Friday 19th June
Good morning Kensukes! So as today is Friday, and this is the last maths blog before we move the the new blog on Monday, we're going to do something slightly different. A while ago we did some work on solving problems with units of time. Today, we're going to practise those skills in the context of football.
LO To calculate in time
I can remember to:
Use a number line to help find the answer
Use the conversion prompt for equivalent units of time
Use my knowledge of times tables and multiples
All of today's resources can be found by clicking on the link below.
Here's what to do:
1. Watch the video by the Premier League Referee.
2. Go through the slides (Part A and Part B). You can go back and refer to this during the other activities
3. Take the quiz (Activity 1)
4. Click on Activity 2 and select and complete your correct level of challenge
Good luck! Here is the prompt sheet we used in the previous lesson (scroll down to 7th May to see this) to help with converting units of time.
Thursday, 18th June
Before we talk about today's task, I need to apologise if the google form was not available as a link. With some help, I hopefully have managed to figure it out. Please let me know how you got on!
Today, we are going to be dividing fractions, which is a lot easier than you think! Please open the PDF to follow the lesson plan.
Wednesday, 17th June
Lovely Kensukes, please look at the pdf below for your instructions for todays lesson.
Tuesday, 16th June
Hi everyone. It’s jolly, charming Mr Rist here! I know you had a lesson on ordering fractions with Mr Williamson a month or so ago, but he's asked me to go over it again. To start with, let’s remind ourselves of some key vocabulary:
Let’s start by looking at fractions with the same denominator. Remember , if the denominator is the same, look at the numerator. Watch this following video all about ordering fractions.
That’s pretty straightforward, I’m sure you agree! Next, we need to order fractions with different denominators.
3/4 6/12 2/6 7/12 5/4,
The order is:
2/6 6/12 7/12 3/4 5/4
Have a look at this video, which explains how to order fractions with different denominators. Then, complete the tasks. Good luck!
Monday 15th June
Multiplying a whole number by a decimal
Following on from last weeks revision on multiplying, we are going to look at multiplying decimals.
when multiplying decimals using column multiplication, you follow the same steps as before.
When setting up your columns, keep the numbers in the correct place value columns, adding place value holders if you need.
Ensure you place the decimal point in your answer column directly below the decimal point in the answer.
Watch this example below.
For today's tasks you decide what sheet you attempt.
Sheet one is slightly easier, with sheet three being the hardest.
Friday, 12th June
Hi everyone,
I hope you are enjoying the wet weather! Last Friday, I set you some work on Rounding to the nearest 10/100/1000 and decimals.
Please look back at the Powerpoint to remind you of the rules. This week, we are going to focus on reasoning problems to do with Rounding.
Let's look at some examples:
1. John says 2456 rounded to the nearest 10 is 2460. Jamil says it is 2450 and Robert says it is 2500. Who is correct? Explain why
Steps to solving problem
John says 2456 rounded to the nearest 10 is 2460. Jamil says it is 2450 and Robert says it is 2500. Who is correct? Explain why
2456 - the ones digit is 6, so we have to round the tens digit up to 2460. John is correct. Jamil has rounded it down and Robert has rounded it to the nearest 100.
2. A call centre receives 25, 000 calls a day. To the nearest 10,000, how many calls does it receive in a working week ( 5 days).
Steps to solving problem:
A call centre receives 25, 000 calls a day. To the nearest 10,000, how many calls does it receive in a working week ( 5 days).
Using smile multiplication , 25 x 5 = 125 and add on 3 zeros = 125, 000
Underline the ten thousands digit and then look at the single thousands digit: 125,000
The single thousands digit is 5 , so we round up to 130,000. Answer is 130,000
If the single thousands digit is 4, we would round down to 120,000
Have a go at the tasks . Good luck!
Thursday 11th June
Hello Kensukes!
So last week we learnt about calculating missing angles in triangles. This week we are learning how to find missing angles in quadrilaterals.
LO – to calculate missing angles in a quadrilateral
I can remember to:
Know that the angles in any quadrilateral add up to 360°
Use a bar model to help me find missing angles
Write down the number sentence
Use the inverse to find the value of the unknown value
Include the unit of measurement in my answer
First of all, watch this to remind yourself of the different types of quadrilaterals. This is American so it uses the term ‘trapezoid’ for ‘trapezium’
Now click here. Scroll down to Summer Term Week 2 w/c 27th April (see photo below) and watch the video about the properties of quadrilaterals.
The video below models finding unknown angles in quadrilaterals using a bar model.
Now have a go at one of these task (C is the most challenging).
Here’s are some additional challenge tasks for you to have a go at.
Wednesday 10th June
Short Division- Bus Stop Method
Good morning, afternoon or evening!
Last of our four operation revision, it has been great to see some examples of your hard work this week- keep them coming in via the school email.
Take a look at these two videos.
They are both excellent at showing you what is actually happening to the numbers when you are using the bus stop method for short division. I particularly like the second video, where she first shows you the sum in the abstract then again with place value counters. Ensure you watch both videos, in full, before attempting the tasks.
See below for your tasks, the answers are on page two of each documents for you to mark your work!
