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Home Learning - Writing and other curriculum subjects

Home Learning Across the Whole Curriculum


This page is where you'll find the weekly Writing and Science / Creative Curriculum tasks.


Every week, we'll post a session on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) or a longer writing task. If you follow the 10 Step Approach to Writing, which our children know very well, then children should, with your feedback, be able to produce a good piece of work. Through this two week cycle, children will continue to develop their understanding of punctuation, grammar and composition. 


I've also posted up the spelling lists for the remainder of the year in the usual place. You'll notice that I've dated these as if they were still going out on that Friday. This is to reinforce to you that these aren't intended to be learnt all at once. Tackle one spelling patttern and ten spellings per week. We'll also post up a task relating to our Science or Creative Curriculum topics each week. 


The links that I've posted on the main Homework page really are worth exploring. Try to have a look at one of these every other day or so at least.


Most of all though, I don't want you to stress about "doing enough" to meet the Year 3 National Curriculum objectives. Instead, allow child-led exploration. Today, for example, they've read The Enormous Crocodile and they've really enjoyed it. Could they build a crocodile with LEGO? Could they find out more about crocodiles online? Could they use cardboard and string to build a set of moving crocodile jaws? Could they paint a crocodile? Could they write a poem about a crocodile silently sliding into the slippery Amazon river?


That being said, I will post something up here at least once a week. It will mostly be things that you can do at home, but there will also be opportunites to send your end-results in for me to look at.



Mr Earl

How bird-friendly is your garden?


I've noticed that since the number of cars on the local roads has reduced, my garden has been receiving more frequent visits from a variety of birds. To encourage them, I've hung out a bird feeder and made a couple of small bird tables, which I've put on the dead branch of a tree. So far, I've spotted pigeons, sparrows, great tits, blue tits and..... Oh, I wish that I'd made a note of it. I can't remember now!


That's it! This week, I'm going to spend 20 minutes a day gazing out of my window and trying to spot how many different types of birds are visiting my garden. I'm also going to keep track of how many individual birds I see.


It'd be great if you could do the same thing so that we can compare our results. Then we'd start to get an idea of which birds are most common in and around Walkley. Send your reults in using this Google Form.


Use this guide from the RSPB to help you to identify the birds in your garden. Their bird identification tool is really handy.


There is a template survey form attached below, if you choose to use that. Alternatively, you could make up your own.


I've also attached some instructions for how to make a bird feeder and how to make paper-plate birds  -- just for fun.






As part of our creative curriculum this term, we are going to be learning about weaving. Traditional weaving can be found in many cultures but is usually associated with the Americas and South Asia. These skills are passed down between families where master weavers teach younger members of the community this complex art form. It is no easy feat – some foot looms can take up to two days to assemble.


Activity 1: Make your own llama!

The llama is a South American relative of the camel, though the llama does not have a hump. These sturdy creatures are domestic animals used by the people of the Andes Mountains. Native people have used llamas as pack animals for centuries.

Materials Needed:

  • Scissors
  • Corrugated Cardboard
  • Wood
  • Felt tips
  • Masking Tape
  • Optional: 
    • Print out llama template
    • Small Pom-Poms


Step 1:

Draw out a llama on a piece of cardboard and cut it out. You can print a template using the link above or draw your own.


Step 2:

Cut out the same number of slits on the top and bottom of your llama to hold your warp threads. Make sure they're evenly spaced.


Step 3:

String your warp threads. 

  • Tape one end of a piece of wool to the back of your llama. 
  • Then, wrap the wool around your llama until all of slits are filled. 
  • Tape the end of your wool to the back.




Step 4: 
Cut out a piece of wool to weave. Tie one end to your warp (top of the right string.)
Wrap the other end with masking tape (to help weave.) Alternatively, you could also use a needle (but you don't really need one.)


Step 5:
Go over and under each warp thread (grey ones). When you reach the end of one row, do the opposite pattern of over and under for the next row. Keep alternating until you're finished with your piece of wool (or you decide to change colours).To add another piece of wool, simply tie on your new piece of wool to your old piece of wool. Then, keep on weaving!




Step 6: 
Optional: Glue on pom poms. Why? Because they're so cute!

