Friday 17th July 2020
It's come to the end of Year 3 for you little Charlies. It's a shame that we only got to enjoy two thirds of it together. We hope that you and your parents have a fantastic summer break and look forward to seeing you all back at school in September.
Stay safe,
Mr Earl, Mrs Wilson, Mr Clements & Mrs Nellist
Tuesday 16th June 2020
Hi there Year 3. We've reached a point of change once again as the government begins to ease the lockdown. Due to this, things will start to change a little bit on our home learning pages soon as Walkley staff return to teaching their full hours in school. As Miss Morecroft and I will both be working in Key Worker bubbles, it will be tricky for us to make daily updates to the Year 3 class pages.
Don’t worry though - we have a plan to make sure we are still delivering quality home learning to you all. It may be delivered in a slightly different way though as most of the posts will be made by other members of the Walkley teaching team. Miss Morecroft and I have continued to prepare Maths, Literacy and Science sessions for this week, but your Guided Reading has been prepared by Miss Travis. From next week, Miss Morecroft and I will be posting less often, but you'll still be getting loads of great activities from Mr Rist, Miss Travis and Miss Kendall. I've already seen some of what is being prepared and it looks really fun.
We are all still keen to share in the work you are producing, so please keep sending it in!
We will keep you up-to-date as the weeks pass.
Mr Earl, Miss Morecroft and the whole Y3 team.
Friday 22nd May 2020
Well done for all the incredible work you have been doing at home over the last 6 weeks! It has been so lovely to chat to you all on the phone and hear about the creative and fun things you've been busy doing. We have also loved seeing all the photos of you and your work - thank you to all the grown ups for continuing to share these with us!
Today is the last day of the Spring 1 half-term so we will not be adding any more work to the blog until Monday 1st June. You will still be able to access the tasks we have already set if you want to catch up with anything you have missed. There are some great activities that you might not have had time to do yet, but we think you will really enjoy.
Try and make the most of daily outdoor time. As we’ve said before, exercise and fresh air is really good for your physical and mental health - just remember to social distance to keep yourselves safe.
Over the past few weeks, the plant life around us has really been thriving. Some gardens almost look like rainforests! As we approach the end of planting season, why not spend the half-term break planting some fruit and vegetables in pots or in the ground around your garden? You'll definitely be pleased that you did, come harvest time. Yum!
Stay safe and we'll be back in touch soon with lots of new activities to keep you busy at home!
- the Year 3 team
Friday 8th May 2020
Hello Year 3s!
Today is a special Bank Holiday so we won't be having an online lesson today as you wouldn't have been in school. The TT Rockstars battle is still going ahead though, so let's see which class can score the most!
The May Day Bank Holiday is usually on the first Monday of May, but this year it has been moved to Friday because today is the 75th anniversary of VE Day, when World War II ended in Europe. There are a couple of videos below to let you know a little more about VE (Victory in Europe) Day, but you can find out more by reading about it on Newsround.
Next week, we'll be back with our usual daily maths lessons from Miss Morecroft and myself, as well as some Science on Monday, Guided Reading on Wednesday and some Literacy work throughout the week.
Have a good weekend.
-Mr Earl & Miss Morecroft
Friday 24th April
With home learning continuing for a bit longer, we are adding more exciting things to the blogs to keep you busy!
We will be continuing to post maths activities for you to have a go at each day. Miss Morecroft will be teaching you on Mondays and Tuesdays and Mr Earl will be doing Wednesdays and Thursdays. On Fridays, we are going to start doing BigMaths and TT Rockstar activities too!
Every week, Miss Morecroft will be continuing to give you writing activities and Mr Earl will be setting you some guided reading work to have a go at. There will also be science and creative activities posted once a week.
You can find all of these fun activities by clicking on the pictures at the top of this page. Enjoy!
Mr Earl & Miss Morecroft
Saturday 21st March 2020
Greetings all,
Yesterday, the children who were with us in Charlie class were discussing how life is going to be slightly different for us all over the next few weeks. We watched a video on the Newsround website (link below) in which a Y6 pupil who lives in Italy was explaining how she felt after being isolated for a couple of weeks. Children suggested several feelings that they could relate to: anxiety, loneliness, sadness. The overwhelming feeling that most children picked out from the video though was boredom.
In the coming weeks children will feel these emotions, but as you can see from our brainstorm (below) the children have already been coming up with lots of ideas for how to stave off the boredom and keep themselves occupied. These ideas are just the tip of the iceberg. Add to them and gear them towards what works for your family.
In addition to daily reading, I would try to pick at least three things to do every day. Decide what they're going to be in the morning or the night before and try to stick to them - children feel secure when they know what's coming up next. It's good for adults to plan a varied day too. This morning, for example, I read a chapter of the book that I have been reading and then planted some potatoes, carrots and beetroot out in my garden. This afternoon, I will be working on a sequence of home-learning to be sent out to you via the 'Home Learning' tabs (above) over the next few weeks. Finally, this evening, I plan to retune and refamiliarise myself with my guitar, which has spent all of 2020 to date gathering dust. At least one bit of 'work', some reading and two other actitivies to keep my mind and body active.
I hope that I'll see you all again soon, but until then, keep well, keep active and keep learning.
Mr Earl
Yes, I know that you can't actually visit a museum, but you can virtually visit the British Museum online.
Mrs Sian and Mr Wallis have also produced a well-designed special Learning Log. I highly recommend exploring the writing tasks, in particular, and ask that you take your time to produce some high quality work.
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