Enjoy! :)
Tuesday 9th June
Column subtraction
Today's first video will go through column subtraction with place value counters, a great way to "see" what is happening to the numbers. This covers problems with exchanging and no exchanging.
The short, second video shows you a problem with exchanging in the abstract (just the numbers!)
The third, and my personal favourite, shows you how to subtract across zeros. Challenge: Can you watch this video without dancing?
Today's activities sheets have the answers attached with them, in the same document.
Monday 8th June
Multiply 3 digit by 1 digit.
Good Morning, I hope you all had a lovely, wet weekend!
For today and tomorrow we are going to revisiting short multiplication, something we all need to know like the back of our hand by the time you get to secondary school!
Take a look at the two videos below on how to approach a short multiplication problem.
The two videos take you from grid method to column method using place value counters... onto column method in the abstract (just numbers!)
Once you have watched both videos, have a go at these arithmetic problems.
You decide your star level, depending how confident you are!
Friday, 5th June
Hi everyone, it's Mr Rist here! I hope you have had a lovely week! Mr Williamson has asked me to set the Maths for you this week. We are going to do rounding numbers to the nearest 10/100 and 1000. Also, it explains how to round to 1 decimal place. I know rounding is something you have done in previous years, but it's useful to make sure you are secure with Rounding before you go up to Secondary. I have attached a powerpoint that explains the rules for rounding. If you follow the rules, you can't really go wrong.
Once you are secure with the rules for rounding, have a go at two games on this website: Rocket rounding and Dartboard. I have had lots of fun playing them with my children. There are different levels, so you can choose whatever challenge is right for you! Click on the links below:
Ok, so you should now how to round whole numbers. The first sheet is simply rounding numbers to 10/100/ 1000. The numbers start off small and get gradually bigger. The answers are after the questions.
The second task is a little different. You have to create a hexagon jigsaw by matching up all the pieces. This involves rounding to 1 decimal place. The rule for rounding to 1 decimal place is
Example: 7.75 can be rounded up to 7.8 or down to 7.7. It is rounded up to 7.8 because the hundredths digit is 5
7.74 can be rounded up to 7.8 or down to 7.7. It is rounded down to 7.7 because the hundredths digits is a 4
Tips for second task
Good luck!
Thursday 4th June
Hello Y6, Miss Travis here. I’ve enjoyed taking part with my daughter in the challenges Mr Williamson has set in your maths this week! We’re taking a little break in that area of maths today. So far we’ve done lots of work on measurement, now we are moving on to some work on the properties of shape.
First of all, you may need to remind yourself of the different types of triangles by watching this video below.
Today we’re going to do some work on the angles of a triangle.
LO: To find missing angle in triangles
I can remember to:
Know that the angles in any triangle add up to 180°
Use a bar model to help me find missing angles
Write down the number sentence
Use the inverse to find the value of the unknown value
Include the unit of measurement in my answer
Check my answer is correct by checking the total
Before we start, here’s an image to help you remember what the angles in a straight line add up to.
The fact you need for today’s lesson is that the angles in a triangle add up to 180°. Click here to watch a video for this fact being proved and some step-by-step instructions of trying this out yourself.
Here’s the model for today’s tasks
Wednesday 3rd June
Place value investigation
Todays lesson is an investigation into how place value can affect a number, and how you can use your knowledge of the number system to solve a problem. This task will involve logical thinking, perseverance and give it a go attitude. I recommend you try the problem you choose at least three times, to see which answer is the best. If you have the opportunity to play against someone (adult or sibling!) that would be great!
There a two problems, both very similar, but one is using 2 digit numbers and one is using 4 digits number. It is completely down to you with one you choose, you may even decide to do both!
Problem one
As I have already said, if working by yourself, have three different solutions then see which solution is the best!
The problem you will have is when you get to the last 2 or 3 questions you will have already used up a number you want to use! You can only each number once remember!
If you want a printable document, see below.
Problem two
This problem is slightly more complex, as it involves a four digit number target, but you do get two sets of numbers to use!
Have a go at this! If you are working by yourself, create three solutions. Then see which solution is the best. You will find it tricky when you get to the end because you will have used some of the numbers up that you want to use! You can only use each number once.
Tuesday 2nd June
Place Value
Good Morning! Carrying on with the place value work yesterday, moving onto decimals now!
For this lesson, either print or draw out the below place value grid
Your task is a simple one... CAN YOU BECOME A MILLIONAIRE!!!!!
Click the link to play this online game, it starts of easy but gets harder and harder and harder.
If you are struggling, use your place value grid to help you.
Monday 1st June
Place Value
Good Morning Kensuke!
Place value is a topic you would have covered every year in school, and without it the rest of maths and the number system can be quite tricky! Therefore it is vital to understand what each number represents when we are looking at bigger numbers.
For example:
In the number 465,012
The 4 represents 400,000
The 6 represents 60,000
The 5 represents 5,000
The 1 represents 10
The 2 represents 2
Try yourself with 684,902
If you like, use the place value grid below to help you.
Be careful about your decimal point!