Activity 2: Weave an 'Ojo de Dios'


Traditionally, a God’s Eye (in Spanish, Ojo de Dios) was a spiritual symbol, and the weaving process was reflective and meditative. The points of a God’s Eye represent the four elements of nature: earth, fire, air and water, and the center  represents the eye of God, and is believed to have the power to see and understand things that the human eye cannot.  In some cultures, when a baby is born, the father of the household weaves the eye of the God’s eye, and each year, until the child’s 5th birthday, another ring of colour is added. They are commonly found in Mexican and South American communities.


Follow the steps below to have a go at weaving your own ojo de dios. 


 Materials Needed:

  • Scissors
  • Two sticks
  • Wool



Step 1:

To make your God’s eye, begin by crossing two sticks to form an “X”.

To secure those sticks, and keep them in place, wrap a piece of wool around the intersecting points of the stick (where they cross).  You can knot your wool to start, or you can just trap the tail under the wool as you start wrapping. Do a few wraps in one direction, and then rotate your sticks, and do a few wraps in the other direction to ensure your sticks are stable, and won’t shift.

And now, the fun begins!


Step 2:

Wrap your wool around one stick, close to the center of the God’s eye, and take it over to the next stick.  Wrap it around that stick, and take it to the next stick. Continue wrapping and winding in that fashion, rotating your God’s Eye craft as you work. Whether you wrap the yarn over the sticks or under doesn’t matter, as long as you are consistent.


Watch the video to see this weaving in action! 


-------------------- MUSIC --------------------


Music at Home 1

Week beginning 18th May 

Hello Charlies! Here are a selection of brand new resources prepared for you by the Sheffield Music Hub that we'd like to share so that you can get singing and connect with music at home.  You could incorparate your Rainforest Shaker into the music and singing. You can click here to upload any photos or videos of you taking part in any of the tasks - we'd love to hear from you!

Song of the Week

Click on the video to follow a fun warm up, similar to how we start our Thursday Sing Assemblies, to get you ready to sing.  Pete then teaches a section of a song called  'I have a Song to Sing' that you can join in with.

Primary Schools Singalong 1

If you'd like to sing along with the full version of 'I have a Song to Sing' it's available here.

' I Have A Song To Sing ' from Out of the Ark Music

Challenge of the Week - Mood Music
Do you remember the trip we went on to watch the amazing Halle Orchestra Concert at the City Hall? This challenge links to the theme of that concert - how music is linked to our mood and feelings.  For this, you will need some way of listening to music e.g. Spotify, YouTube, CD etc.  Your challenge is to find music that make you feel something.  Watch this video from Laura to find out more.

Music At Home Challenge of the Week

Music Challenge of the week set by Laura Steelyard

Body Percussion

This video from Beat Goes On teaches how you can use your body to make rhythms and beats by using some really simple call and response techniques. Everyone in the house can do it! 

'Body Beats'

Music at Home 2

Week beginning 18th May 

Here are this week’s resources from Sheffield Music Hub so that you can get singing and connect with music at home. You can click here to upload any photos or videos of you taking part in any of the activities - we'd love to hear from you!


Song of the Week

This video includes a fun warm up and step by step learning of the song 'Sing Together'.

To learn and sing the full version click here

Primary School Singalong Week 2

Pete Taylor with your Week 2

Challenge of the Week
This week it is about composing lyrics. This explains your challenge of creating your own words for songs.

At Home Music Challenge of the week-Week 2

Laura Steelyard with your week 2 challenge!

Click here for lots of ideas on enjoying music at home. You can sing along with lots of well-known songs and have the chance to learn some new ones. There are also lots of ideas for musical activities at home for you to enjoy with your family.



  • There's a FREE online Music Festival presented by Music in the Round  taking place this Friday and Saturday (15th and 16th May).  Each day is filled with performances and talks and there are 2 amazing family events for you to take part in at home. Click here for more information.
  • Concerteenies - Hosted by Polly Ives featuring Ensemble 360's violinist BENJAMIN NABARRO and cellist GEMMA ROSEFIELD - approx 25 minutes on Friday 15 May at 11am. 
    Sir Scallywag and the Battle of Stinky Bottom - A recording from last year's production of this amazing show with a live commentary and chat with Polly Ives will be shown on Saturday 16 May at 11am.You can watch these events via the Music in the Round YouTube page here.

