Monday 15th June
Hello everybody, hope your all had a great weekend! I spent my Saturday viewing potential houses to buy- very exciting for me. I also saw my niece and nephew in Manchester for the first time since lockdown which was lovely. On Sunday, I had another road trip, but this time down south to Peterborough (where I grew up). I had a BBQ at the house I grew up in and saw my brother for the first time since lockdown. A very nice time seeing lots of people, it has been very hard to be away from family!
Things are changing in Walkley, and this will start to reflect our provision of work sat on the blog. Due to Y6 and some of KS2 returning to school this week, alongside a number of key worker pupils, many staff are returning to full time hours (including myself). This means from NEXT week, blog posts will be split by lower key stage 2 ( Y3 and Y4) and upper key stage 2 (Y5 and Y6) rather than by each individual class. The blogging is mostly going to be provided by the amazing Miss Travis, Miss Kendall and Mr Rist. That begins from NEXT week.
For this week, due to me preparing for the return of Y6 students to Walkley I will be posting a Monday math lesson and your write for this week (which involves robots, cooooooool!). The rest of the week Mr Rist and Miss Travis will be posting daily maths, your guided reading, spellings and something extra special on the creative tab. Take a look throughout the week to see what your activities are.
If you are a pupil returning to Walkley, I cannot wait to see you on Wednesday. I have genuinely missed you all, you crazy bunch!
Bye for now,
Mr Williamson
Monday 8th June
The timetable for this week is:
Literacy: Posts will be on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Something crazy has happened in Sheffield, click on the Literacy tab to find out what!
Maths: Daily posts for Maths. Revising our four operations Monday-Wednesday, Thursday Miss Travis will continue with her work, Friday Mr.Rist will focus on rounding.
Science: Miss Travis will post on Thursdays continuing with your new science topic.
Creative: Two tasks have been posted on Monday. One is a P.E. activity on Move More Month! The other has been sent to me by a secondary school to help your transition into your new school- please ensure you take the time to look at this using the creative tab.
Guided Reading: Posted on Tuesday for your texts and tasks.
Spellings: Your weekly spellings will be posted by Miss Travis.
Monday 1st June
Good morning Kensuke! I hope you all had a wonderful half term and enjoyed the lovely weather... my t-shirt tan is on point right now! I hope you have managed to get outside and enjoy the sunny weather at a safe distance.
This weeks schedule is:
Literacy- This weeks write is based around you finishing of the story... click the tab above to find out what story! There will be posts of Monday, Tuesday and Thursday on this page.
Maths- Mixed bag of math this week, starting with place value on Monday.
Science- This page will be updated on Thursdays by Miss Travis.
Spelling- Our spelling master, Miss Travis, has some more weekly spellings and activities on this tab.
Creative- I am posting a Design & Technology task sent to me by a secondary school for your to have a go at on Wednesday this week! Mr Rist and Miss Travis have posted some exciting activities for you to try as well- including cookie making! Mmmmmmm....
Music - There are some brand new resources from Sheffield Music Hub for you to try out which includes learning some body percussion - no experience needed!
Guided Reading- This page will be updated on Tuesday with your texts and tasks to complete for the week.
Have a great week Kensuke!
Friday 22nd May
Today is the last day of the half term so we will not be adding any work to the blog until Monday 1st of June. You will still be able to access the tasks we have already set if you want to catch up with any you have missed – there are some great ideas on the creative curriculum page to keep you busy!
Try and make the most of daily outdoor time. Sheffield is a beautiful place with so much green space to explore! Take care and refresh yourself- we will be back soon with some more fun filled learning for you!
Stay safe,
Mr Williamson, Miss Travis, Mr Rist and Miss Whitam.
Monday 18th May
This weeks timetable
Literacy: Your write this week is based around story writing, you are very much in control this week! There will be posts on this page Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
Math: As always, there will be daily math posts. Monday begins with some more fraction work!
Guided Reading: The texts this week are "The hidden"- which has a very unique ending and a text about the beach habitat. These will be posted on Tuesday.
Creative: Mr Rist and Miss Travis will be in charge of this page this week. There will be posts on Monday and Thursday.
Spellings: Your weekly spellings continue, with Miss Travis in charge of this page for the week.
Music: Check out the music tab for some exciting activities.
Science: There's plenty of science activities from the Evolution topic in the 'Get creative' tab if you've not checked those out already. There's a new science tab this week with a fun science activity for you to try out at home. All you need for this is salt, string, a glass and some ice cubes!