For today's tasks
Sheet one- Obama, Curie and Ali
Sheet two- Curie, Ali, Turing, Parks
Sheet three- Turing and Parks
If you find the sheet easy, move to the next one for more of a challenge!
Speak soon :)
Friday 22nd May
Mystery maths problem solving
Your final maths challenge before half term is some mystery work! Use your problem solving skills to solve the riddles. You would have seen these style of riddles in the classroom.
This time, I've written your table names next to the mystery I want you to solve.
Once you finish one, check your answers and try another! How many can you solve?
Thursday 21st May
Number of the Day
The first task today is to click here and complete the number of the day challenge. This is a great activity to practise your mental calculation skills. Select the size of number that challenges you.
Maths Challenges
You then have some maths challenges to complete. Use the techniques we've covered in previous problem solving sessions to tackle these challenges. Read the question, underline the key information and make jottings to help you to find the answer. The second one is more challenging than the first one so select the level that is right for you.
Wednesday 20th May
Adding and subtracting fractions- problem solving
Today we are going to look at number pyramids! We have seen this style of problem quite a few times this year.
For pyramid questions, the two blocks below add up to the value of the block above. For example...
Again, you can choose what level task you want to try. 3 star is the hardest!
As you move up the star level, it will involve having to find a common denominator (like we have been doing the last two days!) to solve the addition or subtraction. Challenge yourself Kensuke.
Tuesday 19th May
Subtracting fractions
Subtracting and adding fractions are similar processes. Again, it all comes down to finding a common denominator using your multiples knowledge. Watch the below video to see what I mean.
Monday 18th May
Adding fractions with different denominators
Using our knowledge of fractions combined with our multiples knowledge, we can easily add fractions! It all to do with finding common multiples.
Watch this video for a guide.
For today's task, you can decide what level you feel comfortable at. The first sheet is the easier set of questions and each sheet gets progressively harder.
Good Luck Kensukes!
Friday 15th May
Mystery challenges!
For a math warm up today, complete your learn its and your beat that.
Time yourself for both, how quick can you complete them in ?
Open the document and scroll down to your name.
Next, you have a maths mystery to solve!
You would have seen this style of mystery in class before- you always seem to love them...
Each one has a wide variety of math topics. Usually where people go wrong is not reading the question carefully!
If you do not have a printer, copy down the first sheet with the peoples names on it then crack on with the questions.
I will let you choose what spice level you have a go at, however, I recommend:
Obama: Spicy
Curie and Ali: Hot Spice
Turing and Parks: Mouths on fire uh oh!
Good luck!
Thursday 14th May
Hello Kensukes! Today we are looking at answer questions involving money. We are using the price list from an aquarium to calculate costs of different amounts and types of tickets. There are some questions for you to have a go at (mild, medium and hot as usual! After completing 5 questions, you can choose your own price list (perhaps a theme park or a football shop website) to write and solve some of your own questions. Don't forget to share your work here!
LO: To calculate answers to questions involving money
I can remember to:
Read and underline key information in the question
Decide which of the four operations are needed
Use the most efficient method to solve the calculation
Place the decimal points carefully
Write the unit of measurement (£) in my answer
Wednesday 13th May
Fraction of an amount
Today's questions are based around worded problems.
Below I have two examples for you to look at.
The first example is where the fraction you need to find has 1 as the numerator. For example, finding 1/3, finding 1/4, finding 1/5 and so on.
The next example is where the fraction you need to find has a denominator of greater of one. For example, finding 2/5, finding 7/8, finding 2/10 and so on.
Note: If I was finding 3/4 of an amount, I find 1/4 first, then use this knowledge to calculate 3/4.
For today's questions, you decide what level you would like to work at.
If you are feeling confident, try the three star questions,
If you are still finding your feet with fractions, try the one star questions.
The choice is yours!
Tuesday 12th May
Fractions of an amount
Check me out, posting the video like that instead of a link...
Another video from my favourite teacher!
Shows the process of finding a fraction of an amount very clearly. It is something we have looked quite a lot this year!
For today's task:
Obama, Curie and Ali- Sheet one
Turing- Sheet two
Parks- Sheet three
Monday 11th May
Factors and Multiples problem solving!
As we missed our math lesson on Friday because of the VE bank holiday, we will finish of our work of factors and multiples.
First of watch these two videos to remind yourself what is meant by the term factor and multiple.
What are factors?
What are multiples?
Obama, Curie and Ali you will be completing a quiz! Look at the steps I follow to answer the questions, they follow a similar question style throughout.
Make sure you read every question carefully...
The question asks: Which number below IS a factor of 24, but NOT a multiple of 8.
Read the question carefully.
The first step I take to solve the problem is to work out the factors of 24.
In the brackets I have put the calculation that I used to work put each factor pair.
I have found the factors of 24 using my times table knowledge.
You can see on the picture below, I ticked in green the number that are multiples of 24.
This tells me the answer is either 8 or 12.
Now to step 2, and the second part of the question. What number is NOT a multiple of 8.
The first thing I need to know, is the multiples of 8 are using my times table knowledge.
8 is a multiple of 8 because 1x8=8.
12 is not a multiple of 8, because it is not in the 8 times table.