Music at Home 3

Week beginning 1st June 

Here are the new resources from Sheffield Music for you to have a go at so that you can get singing and connect with music at home. You can click here to upload any photos or videos of you taking part in any of the activities - we'd love to hear from you!

KS2 Song of the Week 
This weeks' song comes from Music Vocal Leader Caroline Hallam. Caroline uses exciting warm ups, gets your brain working with ‘Alive Alert Awake’ and finishes with the uplifting piece 'I'm Gunna Shine'


The link for the song and resources:

Challenge of the Week - Suitable for any age! 
Laura Steelyard is back with her challenge and this week it's Body Percussion! Create your own body percussion using a really simple step-by-step method.

At home music challenge week 3 Body Percussion

Music at Home 4

Song on the Week

This week’s song comes from Music Leader Peter Taylor. Spending time reading during lockdown is a great way to pass the time.  So is singing! We hope you enjoy learning the song 'I like books' this week.   

Primary School Singalong 4

Out of the Ark song link: And the resources for the song:

Challenge of the Week

Caroline Hallam has come up with a short challenge for you this week - Rhythm vs Beat!  Click on the video below and join in! 

At Home Challenge of the week

Caroline Hallam brings you your at home challenge of the week-this week a rhythm challenge.



Today's signpost is an exciting one - for the first time since schools closed, you can now sign up as a new member of one of our choirs, completely free of charge! 

Festival Choir

Tuesdays 3.30pm-4.30pm  
Choir Leader - 
Laura Steelyard  
Age - Y3-Y6 
Price - No charge 

This is an exciting, safe space for children to get singing, moving and performing! Music Hub are working on songs for group recordings as well as making sure there is time to socialise and gel as a group. Each activity is fun, engaging and really easy to take part in so no experience is necessary. The current members have been excited about the new virtual challenges so we are really pleased we can take the next step of inviting new members to join us!  
For more information and to sign up 
click here

Music at Home 5

Click here

How To Make A Rainforest Shaker

SHAKE IT and smile for the camera! Click here to upload a photo or video of your rainforest shaker in action. 

-------------------- SCIENCE --------------------

How Does the Rainforest Grow? 

      How quickly do plants absorb water?


Monday 11th May 2020


LO: To be able to understand how water is transported by plants.

I can remember to:

- read the PowerPoint and think about the questions.

- gather your equipment with your parents.

- predict what you think will happen.

- follow the instructions to complete the investigation.

- record your results.

- make a conclusion.


Hello Year 3, 


Continuing our look at plants, here is some information about how plants absorb water and some instructions for how you can investigate it yourselves.


You will need:

 - the PowerPoint attached below;

 - some flowers (of the same size and type);

 - water;

 - containers (e.g. vases, cups or beakers);

 - food colouring;

 - the observing changes sheet attached below.


We look forward to seeing what you find out! Submit photos, videos or a write-up of what you've done here.

The Life-cycle of Plants


Monday 27th April 2020


LO: To be able to describe the life-cycle of a plant.

Remember To:

 - read through the PowerPoint.

 - watch the video.

 - read the eBook.

 - be CREATIVE to show us what you've learned.


Good morning Year 3,


For your Scientific exploration this week, we'd like you to have a look at the life cycle of a plant. If you had a go at the science investigation that we set for you before Easter, then you're probably already familiar with part of it.


Once you have explored the PowerPoint presentation, video and eBook, then what we'd really like is for you to get creative. You can do whatever you want to show us what you've learned. 

You could:

 - make a model;

 - create a poster;

 - record yourself doing a rap about it;

 - produce a fact book;

 - write your own PowerPoint presentation;

 - create a paper-plate spinning dial;

 - come up with an abstract dance;

 - or think of your own idea.

However, if you can't think of anything to do, there is an activity sheet attached below that you can have a go at to show what you've learned.


Click the link to access the free eBook. Get your parents to use the voucher code 'UKTWINKLHELPS' to access the resource for free if they haven't already singed up.


Send us your work: SHOW OFF WHAT YOU'VE DONE.

-------------------- Literacy --------------------


Writing Project Save Our Rainforests

Our Literacy home learning is going to be based on the Greenpeace advert 'Rang-tan' and the issues surrounding deforestation - the cutting down and removal of big areas of the rainforest. I will be posting a range of activities on here for you to work through at your own pace. There will be a range of different activities to give you chance to practise your drama, writing, reading, grammar, handwriting, editing and publishing. I can't wait to see your fantastic work!


