L/O: To use AM and PM.
Miss Kendall will be delivering this weeks Maths on Time!
First, lets get your brains warmed up with a.... wait for it.... SUPER MOVERS!
HERE is Fred the Red with your six times tables! Have a dance to get your brains active!
Any work you would like to share from this week either with a teacher or your classmates please submit on the google form at the top.
L/O: To understand seconds, minutes and hours.
WARM UP: Get your brains warmed up with Moonbeam
L/O: To convert between units of time.
WARM UP: Get groovy with the rapping unicorn practicing your x9!!
Submit your work using the google form at the top!
Thank you if you've sent in videos!! - You know who you are!! I REALLY enjoyed watching them!
However, if you are filming videos please don't say the childs name. I can only post them on the blog if they are anonymous even if we all know their faces!
L/O: To convert analogue and digital times on a 12 hour clock.
Try the interactive clock here
Submit your work using the google form at the top!
Welcome to Friday!! Your first week of online learning is nearly complete!
We've got some Friday Fun Maths for you today with two different activities for you to complete. One from Miss Travis and one from Miss Kendall, watch the videos to find out more.
Digit Cards with Miss Travis
LO To make different numbers using digit cards
I can remember to
find odd numbers (ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9)
find even numbers (ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8)
use my knowledge of place value to find 10/100/1000 more or less than a number
use my knowledge of place value to order a set of numbers
First of all, please watch this video which demonstrates how to make your own digit cards. You could also use playing cards or UNO cards instead.
Sorting with Miss Kendall
L/O: To order intervals of time from shortest to longest.
Activity two allows you to have lots of discussion around lengths of time you will need some scissors for this task.