Therefore, the answer is 12.
Parks and Turing- your task is to crack the code!
No explanation needed, we have done similar tasks in class and you always smash them!
Attached below is the code to crack, and also the answer sheet.
Thursday 7th May
When you have completed any of the tasks today, please spend a minute filling out this form to give feedback and share your work with us.
Today we are looking at converting between different units of time. Time can be measured with all sorts of units, including seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and years. There are certain equivalents you will need for converting between units of time today. Here they are:
LO: To solve problems that involve convert between different units of time
I can remember to:
Read and underline key information in the question
Use the conversion prompt for equivalent units of time
Use my knowledge of times tables and multiples
Use a written method for calculating answers if necessary
Wednesday 6th May
First, watch this video on what the term "multiples" means:
Secondly, watch this video on the relationship between multiples and factors:
Obama, Curie and Ali
You will be completing the below questions.
When a question is asking you for multiples of a number, it is asking for numbers in that times table.
For example if it asked for all the multiples of 4 I would write down my four times table.
Multiples of four= 4, 8, 12 , 16, 20, 24...
1 x 4 = 4
2 x 4 = 8
3 x 4 = 12
4 x 4 = 16
5 x 4 = 20
6 x 4 = 24
And will go on forever!
If you find the questions easy, try the other sheet.
Turing and Parks.
Your questions are based around ven diagrams, with a bit of problem solving at the end.
Below is an example of how to approach these questions.
First thing, count or write your 9 and 3 times table. Note I stop at 30 as that is the highest number I need to sort.
See which multiples match the numbers i need to sort. I circled them clearly.
Remember, the section in the middle are numbers that are BOTH multiples of 3 and 9. 4 doesn't fit into any section so this goes on the outside.
Click the link for the solution to yesterdays maths riddle:
Tuesday 5th May
Common factors
For the today's first video, you only need till around 3 minutes. This will remind you what we mean by the term of "factor"
For today's second video, watch the whole video (only just over a minute long) and goes through what the term "common factor" means.
For today's questions you can decide what level you want to have a go at, challenge yourself!
Sheet one = Medium Spice
Sheet two= Hot Spice
Sheet third = Burns your mouth kinda hot!
Can you solve this riddle?
Answer posted tomorrow!
Monday 4th May
Column Subtraction
Happy Monday year 6! I hope you have had a lovely weekend and have been keeping yourself busy. Personally, I watched two Netflix series in two days this weekend- not the most productive weekend!
Back to working hard now though...
I have two videos for you to watch.
Please take the time to watch them both, they really do take you step-by-step from column subtraction with no borrowings (also called exchanges) all the way to a upper year 6 level column subtraction using decimals with multiple exchanges.
Video number 1
Video number 2
Below are your questions for today. Your table names are above your sets of questions.
To check your answer after completing, use the inverse operation.
After, use the internet. There are multiply online calculators! How many can you get right?
Friday 1st May
Hello Year 6! You have two tasks today, your first task is to complete your learn it's and CLIC!
You have 90 seconds to complete your learn its.
CLIC is usually somewhere between 8-10 minutes, but if you need more time that is absolutely fine!
CLIC the link (see what I did there?) and scroll to your name.
Multiplication and Division worded problems
After two weeks of revision on the two operations, it is time to put on our problem solving hats and become a math detective!
The following questions are all either multiplication or division. You just need to decide which one you need to use.
Remember, in class we have spoke a lot about RUCSAC.
.RUCSAC is a step by step guide we use for solving worded problems. It stands for:
Read the question
Understand the question and Underline important information
Choose the operation or operations
Solve the problem
Answer the question (re-read the question, have you definitely answered it?)
Check the answer using the inverse operation
Watch this clip by another adorable teacher:
Find your table name and have a go at the questions.
Keep working hard!
Thursday 30th April
Hi Y6. Miss Travis here again with some Thursday maths for you. First of all, have a go a Number of the Day. Select a number that will give you some challenge! Please spend a few minutes filling our this google form and share your work from this lesson - we'd love to see it!
Today we are going to use the work we did last Thursday and Friday to solve problems involving converting measurements.
LO To solve problems involving measures
I can remember to:
Read the question carefully and underline key words and numbers
Convert all measurements into the same unit of measurement
Move the digits to the left when multiplying and to the right when dividing
Move the digits one place when x and ÷ by 10, two places when x and ÷ by 100 and three places when x and ÷ by 1000
Remember to include place holders and decimal points where necessary
Use the crib sheet to help me convert between different units of measurements
Write the answer using the correct unit of measurement
Wednesday 29th April
Short Division with remainders.
Taking our short division work to the next level now, looking at problems with a remainder.
First of all, watch this video:
This a topic we have committed a lot of time to in year 6. For today's work you can decide for yourself what questions you would like to try. You should aim to complete two different sets of questions.
The sets are:
The third, and hardest, set of questions have some problem solving involved where you need to explain a mistake in a calculation. DO NOT WRITE "THEY HAVE CALCULATED IT WRONG". You must ensure you tell me what they have calculated wrong, and what the calculation should be.
See below for an example.
Step one: start the calculation from the beginning.