Monday 11th May
See below for a brief overview of your online learning time table for this week!
I hope you all had a brilliant, sunny bank holiday weekend (lets just forget about Sunday's weather shall we...)
This weekend I ran the furthest I have ran in a good ten years- nearly 12km in just over an hour, celebrated my partners birthday with a Chinese feast cooked by me, and then had a BBQ on the Saturday and got slightly sun burnt... whoops! In the evening, I was quiz master for my friends back home in Peterborough on Zoom. Hope you are keeping yourself busy and enjoying spending time with your loved ones.
The teaching team would love to see pictures, videos or documents of what you are getting up to during lockdown.
If you would like to share what you have been doing, use this form to upload:
This weeks learning includes:
Literacy- Posted on Monday, the weeks write is answering the question: "What would the world be like if everybody spoke the same language". A very interesting concept! This week, we look at the planning process in more detail on the Monday then on Wednesday we will look at formal language and how this can be incorporated into our writing.
Maths- Mondays math will finish off the factor and multiple topic, with a quiz and a code-cracking activity. On Tuesday and Wedneday we will move onto fractions of an amount, before Miss Travis takes the reigns on Thursday.
Creative- Miss Travis will be posting her weekly science activity under the creative tab. This week is an investigation involving jelly snakes and cooking utensils! Mr Rist is also posting a new activity here, scroll down, click the creative tab and see what he had got in store for you!
Music - There's a new music tab for you to have a look at with a range of resources to try out this week including a fun singing warm up, body percussion and links to online concerts taking place this Thursday and Friday.
Guided Reading- The texts this week are a short story called "Kidnapped" and an information text on Leopards! Tasks include designing a comic strip, a newspaper and much, much more! Click on the Guided Reading tab at the bottom of the page. This will be posted on Tuesday.
Spellings- Miss Travis, queen of the spellings, has some more activities and challenges for you to complete.
It would be great to see what you get up to at home this week, use this form to show pictures, videos and documents for Me, Miss Travis and Miss Whittam
Bank Holiday Friday 8th May
Due to the bank holiday there will be no blog posts on the above date.
Blogging will resume on Monday 11th May.
Monday 4th May
I would really appreciate it if you could take the time to fill in a form on last weeks online learning. It is only four questions long, and has a section at the bottom to upload any photos/documents for me to see. Click the link below:
This weeks plan is:
Maths: This week is quite varied for our math work. With me, you will be looking at column subtraction, multiples and factors. Miss Travis will be teaching you on Thursday.
Literacy: Our write is going to bring us back to our first topic, World War One. On Monday you will be revisiting and researching the topic, using videos and pictures we looked at in class. On Tuesday you will begin your writing. On Friday a small, grammar based task will be loaded up based around synonyms and antonyms.
Guided Reading: Following on from last weeks literacy write, the text you are looking at this week is called "trapped" which is based around Alma. There is a drawing task involved to (I know you all like those!). If you are in Group 5 your text is based around the emperor penguin, the world largest penguin! Guided reading will be posted on Tuesday.
Creative: The legend himself- Mr Rist- is posting some art work for your to have a go at this week. This will be posted on Monday. On Thursday, Miss Travis (also a legend) will be posting up some science under the creative tab.
Spellings: Click on the spelling tab to find your spelling tasks for this week. This includes a 'Crack the Code' activity and the favourite wordsearch.
Friday 1st May
Hello Year 6!
I have created a quick survey on google forms, I would really appreciate if you could take the time to fill in the survey (its only 4 questions!). We are going to be using these style of forms to get feedback from yourself on your online learning experience. This week I am interested in what lessons/tasks you have had a go at this week. Please be honest!
At the bottom of the form is an option for you to upload any examples of work, or anything you have been doing since leaving school- it does not have to be school related! It would be amazing to hear from you (hopefully I have set it up correctly!).
Click the link below to access the form:
Monday 27th April
Happy Monday team year 6!
Hope you are all well and staying productive during these strange times, I have seen some amazing pictures of your activties! Keep sending them in :)
Due to the extended period of Lockdown, Walkley are expanding there online learning coverage. There will be weekly writing topics, guided reading and something creative (think science, P.E, art etc). The daily maths lessons will also continue.
This week for your home learning:
All the year 6 team miss you all, stay safe and enjoy your week :)
Hello Kensukes!
I have attached the Learning Log that was e-mailed to parents. It has a variety of writing tasks and links to other helpful websites.
Remember, when attempting the writing tasks follow the 10 step process, just like you would at Walkley!
Mr W.