inches and cenitmeters. 

I can reason and problem solve with imperial measures.





Approximately equal to

Kilometres (km)

Miles (m)







Watch the videos below: 


NOTE: That for lengths we just need to know about inches and feet.  Ignore the bits about yards and miles. 


NOTE: That for the mass (weight) video we need to know about ounces, pounds and stones. You can ignore the bit about tonnes. 



Converting Imperial units for length

Corbettmaths - This video explains how to convert between inches, feet, yards and miles.Practice Questions:

Converting Imperial units for capacity

Corbettmaths - This video explains how to convert between pints and gallons.Practice Questions:

Imperial Mass Conversions - Corbettmaths

This video explains how to convert between ounces, pounds, stones and tons.Practice Questions:

USEFUL INFORMATION. I have saved the black and white chart onto the fluency papers for you to make life easier converting!


Task 1 – fluency

Your turn! There are three different levels for you to have a go!

Task 2- reasoning and problem solving 

Now that you have mastered converting imperial measures, let’s try to really challenge you mathematicians.


Your turn: Pick a level that works for you. Try to challenge yourselves at home.  


Today, level 3 is quite challenging. 

Friday quiz


Thanks RB, AT, PS, EW, KP, TS, IS, HH, JB, JA, and RW for completing the quiz.  I have replied back you. If you didn't see my reply please submit another quiz and I will be happy to help.

Wow! Great work Year 6! Some of today's work was tricky but I like that you all persevered through it AND completed it! Well done all!

EW- WOW! You've challenged yourself today! Super conversions on level 3 and great reasoning too!

JB- WOW! More super maths work! Well done for completing multiple levels! And well done mum for helping with the last question!