I have calculated this using my times table knowledge
How many 6s go into 3? 0 I carry the 3
How many 6s go into 32? 5 with 2 remaining 6x5 =30
I carry the 2
How many 6s go into 26? 4 with 2 remaining 6x4=24
I carry the 2
How many 6s go into 20? 3 with 2 remaining 6x3 =18
I am at the end of my calculation
So the 2 remaining is my remainder
Looking at the question, this is where the mistake has been made.
I explain there mistake as "They have calculated that two sixes go into 20 with 8 as a remainder. Three sixes go into 20 with 2 as a remainder.
Keep up the hard work team year!!!!
Tuesday 28th April
Short Division
Carrying on with short division with two more videos for you to watch.
First one, presented again by our most adorable teacher, looks again at short division with place value counters. This is a great way to "see" what is actually happening when you are completing this operation.
Secondly, a video I actually used in our lessons this year. The lady explains it in a very similar way to me, in the "abstract". Using our times table knowledge to solve the calculation. Watch carefully, and if you get stuck on a question later on refer back to this video. It is very clear and concise in how to calculate short division problem.
Your problems today are arithmetic based.
Sheet one- Obama
Sheet one and two- Curie and Ali
Sheet three and four- Parks and Turing
Enjoy and keep working hard :)
Monday 27th April
Short Division
Hello Kensuke! Hope you all had a lovely weekend.
This week with me we are looking at short division, sometimes called the bus stop method. This is an operation we really committed to in class this year and a topic we were REALLLYYYYY strong on!
Your helpful video today is taught by the most adorable presenter yet... click the link:
The first few questions are pretty self-explanatory. However, one question uses a part-whole model. You will have seen this before in other years, but we haven't used this a lot in year 6. Below is a reminder how this works in relation to short division.
Complete the part-whole model. This is how your question will worded on today's work!
You can see your whole number has been split into three parts.
Therefore, your whole has been divided into three parts. So what calculation could you do to find the value of the missing parts?
To find the value of the missing part, you divide the whole by three using short division
For the questions-
Obama- Sheet one
Curie and Ali- Sheet two
Parks and Turing- Sheet three
If you are finding the questions easy go onto the next sheet and challenge yourself. I have also attached an extension activity. No explanation or help, be a detective and solve the problem!
Good Luck Kensukes!
Friday 24th April - Converting Units of Measurement
Hello Kensukes, Miss Travis here. Please join me today to make hot chocolate and flapjack, to measure the length of the stairs and the height of a baby apple tree and to convert some units of measurement! We're using our knowledge of multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 (from yesterday's lesson) to convert between metric units of measurement. After watching the video, you could have a go at taking some of your own measurements and converting them and there's also some activities for you to have a go at. Please spend a minute or two to fill out this google form that we're trialing at the moment to share your thoughts and upload any work examples. It'd be great to hear from you!
Take care of yourselves and the people around you. Have a good weekend!
By the way - the apple tree really was grown from the pip of an eating apple stuck in some soil! Have you grown any seeds recently? If you have, make sure you use the google form to send us some photos!
LO: To convert between metric units of measurement
I can remember to:
Move the digits to the left when multiplying and to the right when dividing
Move the digits one place when x and ÷ by 10, two places when x and ÷ by 100 and three places when x and ÷ by 1000
Remember to include place holders and decimal points where necessary
Use the crib sheet to help me convert between different units of measurements
Multiply, times, lots of
Divide, shared
Decimal point
Place holder
Kilometres, metres, centimetres, millimetres
Kilograms, grams
Litres, mililitres
Thursday 23/4/20
Hello Kensukes - Miss Travis here. I really miss you and hope you are all keeping well. Your maths today is provided by me! There's a video to watch first, then some questions and an online game for you to have a go at.
We're trialling the use of google forms which allows you to let us know how you're getting on and you can also upload photos of your work if you'd like. So once you've had a go at the lesson, fill out this google form
LO To multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000
I can remember to:
Move the digits to the left when multiplying
Move the digits to the right when dividing
Move the digits one place when x and ÷ by 10
Move the digits two places when x and ÷ by 100
Move the digits three places when x and ÷ by 1000
Remember to include place holders and decimal points where necessary
Multiply, times, lots of
Divide, shared
Decimal point
Place holder
Place value
Todays topic: column subtraction.
For todays lesson I have three videos for you, showing you progressively harder subtraction problems (more exchanges, those dreaded "0's" in the middle of a number- you know the drill).
First off, a video using our place value counters. This is FANTASTIC for showing you what is ACTUALLY happening when we are doing our exchanges.
Secondly, column subtraction in the abstract (no counters or manipulatives, just old-fashioned numbers and lines). Give this a watch:
Thirdly, a complex problem, which I would describe as a higher-level year 6 problem! Also has a "0" in the middle of the top number *uh oh*. Have no fear. exchange from the next column to turn it into a "10". Lots of exchanging in this video, watch it twice!
If you are struggling, write the sum down and do the calculation with the teacher step-by-step!
For todays work:
Obama- Sheet one
Curie and Ali- Sheet one and two
Parks and Turing- Sheet two and three.
