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Home Learning

Hi Everybody,

I hope you are staying safe, healthy and happy at home with your families. We are missing you all so much and can't wait to see your big smiles, hear your laughter and watch your imaginations grow when we are back at school. I've made  a few changes to the home learning page to tidy it up a bit and make it easier to access. There are now different tabs for weekly science with Mrs English, daily maths, story time, Big Maths Beat that, and keeping active. Maths will be updated daily but I will put a note under updates when there are additions to the other tabs.

Just one more thing, we'd love to see your wonderful work and hear about the things you are doing at home. Tapestry is a great tool for this. We've already had some great pictures sent in including some shape work, home baking and an amazing aquarium. Take a look in the Seashells at home tab! Please email the school office if you have not yet activated your account and we will resend the activation emails. Stay safe everyone.

Love Miss Baron x


Monday 17.6.20 - New pictures in Seashells at home


Hi Seashells,

Friday 8th May is a special day because it is 75th anniversary of VE day or Victory in Europe day.

This was a day in 1945 when Winston Churchill announced that World War 2 was over in Europe. Lots of people celebrated by having street parties.

If you want to find out more have a look at this video.


Here are some activities that you might want to do to celebrate VE day at home:

1. Make some bunting. Look back at Miss Hill's video to find out how to do this.

Here is a template for union jack bunting too.

2. Design and paint some VE day rocks.
3. Bake some wartime recipes
4. Do some colouring
5. Make a spitfire paper aeroplane (You might need quite a lot of help with this from your grown ups!)

How to Make a Spitfire Origami Paper Plane - Basic

This is a demonstration on how to make a small paper origami Spitfire plane.

5. Have a picnic with your family in the garden or your house.

Easter egg hunting in the garden

Made for kids



Easter egg hunting in the garden
  • Watch the video carefully.
  • Look out for eggs (they are quite small!)
  • When you spot an egg write down its position, for example; Under the wheelbarrow
  • Try to use your positional language e.g. on top, under, next to
  • Count how many eggs you spotted
  • Watch the video again, just in case you missed any!
  • Check the answers and see how many you got right

Easter baking