Task 1:

Watch the advert below and discuss what you think it is about with your grown ups. What do you already know about palm oil? Have you seen the advert before?

Task 2:

Create a story map and actions for the poem which narrates the advert. You could choose your favourite verse or challenge yourself to story map the whole poem. Remember to create an action and a picture for as many words as you can to help you learn it off by heart. There is a copy of the text below to help you with this. Practise using your story map to perform the poem. You could get your whole family involved and teach them your actions too! I would love to see photos of your fantastic story maps - Click here if you would like to upload a photo of your work to share on the blog. 

Task 3:

Read the text about Orangutans and have a go at answering the questions. Remember, we usually read non-fiction texts to retrieve information so most of the questions are practising this skill. Read each question carefully and decide what information you're looking for then skim and scan to find the answer and retrieve it from the text. Click on the link below to see the text and questions. There are also answers for you to check your work.

Task 4:

1. Click here to learn how to draw your own orangutan.

2. Write as many expanded noun phrases you can think of to describe the orangutan or the rainforest around him.

Top tip! Pick a part of the orangutan eg. eyes then think of adjectives which describe the eyes eg. dark and beady.

3. Use your expanded noun phrases to write a description of an orangutan using full sentences.

Remember to read your sentences back to check your spelling and punctuation. 

4. Say cheese! Click here if you would like to upload a photo of your work to share on the blog.

Task 5:

Research Time! Use the internet to find the answers to these questions:

Where in the world are orangutans found?

How would you describe their appearance? (what they look like)

What food do orangutans eat?

Where do they sleep?


Remember to group similar facts together. This will make the information easier to use in our writing (Task 6!)


Click on the link below to download and print your very own orangutan explorer's notebook to make notes about the information you find. (You can of course make your notes anywhere!)

Task 6: 

This one might take you a couple of days!

Using the information from your research, create an orangutan fact file.


Remember to:

- start with an introduction explaining what you're writing about -> orangutans!

- use sub-headings to organise your information into groups eg. 'Diet' or 'What do orangutans eat?'

- use questions to interest your reader eg. Did you know....?

- write captions explaining what your photos or drawings show


Draft your writing first to give you chance to edit any mistakes and add in those extra fantastic ideas that come to you later on. Once you're happy with your super writing, get creative with your publishing. You could create your fact file by hand or on the computer. There are some examples below to give you some ideas.


I can't wait to see you brilliant work! Click here if you would like to upload a photo of your fact file to share on the blog. 


If you have any problems with uploading your file or photo, please sent these through to

Task 7: 

For this next activity, you will need to cast your minds back to when we wrote our Christopher Columbus sound sailor poems based on the poem 'The Sound Collector'. We are going to use this poem again, but this time to help us write a poem based on the sounds of the rainforest. Your task is to listen to the soundtrack and brainstorm ideas for the sounds you might hear ready for writing your poem. If you think of any rhyming words, jot these down too! Remember to write your ideas down like the examples below as this will really help us when it comes to getting the rhythm we want for our poem which we will have a go at writing together in the next task!


the sound of the something

eg. the tweeting of the birds, the rustling of the leaves, the creaking of the branches.

Rainforest Sounds

Click here if you would like to upload a photo of your work to share on the blog. 
Super sounds Seth! I love how you've used these in your acrostic poem. 

Task 8: 

Watch the video then have a go at writing your own rainforest poem based on 'The Sound Collector'.

You could write from the baby orangutan's point of view linked to the advert.

Click here if you would like to upload a photo of your work to share on the blog.  You could type your poem instead and upload a file if you wanted to. 

Wow Betty - what a powerful poem!                                                  Fantastic work Brooke! I love the vocabulary you've used and 
I love how you have illustrated your work too.                                   the super rhyming too. 

An amazing acrostic poem - well done Raiyaan!                              Another beautifully written and illustrated poem! Super work!

Task 9:

This next activity will give you chance to practise your inference skills or as TL puts it ‘looking at what’s going on on the outside to work out what’s going on on the inside’.