Yesterdays riddle solution (I think these are great btw!):
Your new riddle is as follows... bit of a different one and may involve having a "trial and error" approach, or may not?
On the planet Vuv there are two sorts of creatures. The Zios have 3 legs and the Zepts have 7 legs.
The great planetary explorer Nico, who first discovered the planet, saw a crowd of Zios and Zepts. He managed to see that there was more than one of each kind of creature before they saw him. Suddenly they all rolled over onto their backs and put their legs in the air.
He counted 52 legs. How many Zios and how many Zepts were there?
Do you think there are any different answers to this that woud work?
Good morning Kensukes!
Today is your last lesson on our multiplication revision.
First off, have a watch of this video. If your feeling confident, pause the video, complete the sum then press play again.
Then for todays task we are looking at worded problems. Some are fairly simple, one step problems (where you only need to do one calculation). Others may be multi-step problems, where you require to do two or more calculations before arriving at the correct answer.
An example of a multi-step problem is below.
"There are 17 biscuits in a packet and 3 packets in a box. A supermarket orders 15 379 boxes.
How many biscuits will be in the 15 379 boxes?"
I need to find out how many biscuits will be in the 15,379 boxes.
To work this out I first need to find out how many biscuits are in one box.
The question tells me " There are 17 biscuits in a packet and 3 packets in a box"
I can use the information to work out how many biscuits are in one box.
I can do 3 x 17, because there are 17 biscuits per packet, and three packets in a box.
3 x 17 = 51. So there are 51 biscuits per box.
The question states: "A supermarket orders 15 379 boxes.
How many biscuits will be in the 15 379 boxes?"
To work out how many biscuits are in 15, 379 boxes. I simply times the amount of biscuits in one box buy the total amount of boxes bought.
Biscuits in each box = 51
Boxes bought = 15, 379
So I calculate 51 x 15,379
51 x 15,379 = 784,329
The question asks
How many biscuits will be in the 15 379 boxes?"
There will be 784,329 biscuits in 15, 379 boxes.
Good luck Kensuke, read every question carefully!
Obama, Curie and Ali- Sheet one
Turing- Sheet two (If you find this easy, got to sheet three, the choice is yours)
Parks- Sheet three
The answer to yesterdays horse-based riddles is via this link:
Here is your next riddle (For some reason, could not crop and make a picture just of the riddle- DARN TECHNOLOGY!)
Happy Monday everybody, traditionally my favourite school day! Who needs a weekend??
Bag on the maths train carrying on with our LOOOOOOONG MULTIPLICATION
First off, watch this video (presented by a slightly annoying guy) for a good example of long multiplication.
NOTE: He uses a different way of carrying the numbers across, I usually put mine at the bottom of each answer, he puts his at the top... We talked about this before- It doesn't really matter that much. As long your getting the correct answer by the end, whatever works/makes sense for you.
I'll give him some credit though, a good explanation from him on why we put a 0 in the units column when multiplying by the tens!
For today's questions 1, 3 and 4 are self explanatory.
However, i'll quickly run through how to solve a question that looks like this...
Which calculation is correct?
You can tell by the language of the question ONE calculation is correct and ONE calculation is incorrect. So you need to work out BOTH calculations.
I start by setting up my calculation, ready to calculate.
First step, multiply the top digits, one by one, by the units of the bottom number, in this case it's one.
Second step, multiply the top digits, one by one, by the tens of the bottom number, in this case it's 20.
REMEMBER to put a 0 in the units, this will make your answer ten times bigger, and allows you to think of the x20 as X2 (making it easier!)
Add the two answers together !
Now I have calculated the answer, I can see that it is CORRECT in the question. However, to double check I need to work out the second calculation in the question. If this calculation is incorrect, that means I am correct!
First step, I multiply the top digits, one by one, by the units of the bottom number. In this case it's 2. I can see this is correct in the questions calculation also,, so I give it a tick!
Second step, I multiply the top digits, one by one, by the tens of the bottom number. In this case it's 60. I put the zero in the units column to make my answer ten times bigger, now I can think of that 60 and a 6, to make it easier to multiply!
When I work across the calculation, I realise that in the question they haven't carried the 10 across from 6x3=18. This error will result in the answer being in correct, so this calculation is INCORRECT.
I can now, with full confidence, answer that the left calculation is correct.
For today's work
The answer is... DUN DUN DUUUUUUN... 14!
Look carefully at the last line, there is only 3 bananas in the bunch and half a coconut, which would change their VALUE!
Next riddle:
Good mooooooorning team year 6!
Eased you in with some short multiplication, now for the more challenging content on this happy Friday... LONG MULTIPLICATION!!
First of all have a watch of this video. If your feeling confident, pause the video before he starts to answer the question, and see if you get the correct answer. The teacher in it explains the process very well.
After, have a read of this webpage, this also have a very good explanation on the steps to solve long multiplication (and also looks at y7/y8 level problems). Make sure you watch the short videos on it as well.
Below is a modelled example from me of the steps to long multiplication. Essentially you are partitioning the number you are multiplying by, to give you easier numbers. This means you can use your times table knowledge.
