Science - Journey Through the Body
Week beginning 8th June
Hello Kensukes. I'd like you to do some research on the impact of diet and exercise on the body. Your task is to describe the effects of a healthy lifestyle on the body to someone of a similar age to you.
LO To understand how diet and exercise impact on the human body
I can remember to:
Research and make notes
Explain what a healthy lifestyle consists of
Describe how diet and exercise impact the human body
Present the information in a poster, brochure or information text
Take a look at the slide show, videos and web links and research the effects a healthy lifestyle has on the body. You can use the headings on the sheet below to make notes as you do your research. Use your notes to create either a poster, a brochure or an information text for a child your age explaining the effects a healthy lifestyle has on the body. If you'd like to share your work with us from this topic, click here. We'd love to see what you do!
This week in science our topic is the human body and we are looking at the circulatory system. First of all you can have a go at this activity which will help you to revise the different systems in the human body and their functions.
Today we are learning about the heart.
LO: To identify and name the main parts of the heart and describe its functions
I can remember to
Research information about the heart
List the functions of the heart
Label the different parts of the heart
Task 1
Your first task is to do some research about the heart and why we have a heart (what its functions are). You can make notes, create a fact sheet and/or design a poster with the information you find out. Here are some web links that you can use for your research:
Task 2
Your second task is to label the different parts of the heart. You have three choices of how to do this.
Choice 1: If we were in school, we would make a model of the heart using saltdough and label the different parts. See the example pictures below (you don't need to use colour if you prefer not too - you can just label the different parts). If you would like to do this, click here for the salt dough recipe. You could also use playdough or plastercine if you have that at home. Alternatively, if you're up for a drawing challenge, you could make your own sketch to label.
Choice 2: Click here to label a heart interactively
Choice 3: To use the sheet below to label the different parts of the heart. Use the word mat from choice 1 to help you.
Fun Science
Freezing and Melting Science Activity
Check out this fun bit of science you can do at home. It's a great trick to try out on people! The instructions say to leave it for 10 minutes but we set the timer for 3 minutes and it worked really well. Click here to feedback or here to share what you do!
Science Task 3: Have we always looked like this?
Week beginning 11th May
First of all, don't forget to share your work using this google form! This week, we are going to do an investigation linked with Darwin's observations of birds on the Galapagos Islands during his HMS Beagle Voyage.
LO To investigate how living things are adapted to suit their environment in different ways
I can remember to:
use equipment carefully
make predictions
record results in a table
draw conclusions from results
Once you have completed your investigation you can think about what you have found out. You could use this sentence frame to summarise your results and draw conclusions. Don't forget to share your work with us on this google form. We'd love to see your work!
The most suitable beak for the _______island was the ___________. The reason for this was ___________. (think about the size and shape of the beak and how this made it easier to pick up the particular type of food)
If a bird with this beak lived on the island it would ___________________.
The most unsuitable beak for the island was the _____ because ________.
Art and Design with a Science theme! Have we always looked like this?
Task 2 - week beginning 4/5/20
LO To create a new species of animal and the environment that the it’s adapted to.
I can remember to:
Draw/make the animal designed in task 1
Draw/make the environment the animal is adapted to
Create an animation showing the moment the animal was discovered by a scientist
This week you have a creative task that follows on from task 1, which was to imagine yourself as a scientist that has just discovered a new species of animal that has never been seen before (scroll down this page to find the information about this task). For task 2, you are to draw or make this animal and its environment/habitat and you can extend this further to create an animation of the moment you discovered it.
Here is an example of one. What clues can you see for the type of environment/habitat it is? What sort of climate do you think it has?
Science - Have we always looked like this?
Task 1 - week beginning 27/4/20
Hello Kensukes! Miss Travis here with some science for you. You can send in any of your work to or upload it onto this google form.
LO: To describe how an animal is adapted to suit its environment
I can remember to:
Match the animal's diet to its environment
Describe the skin/covering and how this is suitable for the animal's survival
Explain how the animal moves in its environment
Sketch a front and side view of the animal
Click here for a link to key vocabulary for this topic.
Last term, we started a science topic about Evolution and Inheritance. We watched this fascinating clip presented by the fabulous David Attenborough about the history of life on earth.
We started to learn about the Theory of Evolution put forward in the 19th century by the famous scientist Charles Darwin. In 1831 Darwin boarded a ship called the HMS Beagle and set off on a voyage around the world to study and collect animal, plant and rock samples.
His voyage lasted 5 years and the research led him to develop his ‘theory of natural selection’ that explains how animals are adapted to their environments in order to survive.
The most famous part of Darwin’s voyage was his visit to the Galapagos Islands, a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of South America. He wrote notes, kept a diary, sent letters and made detailed sketches of the huge variety of wildlife on these islands.
The Galapagos Islands have volcanoes, beautiful coastlines and coral reefs. The climate is sub-tropical with a mixture of warmth, rain and sun. A huge variety of species can be found on the Galapagos Islands – have a look here for some examples.
You can use this sheet to help you design your creature.
You can have a look at these examples from previous Y6 pupils.