Your task is to re-watch the Rangtan advert at the top of this page, paying particular attention to the middle section which is set in the rainforest. After you have watched the video, I would like you to draw an outline of the baby orangutan. On the outside of the ‘Rangtan’, write what is going on around her in the rainforest on that night. Then, on the inside, write down any questions she might be thinking and emotions she might be feeling. I have done an example to show you what your work might look like. We call this a ‘Role on the Wall’ and will be using our ideas in the next task!



 You can then expand on your ideas to explain why you think they might be feeling that way.


I think the baby orangutan would feel _______ because ____________________ .

I think the baby orangutan would be thinking/wondering _________________________.

Task 10:

For this activity, you will need to imagine you are the little orangutan from the advert. Using your work from yesterday, I would like you to retell what happened on the night when the diggers arrived at your home. There is an example of the fantastic work written and performed by last year's Y3 Aslans. Watch the video and magpie some of their fantastic vocabulary for your own writing!

One Orangutan's Story...

Still image for this video
Click here if you would like to upload a photo of your work to share on the blog. 
Fantastic work Y3s!

Task 11

You've already written a first draft of your recount, now it's time to edit and improve your writing! Watch the video below to remind yourselves how we do this and see if you can spot any mistakes in my first draft. Then, have a go at editing and improving your own writing. 



Task 12

For this activity, I would like you to play words within words. Watch the short video below to remind yourself how this game works. You can challenge yourself or play against someone else and see who can make the most words. Remember to write down the words you make so that you don't repeat the same word twice!

orangutan - red-haired apes that live in the tropical rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo in southeast Asia

deforestation - the clearing or cutting down of forests

palm oil - an oil made from the fruit which grows on palm trees

endangered - an endangered species is any type of plant or animal that is in danger of disappearing forever

sustainable - using resources carefully so that they can continue to be used and won't run out

Task 13

Read the text 'All About Palm Oil' and have a go at answering the questions. Remember, we usually read non-fiction texts to retrieve information so most of the questions are practising this skill. Read each question carefully and decide what information you're looking for then skim and scan to find the answer and retrieve it from the text. Click on the link below to see the text and questions. There are also answers for you to check your work.

#StopDirtyPalmOil campaign


According to Greenpeace, these companies made a promise to be clean of dirty palm oil by 2020 - that's now! Last year, the Y3 Aslans wrote and performed a persuasive letter to these companies to provide a polite reminder of their promise.


Here is their fantastic work which received many replies from the companies including Nestle, P&G, Pepsi and Mondelez outlining how they're making sure the palm oil they use in their products is sustainable and not destroying the rainforest. 

Save Our Rainforests

Still image for this video

Palm oil is a very efficient product but it needs to be produced sustainably - without damaging the beautiful rainforest! Despite many campaigns, large areas of the rainforest are still being cut down in order to use the land to plant palm trees for palm oil.  We are going to write to these companies to remind them why it is so important they use sustainable palm oil in their products and not 'dirty palm oil' which has been produced from the destruction of the rainforest.


To find out more, visit


Task 15

Brainstorm ideas for your letter to these companies. Use the questions to help you think about what information you are going to include to persuade these companies to use sustainable palm oil. You can print the brainstorm plan below like we use in school or draw your own on paper or in a notebook.

Task 15

Using your plan, draft a letter to these companies to persuade them to use sustainable palm oil in their products and not 'dirty palm oil' which has been made by destroying parts of the rainforest. 

Click here if you would like to upload a photo of your work to share on the blog. 

Task 16

Listen to the story of the Great Kapok Tree....

It's time for some drama! Practise saying 'Don't chop down our Kapok tree!' using different animal voices.

Can you hiss like a snake?

Can you squawk like a toucan?

Can you growl like a tiger?

Task 17:

Complete the storyboard for the Great Kapok Tree. Draw a picture of each animal in the order that they appeared in the story. Underneath each picture, write a sentence summarising each part. You can create your own story board or print one by clicking the link below. 

Click here if you would like to upload a photo of your work to share on the blog. 

Task 18:

Choose one of the animals from the story and put yourself in their shoes....or should I say paws! Re-write the story from your animal's perspective.

Remember to:

- write in first person (I, my, me, we) 

- retell the events in the order that they happened (this is where you storyboard is really useful!)

- magpie vocabulary from the original story

- punctuate speech using inverted commas (speech marks) 

- read your writing back to check it makes sense


Here is the start of my writing as an example. Can you guess which animal I am?