For 4124 x 12 we partition the 12.
We can partition 12 into 10 and 2.
Place your numbers into the correct place value columns, with the bigger numbers on top and the smaller number on the bottom.
After partitioning our number, we multiply by the units first.
So for this problem, we multiply by the 2.
We then multiply by the 10.
Remember, putting a zero in the units column will make our answer TEN times bigger. Doing this means we can think of the ten as a 1 when we multiply across the top number.
We then add the answers together. Then we have our answer!
For today's work...
Sheet one- Curie, Ali and Obama
Sheet two- Turing, Parks.
If you fancy a challenge (it is all problems you have seen before with me!) you can have a go at sheet three as well!
Good luck team year 6!
Can you have a go at this... I've been doing loads of these in my isolation boredom. The trick is to look VERY VERY carefully at ALL the pictures... Will post the answer on Monday.
Good luck.
Following on from the last two lessons, you have three sheets to choose from to tackle some short multiplication problems... you decide which sheet to attack depending on how confident you feel!
If you need a reminder of our year 6 method for column multiplication watch this video:
If you are feeling confident and fancy a challenge, see how many questions you can do in five minutes! Check your answers... then set the timer again and see if you can improve your score on the next sheet. Good luck Kensuke!
Your next challenge after your warm up is a few more problems to solve...
For the first sheet remember:
Product = the answer of the question!
Then think back to Tuesdays lesson, where we had the video of short multiplication using place value counters...
For the second sheet, you need to identify the mistakes in the calculations... the best way to attack this problem is to work out the calculations yourselves, then you will spot the slips :)
The third sheet looks at finding the value of the missing number, remember yesterdays lesson!
Aim to answer 2 questions per sheet, the questions are harder towards the end of EACH sheet. You decide how much you want to challenge yourself.
Enjoy Team Kensuke :)
Good morning! Hope you are all ok and getting back into the swing of online learning...
Today we are going to use our knowledge of short multiplication to solve some problems!!
In the task there is a few different style of problems to solve.
Watch this video clip before you start the task, it focuses on a problem you have all faced before this year with me... Its a great explanation on how to be a maths detective and find the missing numbers!
Same sheets for the task as yesterday.
Obama- Sheet 1
Curie and Ali- Sheet 2 (try 3 if your confident!)
Turing and Parks- Sheet 3
Hello, and welcome back to your online learning year 6!!
We are starting with a topic we have ALL done before... the four operations!
Our first operation we are going to revise is short multiplication.
First of all take a look at this video (very important to understand some of todays tasks!). See what a multiplication actually looks like using our place value counters, and what is actually happening when we carry a number to our next place value column.
Next, watch this video of short multiplication performed to a year 6 level, in the abstract, using our times table knowledge.
(This is similar to the way we look at the problems in class)
After you have watched BOTH videos, have a go at todays tasks.
Obama- Sheet one
Curie and Ali- Sheet two
Parks and Turing- Sheet three
By all means have a go at another sheet, practice makes perfect!
Hellooooooo Y6!
Last lesson on finding any percentage, of any amount... and I have a little challenge for you!
Your task is to find a path through the maths maze to reach the gem at the end. Each block of path has a number statement on it- you need to calculate whether the statement is incorrect or correct. If it is correct, you can use this block to travel to the gem. Be careful! There are quite a few incorrect answers, and some trails may lead to a dead end of incorrect answers EVERYWHERE!!!!
The rules are:
You can only move horizontal (up+down) or vertical (left+right)
You can only move one block at a time
If you reach a dead end, you can re-start from the start
An example question is below...
The complete route would look like this...
There are three levels of this challenge.
Medium Spice
Hot Spice
SUPER OUCH THATS WAYYY TOO HOT SPICE! (This level is really hard actually!)
Keep reading...
Some questions require you to convert between measurements before you follow the steps.
For example...
30% of 3m = 80cm I need to make the measurement the same!
I convert to the smallest measurement of the two.
I use my converting measurement knowledge I gained before Christmas with Miss Travis
1m = 100cm so 3m = 300cm (3x100=300)
Now I have converted, I can follow the steps to work out any percentage, of any amount.
Step1: Partition percentage into known facts (the ones that are easy to remember!)
50% 25% 20% 10% 5% 1%
10% + 10% + 10% = 30%
Step 2: Work out the value of the partitioned percentage
10% of 300cm = 30cm (300 divided by 10 = 30)
Step 3: Add these values together to find the total amount of the percentage
30 cm x 3 = 90cm (3 x 3 = 9 so 30 x 3 = 90)
(10% x 3 = 30%)
Step 4: Pat on the back time! You are a maths genius... YOU did it! :)
30% of 3m is 90cm so...
30% of 3m = 80cm is INCORRECT
Which means, you would NOT be able to travel through this block in your challenge...
Attached below is the three levels of challenge (all on one document) with the answers.
If you want to carry on your learning with percentages, I have attached two more sheets of questions to work through.
If you are struggling with converting measurements:
1m = 100 cm ( to convert; m x 100 = ______cm )
1L = 1000ml ( to convert; L x 1000 = ______ml )
Good Luck Kensuke!