Early this morning, two men arrived at my home. One was carrying a sharp, metallic object in his hand. watched them carefully from the branch I was wrapped around. The larger man pointed at our beautiful Kapok tree and ordered the smaller man to chop it down. Then he left. 


The tree shook as the man began to hit it with the metallic object but he soon became tired because it was extremely hot. When he lay down to rest, I slithered down the trunk. "Sehnor, do not cut down out precious home. My family have lived here for many years," I hissed in his ear.

- Journey to the Jungle -



"Do you know The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe – the story of Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy who discover the world of Narnia through the back of a wardrobe?

Would you believe me if I told you that I have a wardrobe that takes me to magical places? I have been a jungle explorer for many years. I have explored the Cloud Jungle in Peru, the wild jungles of Borneo and even the Ancient Waipoua Forest in New Zealand. However, six years ago, I bought a beautiful wardrobe at a market and when I got it home, I discovered that it was not just beautiful, but magical too! Every week, on a Sunday evening, if I step into the wardrobe, I’m transported to a magical jungle that is out of this world. Come and discover these new lands with me!"


Visiting a jungle:

Exploring jungles is very exciting. Every time I go through my wardrobe and discover a new one, I write in my ‘Jungle Log’. It is a bit like a diary and it is where I write down what has happened on my visits. Here is my entry from my visit to the Atlanti Jungle in Oreno, an amazing place where the sky is yellow and the soil pink.


Task 1:

Read the explorer's jungle log entry below. You can also listen to a recording of this text by pressing the play button below. 

Jungle Log

Task 2: Vocabulary

Let's take a look at the meaning of some of the words in the explorer's diary. 

discovery - something that is found or learned for the first time
trek - a long, challenging journey on foot
sturdy - strong and solid
trudge - to walk slowly
circumference - the distance around something circular
dense - packed together with not much space around
mesmerising - something that holds your complete attention
turquoise - a greenish-blue colour


Using the definitions above, have a go at drawing a picture which represents the words below:

Task 3:

Using your pictures above, have a go at creating a story map and actions to help you learn parts of the text. Practise retelling the jungle log as if you were the explorer!


Click here if you would like to upload a photo of your work to share on the blog.

Task 4:

SPaG - Which synonym?

Synonyms are words with the same or similar meanings. Can you match the synonyms at the bottom of the table to the target words? Challenge - can you find any more synonyms to add to the table?


Task 5 

Read and answer the questions below:

1. Does mesmerising mean ‘something that is boring’ or ‘something that is really exciting’?
2. Is turquoise close to the colour blue or close to the colour red?
3. Does trek mean ‘to run quickly’ or ‘to go on a difficult journey’?
4. Does discovery mean ‘something you do all the time’ or ‘finding something for the first time’?


Challenge: Have a go at using these new words in a sentence. I have done one for you:
The sky looked turquoise this morning.


Task 6:

Jungle Comprehension.

Re-read the explorer's jungle log then have a go at answering the questions below.


1. Which jungle is going to be explored?
2. List two things the explorer did before he left camp.
3. Give two reasons why the explorer left early at 6am?
4. Which word in the text means the same as prickly?
5. What did the tiny, yellow flowers smell of?
6. The fish in the plunge pool were hiding. True or false?
7. What useful things might the explorer have in his rucksack for exploring?
8. Why did the explorer measure the trees?
9. The explorer says: It reminded me of the beanstalk in a famous children’s story. What story do you think he is talking about?

Task 7:

Have a go at writing your own list poem. What magical things would you like to find in your rucksack when you go exploring?


Remember to:

- make your items sound exciting by using alliteration - where words start with the same sound eg. sizzling sun, towering trees

- use precise, powerful verbs that show things in a more exciting way eg. scorching, splashing, glittering

- choose unusual things to add to your bag. Be as inventive as you can! eg. a hat made of stars

- exaggerate things! Make them: the biggest, the tallest, the sweetest, the fastest

- invent new things eg. the smell of clouds


You could include:

  • Things you might see exploring e.g.sizzling sun, a rhino’s footprint
  • The sound of something
  • Unusual clothing
  • A large number of something e.g.10000 leaf skeletons
  • Something amazing growing in the jungle
  • Something never-ending
  • The smell of something
  • Something that a creature left behind, e.g. the feather from a Soupee
  • Something to show how you might feel 


Click here if you would like to upload a photo of your poem to share on the blog.

Task 8:

Task 9:

Now let's imagine we have explored our new jungle and you are going to write your own explorer's log. Use the table below to help you brainstorm your ideas using the same pattern as the explorer's own entry. 


Task 10:



Task 11:


Task 11:

Read through your brainstorm plan (task 9) then have a go at drafting a Jungle Log for exploring your own jungle.


Remember to:

- use your brainstorm plan to help structure your writing into paragraphs.

- add detail to your sentence by using and or but

- add explanation to your sentences using because

- use fronted adverbials to start some sentences eg. After that,  

- read your writing to check it makes sense

- check your capital letters at the start of sentences, full stops at the end and commas after a fronted adverbial.

Task 12:

How about publishing your jungle log? 

Follow the instructions below to make a fold-out log. Draw your jungle on the front and write your log inside.



I would love to see your published jungle logs! Click here if you would like to upload a photo of your work to share on the blog.

Task 13:

Read the explorer's instructions for how to uncover a Soupee bird.



Task 14:

Create a story map with actions for the instructions and practise reading them aloud. Make sure you're using your bossiest voice!

Task 15:

Design Challenge! 

Draw and label a trap to tempt your creature out from its hiding place.

Task 16:

Now it's time to plan your instructions. Let's imitate the language and structure of mine to help you write yours.

You can use the table below to help you structure your writing.

Task 17:

Click here if you would like to upload a photo of your imaginative instructions to share on the blog.


Click here if you would like to upload a photo of your whizzy writing to share on the blog!

Collect the crystal shards as you go, unlocking the challenges and using your knowledge of grammar, punctuation and spelling to solve the fiendish puzzles.  Solve the crafty Chameleon’s riddles, jump over the snapping crocodiles and swing across the waterfalls to victory!  Watch out for baddie Salty Dan, he is determined to steal your crystals and use them for his evil plan! Can you work your way through the levels to unlock golden crystals in every level and topic, and stop him in his tracks?

Play this game to practise some Literacy skills and have fun doing it! 

Collect the crystal shards as you go, unlocking the challenges and using your knowledge of grammar, punctuation and spelling to solve the fiendish puzzles.

Solve the crafty Chameleon’s riddles, jump over the snapping crocodiles and swing across the waterfalls to victory!

Watch out for baddie Salty Dan, he is determined to steal your crystals and use them for his evil plan! Can you work your way through the levels to unlock golden crystals in every level and topic, and stop him in his tracks?





It might not feel any different, but today was the last day of the Spring 2 half-term. As we enter into two weeks of 'holiday', please take a look at the activites that I've posted below and those at this website for ideas of fun things to do while we're stuck indoors.

Science Investigation


Hello, Charlies.


I need your help with a problem. Take a look at the video below and have a go at investigating!


If you can't get out to a home or garden store to get the materials you need, then ask your parents to have a look on Amazon or somewhere similar. You can buy everything you need for under £10 inc. postage if you shop around a little. You might even already have some of the things you need at home.


There's a Word document that you can download using the link below that might help you to set your work out.


When you're finished, you can send me photos of your work explaining what you've learned using the form here. I imagine that it's going to take you a couple of weeks at least, so that time could be well spent neatly presenting your work.

Halle Orchestra Activities 


Hello Charlies, Miss Travis here! Really missing seeing you all.  Click on the link below for some activities linked to our trip to see the Halle Orchestra. Enjoy!

Calling all young artists! It’s competition time!

Please click on this link to find out about the Bourlet Young Masters Art Prize in support of the Cavell Nurses’ Trust.

You need to act fast though – the deadline for submissions in this Friday 1st May. To enter, you need to ask a grown up to post a photo of your artwork on Instagram (see the website for more details).  You could create your artwork this week or post something you have already created. There are no restrictions on the subject and the image can be painted, drawn or scribbled using any kind of media. Use your imagination!

If you would like some inspiration you can look on the bitesize website.

If you enter the competition, please spend a minute to fill out this feedback form and share your work with us.
Thank you and good luck!

La oruga muy hambrienta - The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Listen to the story. Do you notice anything similar about this and the story of 'el raton gloton' that we read at school?
Listen out for numbers, food items and days of the week!

La oruga = the caterpillar
muy hambrienta = very hungry