Good morning wonderful Kensuke children!
Todays maths is more of the same from yesterday, working out any percentage, of any number!
I have attached some pictures below which you could separate into two parts:
Part 1:
Nearly our last known fact now... 5%!
You can see on the image below (your percentage bar model) that 5% is half of 10%.
This means you have two options to work out 5% of an amount.
Option a:
Work out 10%, and then divide that answer by 2 because 5% is half of 10%
5% of 140 = 7
140 divided by 10 = 14
14 divided by 2 = 7
Option b:
Divide the whole by 20. This is because 100 divided by 20 = 5.
Also 5x20 = 100.
Remember, percentages is ALL about the relationship with 100% (our whole!)
5% of 140 = 7
140 divided by 20 = 7 (7x2= 14 so 7x20 = 140)
Part two:
Remember, todays task is similar to yesterday, working out any percentage, of any number.
Part two is an example of this- although a more complex example that yesterdays.
Todays example involves a few more steps to solving out the answer, although, due to our known facts knowledge of percentages, the calculations are still well within our ability.
The steps you follow to solve the problem are the same as yesterday!
The problem- 35% of 118
Step one
Partition the percentage into known facts (the ones that are easy to remember and calculate!)
35% of 118
I have partitioned 35% into:
10% + 10% + 10% + 5% = 35%
If you add your partitioned percentages up, they MUST add up to your starting percentage.
Step two
Work out the value of the partitioned percentage.
This is where it is slightly more complex.
I worked out 10% of 118
10% of 118 = 11.8 (118 divided by 10)
Then I did 11.8 x 3 to find 30% (10% x 3 = 30%) (you could also do 11.8 + 11.8 + 11.8)
11.8 x 3 = 35.4
30% = 35.4
5% = 5.9 (10% divided by 2; 11.8 divided by 2 = 5.9) (You could also do 118 divided by 20 = 5.9)
I had already worked out 10%, so I just halved that answer
Step three
Add these values together to find the total amount of the percentage
35.4 + 5.9 = 41.3 (30% + 5% = 35%)
So 35% of 118 = 41.3
Step four
Give yourself a whooooosh, then a marshmellow clap and have a go at a few more calculations!
Apologies for the delay team Kensuke... been trying to get a video to upload to youtube- failed!
So same as yesterday, some step-by-step pictures to show you the next stage of our mission to work out any percent, of any number!.
60% of 38 =
Step 1) Partition the percentage into our known facts, which are easy to remember and calculate!
60% can be partitioned into 10% and 50%
(50% + 10% = 60%)
Step 2) Work out the values of the partitioned percentages.
10% of 38 = 3.8
(38 divided by 10 = 3.8)
50% of 38 = 19
(38 divided by 2)
Step 3) Add together the value of your partitioned percentages.
10% of 38 = 3.8 50% of 38 = 19
So... 3.8 + 19 = 22.8
So... 60% of 38 = 22.8
Step 4) Feel happy you've solved the problem, pat yourself on the back, then have a go at a few more (see worksheets provided!)
P.s. Still trying to get a video up for this lesson, check back later!
Hello team Y6!
Due to technological faults (aka Mr Williamsons phone, iPad and Wifi are rubbish!) for todays lessons will not involve a homemade video (sad times!).
For your task today you are finding 1%, 10%, 20%, and 50% of a number. The pictures show you the simple steps to finding 1% and 20% of an amount. If you are finding any of this tricky, remember, you have the whole internet at your hands! Give it a google or a youtube and loads of help will come up: try typing in "finding 20% of an amount" for example.
For the table use the website:
Look at picture 3 for how you should set this up (change the number boundaries to make it harder as you work through the table)
For the written questions, read carefully what it is asking you-
1) Work out how much they need to raise.
2) Calculate how much their friends have raised.
3) Then see how much they need to raise further, or how much they have cleared the target number by!
Obama- Medium Spice
Ali, Curie- Medium Spice and Hot Spice
Turing, Parks- Hot Spice and Super Spicy!
P.S. I have posted a home learning timetable you can follow, as well as useful home learning links to the Learning Log page.
Hello everybody!
I will be sending you emails containing individual usernames and passwords for a brand new website the school has joined:
On here I will set weekly challenges for the children to complete all relating to spelling, punctuation and grammar. The challenges will be based around topics that have been covered in year 6 with me.
The website gives you LIVE FEEDBACK, so you can spot your slips and fix them!
Anything you are really not sure on, type it into google or youtube- there are LOADS of fantastic resources out there. Be independent learners :)
I will post your daily maths challenges later... chat soon team Y6!
Mr. W
Hello Kensukes!
For our first daily Maths lesson we are looking are Percentages of an amount. We will be looking at this topic until Friday, where the aim is to be able to workout any percentage of any amount!
If you need a refresher on your percentages, watch this clip:
After, watch this video (staring yours truly!) to show you how complete today's task...
If you usually sit on Ali or Curie table, aim to complete sheet 1 and sheet 2.
If you usually sit on Turing or Parks table, aim to complete sheet 2 and sheet 3.
If you usually sit on Obama table, aim to complete sheet 1.